hi all
was just wondering what everyones veiws are on this immunisation,as i've heard alot of negative feedback on this and am now really confused:confused:
i stalled with my youngest, as the mmr concerns were at their peak back in the nineties ( he's 12 now!) but eventually let him have the vaccination and he had no side effects.:)
warmest wishes- calla lily x
From what I have read and as far as I can work out, the child must be in good health before having the jabs. IMO if their immune system is struggling, it is not good to load it with even more and expect things to go well. I would suggest even a sniffly nose is cause for delay, but especially if there is eczema. I would also question the age at which many injections are given when the infant's immune system is still coming to terms with living on this planet.
However, there is no doubt that generally immunisations do help protect against some awful illnesses and often if these develop as adults they can be quite serious. If you put MMR vaccine into Google you can read through many official reports. I believe there is no mercury in the vaccines used in UK, but the base that is used in the vaccines can also cause adverse reactions.
It seems to be a matter of weighing up the benefits and the risks.
Good advice
But everyone must look at the problems a child may have if they missed their MMR jab, for instance here in Wales we have a hugh problem of children who havent been immunised. Mealses is spreading very, very quickly, not only children but adults as well.
The number of people admitted due to complications of mealses is on the increase, I think people seem to forget that a few years ago there were very few measles cases.
Mumps also has it's own complications, again there is an increase of incidents.
The facts and figures are available on the net, for those in Wales look at but the advice is applicable for everywhere. There are daily updates on measles and swine flu, along with other health problems affecting people in Wales.
P.S. My son has excema and he had the MMR
After my eldest went down with ear infections within 24 hours of his first two vaccinations, he had no more during childhood and my two youngest children (14 and 11) aren't vaccinated at all.
My youngest is extremely chemically sensitive (had terrible problems with fluoride when he was very young).
Its not just about mercury unfortunately, and for us, the risks are too great. :hidesbehindsofa:
thank you all for your replys
i will look it up on google,a few people have suggested getting the measles and mumps jabs seperatly,that i will look into also as here in essex we have an outbreak of measles too.
I was so worried about this my little one. I was too scared to get it done but I was just as scared because I hadn't got it done. Evantually, we decided to have the injection and he was perfectly fine, and still is.
Despite what the government says, I think the MMR injection does carry a risk, albeit a very, very small one. But the dangers of not having the injection are much greater in my opinion.
You do what you think is best and right for your child and that's all you can do. They're your children and no-one can or should make these decision for you.
I made the mistake of believing a practice nurse when she said that a week was a perfectly acceptable gap between getting rid of the last chickenpox spot and having the first baby injections. Turns out it should have been 6 months and we, and especially our son, have been suffering for it ever since. Add to that the fact that my sister's children all had serious reactions to the MMR itself and we have a family history that says "stear clear at all costs".
I believe there is a genetic pre-disposition to adverse reactions to vaccines, just as there is a genetic pre-disposition to adverse reactions to illnesses. If there's a history of problems in your family, think very carefully. If there isn't, still think very carefully. But there's probably less chance of problems. And unless you know that your doctor is open-minded, don't even bother asking them. A GP at our surgery, in an effort to get me to vaccinate my already vaccine-damaged son by telling me that the MMR saves lives in Africa, told me that there is no link between mal-nutrition and the immune system.
In closing (and this is going to be massively emotive and probably get me flamed but hey ho), I will not give me children anything which has a listed side effect of death, and whilst measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox etc do kill some people, the vaccines kill more children. There is a difference between "safe" and "benefits outweighing risks".
In closing (and this is going to be massively emotive and probably get me flamed but hey ho), I will not give me children anything which has a listed side effect of death, and whilst measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox etc do kill some people, the vaccines kill more children. There is a difference between "safe" and "benefits outweighing risks".
I'm sorry but I will have to challenge you, if you search on the web for the number of children who died year on year before the vaccines were introudced far out number the number of children who sadly react to the vaccines in our more recent history. Why do you think the vaccines were introduced in the first place?
Before the vaccines were introduced measles sadly led to a very high death rate, which had nothing to do with your economic situation, if you were exposed to the virus, you would probably end up having it, again people did survive but for somethe complications afterwards (which people have forgotten about) led to very challenging lives.
Although I do respect your reasons for not immunising, hopefully those who are around you have been, in order to limit the spread. At the moment in Wales the numbers of reported case of measles is rising daily, which means the risks are rising for all those who are not immunised.