Hi im nearly 35 weeks pregnant and isometimes feel a slightmovement in my vagina which is really soft and as soon as i touch the top or middle part the baby does a big kick and my belly tightens, Im wondering if the head is engaged as i went to the midwife 4 weeks ago and said the heads down but but not yet engaged (at 30 weeks) but im seeing her again this week.
RE: Movement
Hi Katie...firstly congratulations:D
If I remember right (it was 3 years ago 'tonight' whenI was last in labour:D) ababy's head can partlyengage & then disengage & it's quite normal at your stage of pregancy...the soft movement you feel may be the 'show' getting ready to give way (the 'show is athick layer of mucus which protects the baby fromgermsfrom the outside world & commanly gives way days or evenweeks before labour starts & should be mentioned to your midwife if this happens...but not every women has a 'show')
My advice to you is that if your unsure or worried about ANYTHING contact your midwife of labour ward...thats what they're there for;)
Good luck