Hi there everyone, just wondered if anybody can give me a bit of guidance. I have been for a laparoscopy after trying for almost 2 years, showed up cysts on the left fallopian tube, possibly as result of infection and a lesion. On the right one it was blocked. Just wondered if anyone has experienced something similar. I feel confused as not sure if left tube will be able to be of any use and also if right one can be unblocked?Any advice/experiences appreciated!I have an appointment with consultant to discuss in two weeks but 2 weeks seems a long time away right now!
i cant give advice as such , but possible some hope , my wife found out she only had one tube , turned out it had always been that way , the odds seemed very much against getting pregnant bt managed to do so . i guess this isnt much help , but hope it gives you some positive hope
hi H
i couldnt tell you if you would get pregant because i dont know your real condition
but what i can tell you is some of patients with one/two blocked tube i treated before got a baby ,some did not .
so you still have a hope to be a mother.
good luck
I have been for a laparoscopy after trying for almost 2 years, showed up cysts on the left fallopian tube, possibly as result of infection and a lesion. On the right one it was blocked. Just wondered if anyone has experienced something similar. I feel confused as not sure if left tube will be able to be of any use and also if right one can be unblocked?Any advice/experiences appreciated!
I can tell you from my passed experience that i have had 3 operations to remove cysts from my left and right ovaries and fallopian tubes successfully.
That being two laparoscopys and a cut along the bottom of my stomach.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, usually the cysts will return, i have another one now on my left ovary.
But i did concieve with the help of clomid, (fertility drug) 6 times! But unfortunately miscarried, but this was due to the blood in my placenta, becoming to thick.
I lost my right ovary due to Peronitis. a couple of years later!
Hope this can help you see, that there are still possibilities, and maybe the option of I.V.F if all else fails.
Good Luck;)
I was told my tubes were blocked. There is nothing so devastating as hearing "it will be impossible to have children without medical intervention" when you were expecting a routine exam and results and had no reason to expect anything different. We could have tried laproscopy to 'unblock' them, butthe risks of further making a mess of thingsdeterred us.I had cysts as well, and still do. I was told these are not the cause of the problem so we let them be.
We quitcharting and trying and went back to fun, recreational sex and decided to start adoption paperwork in a few months.Three months later, I was shocked to find I was pregnant. We lost it ten weeks later, but even that pain is helped by knowingwe can at least try again beacause it IS possible.
The OB who handled the miscarriage said that he never tells a woman with blocked tubes it is "impossible" to conceive, since sperm and eggs are determined little creatures and many times the dye testing (HSG)that is done to determine blocked tubes either clears them (and just a tiny bit will do) or the condition can improve on it's own and they don't know why. All I'd done is take a Standard Process vitamin called Ovex that is geared specifically at providing nutrients that the reproductive system requires and keep my hips elevated for about 20 minutes after sex. We cuddle anyway, so this wasn't difficult, and the supplements were cheap at $20/bottle.
Good luck to you, honey. Whatever will be, will be, but don't let that stop you from enjoying each other and life itself. Who knows, it could happen for you, too, when you stop worrying about it and just enjoy what you do have.