Hello everyone,
I'm now in my 28th week and since 26 weeks I've developed SPD. My fear is how this will affect giving birth and the level of pain. I wanted to have a natural birth without any pain relief, but the ironic thing is that since the beginning of my pregnancy all i've had is pain!
Has anyone who has suffered with moderate to severe SPD got anything about their labours that they would feel confortable about sharing with me? Did any of you still manage a giving birth without any pain relief or should i rethink my birth plan?
Thanks again!
Love and light
Hi Nisha,
Cranio sacral therapy can really help with SPD, it is very gentle and effective.
HypnoBirthing child birth preparation would totally prepare you for birthing easily and gently.
Doula support at the birth would also be very helpful.
there is every reason to believe that you can still have an amazing birth experience .
wishing you all the best
I suffered with SPD with all 3 of my pregnancies, and although it was described as moderate SPD I had very normal natural labours, with 2 water births, and a home birth. All without pain relief!
I am now a Massage therapist, massaging mainly Pregnant women, through labour and postnatally, so understand the condition alot more.( I also did this for my course project, which involved alot of research!) Firstly, just to let you know I have seen several women with severe SPD through their pregnancy & labour. However to be able to do this you will need help. finding a good masseuse who is qualified to massage pregnant women is a must, as is finding a McTimmoney Chiropractor. You need to find out what has caused your SPD, and go from there. If it is down to misalignment of the back or pelvis it can be helped. You may also want to have some 1-1 sessions with a good Pilates teacher who will show you exercises to strengthen the inner core, and hold your baby more securely. there are lots of things you can do to help yourself.
I am happy to talk to you if you want to PM me. there is so much you can do to help yourself, and in my experience no one helped me. I am very passionate about this subject, and feel women dont need to feel down or depressed about this, but just need help! am happy to help if I can!
Take care,
Tanya x
SPD can be a really tough card, but there are lots of ways of managing it and take from the posts below, you can have the birth you want and a natural delivery is certainly possible.
I'd agree with all the suggestions below, you could also look at the Bowen Technique which is very gentle and used with pregnant women and babies frequently.
Suzanne is right in saying that you would benefit from HypnoBirthing or hypnosis for childbirth its great in developing confidence about birth. A hypnotherapist can also teach you techniques to self manage discomfort in pregnancy.
The one thing that someone once told me who suffered from SPD is that she imagined that there was an tight elastic pulling her knees together and she visualised it whenever she got out of the car, of a chair, out of bed etc. It seemed to work for her.
Good luck,
Hi, my baby is due on Monday and i'm having the same problem & in huge pain. I find the only way to ease the pain is to have a bath.
I was also worried about the birth & the pain so kind of feel a little more at ease now.
Nine weeks later, still suffering
This message is for tj (Tania)--
I'm a new member, so I can't PM yet.
I have been suffering with SPD since the middle of my pregnancy. Now, nine weeks postpartum, it has not gotten any better. My physical therapist gave me SI joint exercises that immediately restarted the crotch burn and "inner buttocks" pain (I'm guessing the levitator ani). I told her about the flareup, and she told me to stop doing them then gave me no other suggestions because she can't see me for another appointment for a few weeks. She thinks one side of the pelvis is further forward than the other.
I am in the U.S., so it is very misunderstood here, and the medical profession in general seems clueless about it. I am also suffering front joint problems EVERYwhere. My elbows are in pain (one clicks when I swing my arm walking), my kneecaps are unstable and pop, and my ankles are popping. My doctor told me that the pain was simply psychosomatic due to the loss of my baby (stillborn at 41 weeks). I am so angry with him for saying that, I don't ever want to return to him. I do have serious grief, but no one will believe me that my ligaments are truly a mess.
The SPD is the most unsettling part of all because everyone told me it would go away after birth.
I am UNable to:
take short walks
wade in a pool doing gentle kicking
bicycle riding
lift legs to put on pants without discomfort
sitting too long
lie on my side, even with a puffy pillow between my legs
All of these gentle activities cause pain if not then, then definitely the day after.
I am so hopeless. I don't know what to do. I am spiraling into severe anxiety and depression, not just because I have no baby to show for my painful pregnancy, but because I continue to be in pain with no one who understands. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks much.
Nine weeks later, still suffering
This message is for tj (Tania)--
I'm a new member, so I can't PM yet.
I have been suffering with SPD since the middle of my pregnancy. Now, nine weeks postpartum, it has not gotten any better. My physical therapist gave me SI joint exercises that immediately restarted the crotch burn and "inner buttocks" pain (I'm guessing the levitator ani). I told her about the flareup, and she told me to stop doing them then gave me no other suggestions because she can't see me for another appointment for a few weeks. She thinks one side of the pelvis is further forward than the other.
I am in the U.S., so it is very misunderstood here, and the medical profession in general seems clueless about it. I am also suffering front joint problems EVERYwhere. My elbows are in pain (one clicks when I swing my arm walking), my kneecaps are unstable and pop, and my ankles are popping. My doctor told me that the pain was simply psychosomatic due to the loss of my baby (stillborn at 41 weeks). I am so angry with him for saying that, I don't ever want to return to him. I do have serious grief, but no one will believe me that my ligaments are truly a mess.
The SPD is the most unsettling part of all because everyone told me it would go away after birth.
I am UNable to:
take short walks
wade in a pool doing gentle kicking
bicycle riding
lift legs to put on pants without discomfort
sitting too long
lie on my side, even with a puffy pillow between my legsAll of these gentle activities cause pain if not then, then definitely the day after.
I am so hopeless. I don't know what to do. I am spiraling into severe anxiety and depression, not just because I have no baby to show for my painful pregnancy, but because I continue to be in pain with no one who understands. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks much.
Hello Lyn,
I am so sorry for your loss and for the pain you are suffering, physically and emotionally. I don't know the answer but your story really touched me.
I wanted you to know that, sweetheart.