I have been trying for a baby for 7 years, over the last 4 i've had many investigations,
i have just sent a letter to the hospital to ask for a referal to a fertility clinic,
and hopfully going to start IVF soon!
is anyone else going through the same, what should i exspect?[sm=angry-smiley-035.gif]
RE: Going into IVF
Hi Kaylin
I haven't had IVF myself, but lots of my clients have or are in the midst of it. I can really sympathise as I had problems conceiving plus an ectopic myself. I do now have 3 lovely daughters so am very thankful for the fertility help I did get, involving a few procedures etc.
You need to know that it will be difficult at times, and you need to stay calm with it all. The worst thing seems to be the waiting as we are governed by monthly cycles and a month seems a long time when you are longing to conceive. My ladies seem to cope well with various hormonal tests and scans to check ovulation etc. and the hormone meds.
Just try to be positive about it and get all the help you can to relax and improve your overall health. The Dad does too, make sure you are both eating really well, no smoking and very moderate drinking, ( Alcohol makes sperm very sleepy:)).
Best of luck
Jan x
RE: Going into IVF
Hi Jan
Thank you for your reply, and your kind words. I think the hardest thing is the waiting,
i'll keep you posted if you would like?
many thanks
kaylin x
RE: Going into IVF
it would be lovely to follow your journey and we may be able to support you through it as well....good luck
RE: Going into IVF
Please do keep us posted Kaylin and as T says if you need any support or help we're here for you. A diary would be really interesting (as detailed as you feel comfortable with) and a help to us as well if you feel you could.
Will watch this thread for that.
Jan x
RE: Going into IVF
Thank you both with all the support, as soon as i hear any thing i'l let you all Know.[sm=cat.gif]
I'l keep you all informed every step of the way, and if anyone wishes to ask me any questions aboult the Lap & Dye or the tubal surgery i had, if its any help to any one please don't hesertate to ask.
many thanks
(ps sorry about the spelling) x x:)
RE: Going into IVF
Hiya Kaylin
It may be a nice idea if you do a different thread on each of those proceedures so that if people are looking for information they can find it easily, of cours only if you are truely comfortable with that...
RE: Going into IVF
Hi Kaylin
I have a beautiful daughter who is 8 months now as a result of ICSI. The procedures that I had were exactly the same as IVF up until fertilisation whereby the IVF sperm and eggs are allowed to get on with it alone and the ICSI eggs are injected directly with an individual sperm.
It would not be fair to say it is an easy thing to go through nor to say hard so i will refer to it as challenging and difficult at times! The drugs/injections are not the nicest thing to encounter and you will feel very up and down like a roller coaster but it is beyond your control. All I can say is warn hubby and ask him to not reply to mood swings!! However, don't worry about the injections as I am needle phobic and coped okay..its not that bad really.
I found egg collection the hardest thing of all. It is quite uncomfortable and even a bit painful but it is soon over and forgotten. I was only given pethedine though and i believe some people are under anaesthetic. Finally, you have the two week wait...this is really important that you try to get on with everyday life and RELAX. I understand it is hard but essential. Try not to pin all of your hopes into the treatment just in case but remain focused and positive.
Nobody can know how you truly feel unless they have experienced IVF but many will empathise with you and it is great to have support for your down days. We were childless for 9 years and following a miscarriage thought it would not happen again. It did though and we thank our lucky stars...sleeples nights are harder though(ha ha)
Keep us posted and good luck...:D
RE: Going into IVF
Hi Kaylin
Just want to wish you lots of luck on the IVF. Im about to embark on ivf (hopefully) as well as I suffered from ovarian failure at the age of 16. Im feeling very low at the moment as Im surrounded by children and am finding it hard to cope and keep a smile on my face. Ive decided to try ivf but if that fails then I want to look into adoption.
Good luck again!
RE: Going into IVF
also recommend you get in touch with Foresight (preconceptual care + advice} absolutely essential to get your body right for conception. they actually have a better record in helping women to conceive than IVF, something like 80% success rate as opposed to 20%. all to do with optimum diet etc. found them extremely valuable.
RE: Going into IVF
I have a thread under Delamare on this forum. If anyone has any questions no matter how silly post them on and I will reply.