We are trying for a baby and I have noticed ovulation type pains on the right side of my uterus on day 23/24(today). Until now I have been hopeful I am pregnant as I have had mild cramping on days 18 and 19, a few days after ovulation and since day 22 I have had tender breasts. I saw these as positive signs of the hormonal change associated with pregnancy.
I am now concerned that these one sided cramp style pains could relate to an ectopic althought text book says these are not normal until week 6. My period is due later this week but even if it comes I will be worried as a friend had an ectopic after her period came.
Can anyone advice me. These cramp style one sided pains come and go, a bit like period cramps but these are not normally one sided.
Help please!
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
Hi Ecoflower
Dont worry....if you are in the very early stages of pregnancy there are all sorts of niggles that you get, dont forget if this is your first pregnancy your body is completely new to it and working it out as it goes along! Ectopic pregnancies are not that common and at this stage it would be unlikely you would have pain from that at this early stage...
Also as you are trying for a baby you get like a heightened awareness of everything that goes on in your body looking for signs both good and bad.....
Please also remember you may get a bleed still even if you are pregnant although this isnt usually as heavy as a normal period.....as today is nearing the end in another three days assuming you have the standard 28day cycle you should be able to do a test....
Good luck and try not to worry
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
Hi Tigerbee
Thanks so much for responding and putting my mind at rest. You are right about a heightened sense of awareness! Fingers crossed all the other signs so far have been correct.
Take Care
Ecoflower x
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
More than welcome, been through the anxiety myself so know what its like....give me a shout if i can help any further..
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
(Good luck Ecoflower)
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
Hello Ecoflower,
Good luck with your pregnancy and new baby to come! Congratulations!
Yes, I have been pregnant three times (only had one live baby, the other two ended in miscarriages) and I can honestly say that with all three of mine, I had exactly the same niggly 'ovulation-type' pains you describe. TigerBee is absolutely right - your body has to adjust to its new situation and it is preparing to nourish and care for a new life inside it. You'll also experience similar but stronger pains of the same type later on - they're called 'labour pains', heh heh! All women are different, and the unusual cravings and odd pains come on very soon after fertilisation of the ovum. I knew that I was pregnant before I missed my periods.
Put down the books Ecoflower, 'cos they are making you unsettled at a time when you should be looking forward to bringing a new life into the world and having a little one call you 'mummy.' If you are worried, do speak to your health visitor or GP - they know you best and can advise you.
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
Thank you all for your replies and good wishes. False alarm I'm afraid. I was so convinced this month that I was pregnant but sadly it was not to be. The wierd pains did get worse for a couple of days but thankfully they led to nothing.
I'll keep trying!
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
and much love from me and good luck, and dont forget HAVE FUN
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
:Di to am trying and it really gets you down when that red light comes oncea month try tillting ya bum after sex out topillows under u so the sperm run in to u good luck with trying have loads of fun [sm=busch.gif]
love and blessings cazwix[sm=sandrine.gif]
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
Thanks for the advice Cazwix. I have been trying that but no luck so far. I am in my fertile period at the moment so fingers crossed yet again!
Good luck to you too. It's wierd but a few months ago I never even noticed pregnant women but now I see them everywhere!
Take care
Ecoflower x
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
A warm hot water bottle with help with the pain
Good Luck - it's worth the wait !
Love sweep !
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
hello ive been told try the 14 1516 17 th day after the 1st day off ya last period them are your most fertile days and i wishe you loads of luck and relax[sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif][sm=grouphug.gif]
love & blessings cazwix[sm=sandrine.gif]
RE: Ovulation type pains at the wrong time!
This is true if you have a standard 28 day cycle....
if your cycle is any longer or shorter than that you need to track it for a couple of months then count back from the first day of your period 15 days and thats when you would have ovulated which if you then note the difference in days from this date and the first date your last period started you can count forward that amount in the next month to find your ovulation date....
Hoe that makes senses...
you may have a hormonal imbalance and pmt symptoms increase with tissue of ovaries being sensitive...........have a hormone check through doctor.........a simple blood test giving progestrone/prolactin levels etc and also will indicate if you are ovulating this will check this angle.
If pain persists insist on seeing a specialist have checks and if not happy push for a endoscopy as things do get overlooked and put off by nhs and i feel you need reassurance that all is well. Goodluck
if you get hot or dizzy ring emergency doc/hospital.
let us know how you are ok