Hi guys
I had my scan on Wednesday, and am so excited to find i'm expecting a boy.
Love Princess
Congratulations! now you can go buy all the gorgeous baby boy clothes! Have fun. I also have a boy, he is 2 years, 3 m.
Hi heaven~spirit
Thanks a million, i know i keep looking at all the cute baby boy stuff now 😉
ohh congrats i want a boy now!!! well any more would be great! enjoy the shopping and take care xx
Baby boy
Congratulations princess:) I have 2 boys aged 6 and 2yrs and every day they bring me so much joy.I wish all the best for your pregnancy.Exciting times ahead.Keep us updated!
Lots of love and light
Congratulations Princess - what an exciting time for you - enjoy every moment!! Thanks for sharing your excitement.
Love and Light
:grouphug: Hello Princess,
Congratulations on the forth coming event, i used to love seeing mine on the scan,
i was in hospital with my 4th,
and 2 people had both had the sexes told to them, one bought all boy clothes the other all girls,
the day comes for them both to deliver. the one told she was having a male has a female and vice vercer, they werent happy.
they thought the end of the world had come it took counselling to sort it out for them.
take care
Congratulations. I love seeing scan pictures. Make sure you get plenty of rest before the little man is born 🙂
:grouphug: Hello Princess,
Congratulations on the forth coming event, i used to love seeing mine on the scan,
i was in hospital with my 4th,
and 2 people had both had the sexes told to them, one bought all boy clothes the other all girls,
the day comes for them both to deliver. the one told she was having a male has a female and vice vercer, they werent happy.
they thought the end of the world had come it took counselling to sort it out for them.take care
Hahaha. Lifes funny sometimes eh!