My wee lad Peter suffers from asthma ( the onset of which co-incides with his first vaccinations... Ho Hum..) and although we do our very best with his diet and lifestyle he gets an asthma attack everytime he catches a bad cold or virus- that`s the trigger with him. We`ve been to a homeopath who prescribed Kali Phos and this sometimes works if the wheezing isn`t too bad to start with- but inevitably when it gets bad I`ve to resort to his salbutamol inhaler for safety sake. This doesn`t really help, infact it makes him vomit, makes him hyper and any beneficial effects only last for about 30 minutes. What else can i use when Pete is actually having an asthma attack? Any advice anyone?? It`s so scarey and We usually end up taking a trip to the Sick Kids Hospital when it gets bad! Help!
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
I'm asthmatic and my friend keeps telling me to go and check out Butyeko. Not done it so far (so can't tell you how effective it is) but I've done some investigation on the net and there seems to be quite a lot out there that suggests it's very good. May be worth a look!
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
I am a chronic asthmatic myself and have just been looking at the Topic asthma - look in there as there is advice for children with asthma and a website you can check out for the Bowen Technique I think they said
Sometimes children can outgrow this thinking of you if is so difficult for children not to panic in these circumstances and naturally this makes things worse.
For years I was unable to control my asthma and have spent years trying to improve I don't tend to panic now and it certainly helps staying calm but still need lots of inhalers and pills.
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
is the an amazing site . My son had an amazing result for his asthma after his first treatment. There is an emergency move on the site for asthma attacks, and useful for panic/anxiety stuff too. If you want to know more about how my sons asthma respondde to the bowen treatment, pm me privately and i will tell you his story
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
Thankyou everybody for your responses and advice! I`m very excited about the Bowen Technique and will begin trying this straight away. We ended up having to take Peter (aged 3) to the Sick Kids hospital again at the weekend due to his asthma attack and unfortunately had to resort to giving him steroids to control it.
I am convinced that as the onset of his asthma was at the same time as his first baby vaccinations that this was the aggressor/cause.
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
Hi Rua,
let us know how he gets on. There are various free childrens bowen clinics around the country. My son has had no asthma attcks since his first bowen session feb 2004, before he used to get a cold =chest infection=steroids/antibiotics +3wks off school, about 4-5 times a year. Since that day he has been like a different child. IF he gets a cold, thats all it is, and he rarely misses school now. Obviously he went on to have more than one bowen session, but the turning point wa sthat first day.
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
Bristol University have been carrying out research about the effects of household cleaners on childhood asthma, especially air fresheners which are thought to aggravate and even cause asthma. It might be worth looking at what you are using in case anything is making the asthma worse.
If you'd like any information on some alternative products please PM me.
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
have you heard of the Buteyko breathing method?
Children take to it very well and soon give up needing any inhalers.
I'm sure you will want to try it for your child.
Best Wishes
RE: Asthma attack-alternatives to inhaler???
Try to avoid those elements that trigger an attack, avoid:
- Dust[*]Smoke[*]Mould[*]Animal Dander[*]Pollen[*]Chemicals[*] Food Additives
keep to a Vegan type diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, avoid:
- [*]Sugar[*]Salt[*]Caffeine[*]Chlorinated tap water
avoid food additives such as;
- [*]Sulphites[*]Tartrazine[*]Sodium Benzoate[*]Natural Salicylates
and increase Oily Fish in the diet such as:
- [*]Salmon[*]Trout[*]Herring[*]Mackerel[*]Sardines[*]Tuna
All the best
Thyme Infusion
I've had asthma most of my life, I was once at my friend's years ago and had an attack, and he brought me some tea. After a few sips I felt like my lungs had expanded, was miraculous! The teapot was half full of fresh Thyme and honey. I've kept a Thyme plant ever since and swear by it. I hope it works for your son. You can add other herbs like mint, and honey to sweeten and sooth.
I've had asthma most of my life, I was once at my friend's years ago and had an attack, and he brought me some tea. After a few sips I felt like my lungs had expanded, was miraculous! The teapot was half full of fresh Thyme and honey. I've kept a Thyme plant ever since and swear by it. I hope it works for your son. You can add other herbs like mint, and honey to sweeten and sooth.
very interesting! Was it just hot water or did it actually have tea in the pot too?
very interesting! Was it just hot water or did it actually have tea in the pot too?
it's just an infusion, herbs and honey if required. Let me know what you think :p
Have you tried taking hm completly off dairy products?
This can be a major problem for asthma .
He would have to be off dairy for at least a month,at a guess, before any real noticable possible difference.
Let me iknow f you want any info or assistance.
have some info
I've seen it myself the difference it can make as an old friend of myne her son had asthma too.
Good luck:)
Hi Rua,
I would recommend having a look at The Salt Pipe, as an alternative to the inhaler.
My sister & brother have used this (they get asthma symptoms, worsened by hayfever) & found it to be really effective. It is a gentle, drug-free approach that works & also helps to strengthen the lungs over time as opposed to shocking them into working.
I hope that helps 🙂
Hi ....I would be checking out a different homeopath and giving them a go if you are clear that the asthma began since vaccinations, remedies to clear the side effects of the vaccs can be given and this may just do the trick. It sounds like the homeopath you saw was treating the symptoms not the cause. Would completely agree re off the dairy or reduce it and as well would look at vitamin C supplementation to help the bronchial tubes and lungs recover themselves ...hth Fiona xxx
Diary products doesn't help as I do suffer from asthma but mild and rarely and yesterday I had some cheese left over from when I had visitors and didn't want to waste it so made a sandwich with it and sometime later had mild asthma! so will throw rest of it away! Normally eat diary free cheese.
Also too much cleaning doesn't help it can trigger off asthma, damp dust rather then use spray.
It's possible to tape small flowers like violet on bronchs
zones (Su-jok).
One may create such flower with small seeds like blackseed,
the sharp ends inside, the blunt ends to outside.
Violet flowers cured false croup attacks for a 4 years old
child in minutes (real case cited).
See "The Great Asthma Debate" posting for more thoughts and venue of first meeting in Kent on 22nd April 2010 7pm.
when it gets bad I`ve to resort to his salbutamol inhaler for safety sake. This doesn`t really help, infact it makes him vomit, makes him hyper and any beneficial effects only last for about 30 minutes.
There might be a clue here!
What is MORE difficult for him?
Breeting IN or OUT?
I guess your answer will be "in", or "both"...
You tell there is no benefit to inhaler, and it makes him vomit, so I think this not real asthma but "laryngospasm".