I'm having a planned section at the end of July for medical reasons. My first son was an emergency section and I remember very little of it and what I do remember is extremely traumatic and upsets me just thinking about it.
It sounds daft but I'm frightened this time because I will be completely with it and know what is going on around me, unlike last time where I was so tired I just couldn't comprehend what was happening, the thought of being aware of it all petrifies me.
I'm using a hypnosis specifically for c-sections every evening, but is there any other therapys I could try to help calm my nerves? Any advice much appreciated!!!
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It's brilliant, and a good practitioner will teach you how to use it during your c section.
Also the nhs runs (or used to) a birth debriefing service where a mw helps you look over the notes from the delivery and discuss things which you found traumatic. I know some women have found that really helpful. Also do you know the natural mamas forum? You might like it there 🙂
They're all homebirth crazy but plenty have had to plan sections, and could suggest things you can put in your birthplan to help you feel relaxed and in control eg skin to skin, delayed cord clamping if you're into that, no formula without your or your partners (if you have one) express permission (assuming you plan to bf) etc