Does a woman know w...
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Does a woman know what she's having before the 20wk scan?

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Bit of a strange question, it might be me just being silly but my friend noticed i keep saying "she" when i talk about my baby. Im only 9weeks, she was telling me when she was pregnant she knew she was having a boy from the moment she found out she was pregnant and it turns out she did. Do you think i woman knows the sex of her baby?

Im not bothered what the sex of my baby is but this is quite intresting. Anybody else know what they were having without being told?

Thanx guys 🙂


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with mine I just knew which sex I was carrying even to the point I had not seriously looked at different names.

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:hug: Hello saz.

I knew what i was carrying with all my children. with my first i was told by everyone its a girl, i said its a boy and a boy it was, so the answer to your question is yes,


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I didnt have a clue clearly as I was convinced it was a boy and out popped a beautiful baby girl!!! :o) xxxxx

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I was sure I was having a girl both times, and I am now a happy mum of two Boys 😀

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I'm due for my 20wk scan in a few days time and don't intend to find out, but I''m convinced I'm having a girl. I'll let you know if I'm right in September! I always thought before getting pregnant that my first one would be a boy... but a few weeks before getting pregnant I had a 'vision' of a little blonde-haired girl and I'm convinced I saw my daughter. I've also had three dreams about the baby and in each one it was a girl.

So I'll be very, very surprised if it's a boy.

No matter what, though, I'm unspeakably excited and really enjoying being pregnant.

Congratulations, by the way!!!

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I knew I had a boy and what his name was going to be and that was BEFORE I even did the pregnancy test. So I named him what he wanted 🙂

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I am 33 weeks pg, wasn't told sex at 20 week scan, but have felt from beginning of pregnancy that I am carrying a girl, have her name picked, no other names are standing out, particularly boys names don't seem to be appealing at all, although I have no preference whether boy or girl, I also feel she will look like her daddy! not long to wait now, so I guess we'll soon see!!!

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I was sure I was having a boy when I fell pregnat the first time (I was right)
Hubby and I both convinced number 2 was a girl - found out at 20 week scan it was a boy!
Positive I was having another boy 3rd time round and I was right.

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I did not find out the sex of my baby.

I was convinced I was having a girl up until about 24 weeks, over halfway of my pregnancy, I got feelings it was a girl, then I had a 3D scan and the baby looked so much like his dad, i knew my baby was a boy!!!!

I had a boy!

The funny thing is too, everyone says Matthew looks like me, rather than his dad!!!!

So my gut instict was wrong!!! My visual identification was right though!!

x x x

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I knew with both of mine.
I had my daughters name picked out before my 20 week scan and just knew somehow she'd be a girl. With my son, I wanted another girl but knew he was a boy. But then I had very different pergnancies with mine from minute 1. I had no symptoms at all with my daughter and knew I was pregnant with my son without doing a test because I was getting a lot of them.

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Bit of a strange question, it might be me just being silly but my friend noticed i keep saying "she" when i talk about my baby. Im only 9weeks, she was telling me when she was pregnant she knew she was having a boy from the moment she found out she was pregnant and it turns out she did. Do you think i woman knows the sex of her baby?

Im not bothered what the sex of my baby is but this is quite intresting. Anybody else know what they were having without being told?

Thanx guys 🙂


Yes, of course she knows! She has pregnancy
