I found the above link which refers to the use of folic acid before and during pregnancy. Experts are advising this, which they say can prevent the birth defect spina bifida by as much as 70%.
Mind if I get on my soapbox :soapbox: ?
I despair of the medical/education services today. It is over 40 years ago since I did midwifery and it was proven then, beyond all doubt that lack of folic acid in the mother's diet at conception resulted in spina bifida. Anyone who has had delivered a spina bifida baby will know the anguish it causes both at the time and afterwards in the care of the poor infant - no matter how much can be 'mended' by subsequent surgery.
This information has been out there all this time and for some reason they have only just come round to impressing this fact on the general population ??????? I believe folic acid is added to bread in some other countries - it is a vital nutrient for all and very belatedly this country is realising a poor diet can have serious consequences. Surprise, surprise :rolleyes:.
It should be taught in school, as it used to be - I seem to remember it was taught in 'domestic science' - which was so denigrated and then discontinued. So now we have a generation of young people who can neither cook, understand the benefits of a balanced diet or even what comprises a balanced diet - their mothers are working and don't have the energy to teach this vital information to their children. At least after Jamie Oliver's campaign they are trying to reintroduce this subject but there is a vast gap in between. Let's hope the message gets through! And remember to eat plenty of vegetables, especially greens and beans!
Sorry - rant over - I'll get of my soap box now 🙂
I did not take folic acid with my first, but did take it pre-conception for 3 months. I am useless at taking pills but had a balanced diet. I did not take folic acid with my second (am nearly 7 months pregnant) but also am eating healthily throughout, apart from the odd cake and chocolate. But I agree with you CarolineN on your statement. Eating healthily should be a priority in ours and our childrens lives. Lots of fruit and vegetables i.e. 5 a day!!
My daughter in law's sister has recently given birth to a baby with this condition, I'm not sure what the mother's diet was like or whether they recommended folic acid be taken prior to conception. I believe it is in the first month that the neural tube develops and this is why it is so important to either take a supplement or better still have a good balanced diet anyway, but particularly if you are planning to conceive. If only they had known about this as they have had to go through so much stress since the baby was born, with several operations and concern about whether the baby will be paralysed or not. Usually birth is such a joyful time, but there has been no joy for them as yet.
I believe it is in the first month that the neural tube develops and this is why it is so important to either take a supplement or better still have a good balanced diet anyway, but particularly if you are planning to conceive. If only they had known about this as they have had to go through so much stress since the baby was born, with several operations and concern about whether the baby will be paralysed or not. Usually birth is such a joyful time, but there has been no joy for them as yet.
Yes, the neural tube is developed in the first month, which is why it is so vital to take folic acid preconcetion, because by the time the pregnancy is confirmed (even at 6 weeks - 2 weeks after a missed period) it is too late, unless one is consuming a healthy diet!
The stress of coping with a baby with spina bifida is vast, and as you say, takes all the joy out of what is normally such a happy occasion. It is an enormous commitment of care. My heart goes out to your relatives and hope the operations are successful.
Is it not so much easier to take a small supplement, or better still eat properly?
Mind if I get on my soapbox :soapbox: ?
It should be taught in school, as it used to be - I seem to remember it was taught in 'domestic science' - which was so denigrated and then discontinued. So now we have a generation of young people who can neither cook, understand the benefits of a balanced diet or even what comprises a balanced diet .....
I totally agree. Coocking should be teached at school. Shouldn't we start to think about health from "sperm to term". Nutrition plays such an important role also before a girl gets pregnant. The cells need all the nutrients especially from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. We all know what we should do - eat 5 a day.
There is an interesting study by Doug Odom MD about "phytonutrients may decrease obstetric complicatins". This double blind study has shown that with a whole food fruit and vegetable supplement (FVJP) preeclampsis dropped from 21% to 0%. Also there where no deliveries before 37 weeks and also less Cesarean birth (47% vs 66%)
If you would know more about this review please email me.
What I also would love to mention are all those additives, sugars and artificial drinks. We have to learn to read what we eat. Coming from Switzerland, I thought I would go for a Robinsons fruit juice - as it was on the label "no added sugar". At home I wanted to drink it, but then I realised I was drinking a "chemical cocktail" 😡 No added sugars but added sweeteners. Why on earth do we need to put sweeteners in a fruit juice?!
Especially before and during pregnancy we should watch out even more and read the ingredients.