Hi all,
I realise that everyone is different but I wondered how long it took everyone to get pregnant? My mum fell straight away with me and my brother so we were both well planned and my friend who has just had a baby took 6 months?
I'd just be interested to see if there was an average?
RE: How Long?
I read a statistic somewhere that 80% of women fall pregnant within 12 months. I get the impression that those that fall pregnant straight away are in the minority.
RE: How Long?
Strange isn't it? 80% of women get pregnant within 12 months intentionally and many other get pregnant even though they have not planned it, didn't want to and have taken precautions.
RE: How Long?
I fell for my boy 'first time out', and became pregnant a second time whilst taking precautions. I found it so easy to fall pregnant, andI wonderwhy some other women take ages to have a baby. I don't know why that should be. I was just lucky, I suppose.
RE: How Long?
both my sons wives got pregnant right away..
my dtr took 5yrs to have her dtr,and has been trying for the last 7yrs to have another one.
kath [sm=FIFangel.gif]
RE: How Long?
I fell pregnant straight away......it wasn't planned ....nor was it planned.....but we are delighted. I don't think there is any right time to try....it happens when its meant to.
Good luck....I'm 21 weeks pregnant (tomorrow) x
RE: How Long?
3 of mine were straight away but my last daughter took 5 yrs but at the time we had just movedhouse and trying for a baby was the last thing on our minds 8 weeks later after the move boom was p.g
good luck to all our ladys and there bumps
RE: How Long?
I lost my babyin July and I fell again in october/november.
However, since I'm odd, I only have a period once every three months. I had a period in September and, as I say I fell in late october, early november.
I would say it was quite quick for us 🙂
RE: How Long?
Straight away, x3.
RE: How Long?
Same as spinal music, right away x3. I agree with busy bee, if it's meant to be it will happen.
RE: How Long?
I got pregnant with my daughter on the pill but was very happy, I was quite young too being 22. I then got pregnant when she was 3 months old after once not using anything. I lost that baby though and we decided to try again. I got pregnant after 2 months but lost that baby too, I lost another 2 more before conceiving my son. I always fell quickly. Then last year we tried for another and after 3 months I got pregnant, I lost that baby too and although I'd love to try again husband says no for now.
RE: How Long?
It took me 12 months to conceive my son and again 12 months for my daughter. There is 5 years difference in age. i guess 12 months was meant to be