From April 2009, you can claim a one-off, tax-free payment from H M Revenue & Customs (HMRC) if you're a mum-to-be who's at least 25 weeks pregnant. The payment is called 'Health in Pregnancy Grant' and is to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.
Your due date needs to be on or after 6 April 2009 for you to make a claim.
For more info look here
I think everyone is entitled to it.
Joanna x
thanks for th info
there is a new baby due in our family this summer, so have sent the info on to the new mum to be
I bet your midwife doesn't know about it. My wife is due in beginning of April and our local surgery had no idea about this grant. You have to have a numbered form which needs to be requested and signed by your midwife to be able to claim it.
Like everything, the Government sarts ll these schemes but fails to get theforms out to start on time! I am a midwife and have known about this since October and our local Trust ordered the forms for us to issue but we are still waiting for them! You try phoning and its a voice mail saying its too busy to answer calls, wonder why!!!!
I will ask my midwife next timeI see her, thanks. Jo x