hi everyone...ok early stages of pregnancy nausea - not doing the trick...any other suggestions thanks
When I was pregnant, many years ago, I found that I only felt sick if I allowed my stomach to get empty. I had to eat breakfast as soon as I got up, otherwise I would feel sick, and as soon as I felt hungry I had to eat something. Unfortunately, I put on a lot of weight but, in the course of 3 pregnancies, I only ever vomited once - and that was when I couldn't eat breakfast straight away, for some reason.
good advice from Ellensdottir. I also found that dry melba toasts and dried pears (the softish sort) and Agen Prunes were good (also stop you getting constipated - anothe problem!), Also, the anti-nausea wrist bands that have a little button on the relevant acupressure point on the inside of the wrist are really effective.
Morning sickness
One theory about morning sickness is that it is due to blood sugar level variations -so eating something straight away helps.
Try dry food - dry toast, rich tea biscuits, oat cakes. Avoid tea and coffee as the caffeine itself causes rises and dips in blood sugar and try a soothing infusion such as peppermint, which aids digestion. Eat slowly and rest for a bit afterwards.
And relax. Give yourself time in the morning.
Hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby.
Sarah Collins
thank you everyone for the advice, much appreciated
Hi Atlantic Pearl, I put some suggestions on one of my websites for my pregnant clients which includes acupressure points and essential oils if you're interested its
Congratulations Atlantic Pearl x
I hate to tell you this, Atlantic Pearl, but my wife tried everything both times she was pregnant, and nothing worked - but don't let that stop you trying! The only consolation is that it passes. So I hope you soon feel well and wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. Congratulations!
Acupuncture has good results. I treated a client last year who had been in hospital with dehydration through morning (more like 24-hours-a-day) sickness. Acupuncture didn't cure it, as such, but it kept the nausea away until it naturally subsided during the second trimester. In her case, the results were instant. She felt relief the moment the needles were inserted. The choice of points in acupuncture is always individual the the client, but the combination of Spleen 4 and Pericardium 6 usually plays a part.
Hi Atlanticpearl,
I'm finding rotating between lemon in hot water, peppermint and chamomile helpful. I've also been trying to eat small amounts regularly. There is a theory that the sickness can be due to deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals or iron due to extra demands on the body. If you aren't already taking one, a multi-vitamin could help (or I take floradix, which is more easily absorbed by the body). To help your liver deal with all the extra hormones, you can increase the amount of cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower you eat, as these all boost liver activity.
Hope this helps!
Thanks everyone for your advice, I don't need any more advice now as I have miscarried.
What terribly sad news, atlanticpearl; after all that you've been through recently.
You are in my thoughts.
Oh AP I am so sorry, sending you lots of hugs and healing prayers xx
How very sad and disappointing for you Atlanticpearl. Sending Love, Light and Healing to you and BIG cyber hugs :hug:. My thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear that AtlanticPearl, sending you love and healing. xxx
So very sorry to hear that Sarah. Take care of yourself. (((hugs))) xxx
Sarah I am so very sorry to hear that. Sending you big hugs :hug:.
thank you for all the caring messages
sometimes I guess things aren't meant to be, things happen for a reason - (star - maybe the angels have some good news! )
Symphoricarpus (Homeopathic remedy) 30c worked for me. Do check or preferably get a homeopath to check that it is the correct one for you though. (The Homeopathic pharmacies such as Ainsworths and Helios advise on the phone). Best of luck.