ALL MINE WERE BIG whoppers 9 lb boy 9lb.3oz girl 10lb 3oz boy last 1 was 11lb 9oz how heavy were your ,s and do you think you got looked after well after the birth would love to hear thanks cazwix
Both mine were very late and unduced both times, 1st 13 days late normal delivery 8lb 10oz, 2nd 10 days late, 11lb 3 and 1/2! He got stuck and had some distress so ended up with section. It was good decision as they had problems delivering shoulders even by section, but it was also frustrating as I was fully dilated and pushing with the head visable, but he would not descend any further:016:, At the end of the day it is about having a healthy baby and healthy mummy and that is what i tell my clients regularly as a midwife...
My little girl was born 2 days late on Friday the 13th weighing 8lb 6oz and is really tall already at 8 and is in size 2 shoes and keeps trying my 6's on I think I will have to watch out soon they will fit!
My 15 year old was born 10 days late and weighed 5lbs 13oz and is a big lad now.
My 8 year old son was born 2 days early and weighed 8lbs 2 oz and is very slim and tall.
My eldest son, 33, was 6lb 12oz and 6lb 13oz on discharge. The nurses were ecstatic as babies lose weight after birth. He's now around 5'10/11".
My youngest son, nearly 31, was 7lb 10" and nearly 6' now.
I'm only a titch so was pleased they weren't whoppers! 😉
My son was 16 days late before being induced and then the little blighter got stuck (he just wasn't ready to come out was he!!)
He was 8lb 8oz after a very nasty forceps delivery (which is why I am having problems now).
Daughter was born (fell out) 3 days after EDD and was 9lb 3oz.
My 4 kids were 6lbs, 7lbs 12oz, 7lbs 15oz and 7lbs.
mine was 7lbs 4oz and now is between the 91st and 98th centile she is going to be soooo tall
Great thread
My first son was 9lb 9ozs and my second son was 6lb 12ozs and we are currently trying for number 3, but hey if that never happens I've got 2 beautiful children to be thankful for x
mine were all big too between 8lb too 11ib babys and i still would do it all again the care was well too wheni had them all only down side was the oldest since having the injection in to the spine i suffer with pains downwards in to the base of the spine
During women face various problems. Among them Emorrhoid is a commonly seen problem during pregnancy. It is otherwise called as piles. It has to be understood that hemorrhoid is a kind of varicose vein. It is quite common that more blood flows through the veins during pregnancy and hence there is the likelihood of the veins getting dilated too. As a result of this increase in blood flow, you will develop swelling around the rectum on account of the dilated veins.
Mine was only 6.4lbs but I still had to have a c-section because I'm small and my boy was tall, thanks to my husband's genes, no doubt.