Extremely sleepines...
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Extremely sleepiness at early stage of pregnancy...any way to slow it down a bit?

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I am at very stage of pregnancy...only about 5-6 weeks at the moment...

I do not have many issues apart from one...day and night, I feel sleepy constantly...I have good 8-9 hours sleep at night but just after 10 or 11am in the morming, I start feeling sleepy...does not matter what I do..all I want is sleep. Sometimes I really do struggle to stay awake and concentrate on my work...

So I bought some good quality dark chocolate and eat 1 or 2 cubes when I want to wake myself up a bit...but because I feel sleepy allday, I would need to have few cubes a day which I am concerning the amount of sugar I will need to take.

Does anybogy know how to slow down this sleepiness a bit to fit normal daily routines without having much caffeine and sugar?



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Hi Hedgehog
Go with the body, do what it wants to do. It is a short lived phase. Go with it, it usually passes in a few weeks. The body must need all that sleep, go with it.
good luck

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Hi Hedgehog

Wonderful news about the new baby on its way. 🙂 - how exciting!

I would imagine it may have something to do with change of hormones. This can also cause sugar imbalance - it may be a good idea to see your Dr and get your urine tested for sugar. If that is clear, that's good, but I'd still keep off anything other than a wholefood diet - all fizzy drinks, sweets, sweetened breakfast cereals particularly and anything refined (out of a packet or tin!) can cause upheavals of the blood sugar - and if you have a wholefood diet it can only do good for the growing baby. Try to eat some protein at every meal - this helps to stabilise blood sugar levels - I realise this may be difficult if you are also feeling sick in any way, but it really is worth doing it.

See here for good [url]advice on diet[/url], and lots of other [url]female issues[/url].

Hope all goes well for you bot

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Thanks all,

It's really reassuring to have your advice. Thank you so much :o.

I have decided to take a day or two off work from tomorrow...will chill and relax well at home...hope that will make my body happier. Yes, will eat as much wholegrain as I can. I have lost quite a bit of my appetite last few days...fancy only apples and bananas. Feel wee bit sick as well. I will make sure a good supply of food goes there...he he.

Thanks again for your lovely advice.

Will keep in touch...


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Ahh yes! The bliss of early pregnancy!

Up until week 9 with my first all anyone saw of me was I was either going to sleep, alseep or waking up from sleep. I had a perpetual yawn on! It did pass! Obviously with my second it was harder so we watched alot of films with me dosing and with my third when I was working full time the only time I had to worry was if I was on a phone call and put on hold for too long because I would doze off and forget who I was hanging on for.

Like others have said, try and keep away from the sugery stuff, and be kind to yourself and just listen to your body - its working very hard at the moment 😉

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Hi Hedgehog

Congratulations on becoming pregnant!

Feeling sleepy in the first trimester of pregnancy is a normal, healthy and natural way to feel.

At just 5-6 weeks development your growing embryo is truly amazing already producing it's own hormones!

The hormones that a young embryo produces are all about helping it to attach safely to the uterine wall.

So he purposely makes you tired and sleepy because he wants you to slow down and stop rushing around, he's trying to get a tight hold.

Now is a time to really look after yourself, the way you feel and what you eat has a direct effect of the developing foetus, so be as healthy as you can be. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, drink plenty of fresh water, get lots of lovely sleep and avoid stressful situations.

Hope this helps!

Best Wishes


Natural Health and Wellbeing for Mum, Dad and Baby

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Very Common in Early Pregnancy

I suffered exactly the same during th first trimester of my pregnancy. My GP put it down to hormone imbalance and told me to grab a sugar snack to perk me up! 🙂
I have since discovered that this is not really the answer. For me I was tired and often had headaches. I read somewhere that dehydration is very common in pregnancy and that most mums should be increasing their water intake by at least 50%. So I began filling up a bottle of water at the start of the day and would make sure that by the end of the day the water bottle was empty. (This was a 2L bottle). Within a week, my headaches had passed and I had way more energy. I would also suggest some light walking. Exercise of any kind will make you feel better too and will give you more energy. Good Luck with everything.
