My sister is currently trying for her 2nd child, the only problem is she has been on strong pain-killers (which the doctors have stopped due to trying for the baby) for her back. She has two vertabrae which are rubbing and cause her to lose feeling in her legs if she "over does things", also alot of pain at times.[:@]
Can anyone recommend anything natural to help relieve the pain without effecting her trying for a baby and during the pregnancy?
RE: Back Pain and trying for a baby
Hi Nora-Bee
I think this post would be better on the back pain category. Anahata is very good on this sort of thing, perhaps you could PM him.
Apart from that, my own knowledge is about reflexology and acupressure, both of which may help. Other than that what about the Tens machines.
Your sister is brave to go in for another baby.
Jan X
RE: Back Pain and trying for a baby
Thanks Jan
I will try that area.
Thanks again for your help:D
RE: Back Pain and trying for a baby
Thanks Jan for suggesting that. I have exchanged PM's with Nora_Bee & we've found an excellent osteopath in her sisters area. Also, pointed out that osteopathic treatment may well help her sister concieve, assuming that the problem is with her & not her partner.
I will, at some point explain the physiology of how it's likely to help those that are having problems concieving on my osteopathy website, but unfortunately it's quite low down on my list of priorities at the mo.
Thanks again - And.
RE: Back Pain and trying for a baby
I would recommend trying a magnotherapy bracelet. I suffer from 2 prolapsed discs in my neck and was introduced to magnotherapy by my sister and I have not looked back. Trying for a baby myself at the moment and I am assured that it is fine to continue wearing it.
If you want more information please let me know as there are some cheap ones around which are normal magnets. The one I wear is much stronger and has a pulse effect.
I hope you find something that works. Good luck.