hi my waters broke at 12.30 am today. 7 weeks early. transferred by ambulance to lincolncounty hospital at 4.30am. on antibiottics, steroids, swabs and being tested for gestational diabetes. still leaking fluid but not in labour. oh lovely. forgot to say that here till next week unless induced due to problems.
How exciting for you, both of mine were born at 34 weeks. Sean was 4lb 4oz and Tasha 4lb 15oz, but within months they were the same as full term babes and no one realised that they'd been so little. As for now ...
Congrats and just breathe!
luv 'Bella :rolleyes:
Wishing you and baby well. I used to be an RN in a Special Care Baby Unit, things should be fine 🙂
Barbara x
Hello Heaven Spirit,
Hope you get to meet you baby soon and things settle for you both!
Take care
How lovely, do you know what you are having ?
Always think that the best time is when they put baby into your arms it's worth all the pain and worry.
Getting all mushy think its so sweet, making me feel jealous you are so lucky my child bearing days are all over ............ think the old man would kill me if I said I was expecting again :hidesbehindsofa:
Let us all know when the nappy event happens
lots of babies are born at your gestation. Relax, let the staff do what they need to and if the baby comes early it needs to be , nature is wonderful. If it is not time yet ( you produce amniotic fluid all the way through pregnancy) then the staff will monitor you for signs of infection and only deliver you if they feel your baby would be better off out. Relax and enjoy the prospect that you may meet your son or daughter sooner than you think!!! Good luck with everything and let us know how it all goes,
MASSIVE Reiki hugs to you , Jane x
thank you.i am having a girl. possible delivery next week the consultant said. she is a good weight at 6 lb 3. am very excited to meet her after seeing her on scan. but terrified of a naturaal birth as my first was rather traumatic.
Hi Tracy. I guess you must be in shock with all this going on. Try not to worry too much. Your bubba is a good weight so even if she is early she'll be fine. Keep us up to date with what happens. Take care xxxxx
still waiting although lots of pressure in pelvis last night. she may be engaging.
Hi Tracy, just wanted to send you more hugs and let you know I am thinking of you. Hope all goes well with the birth of your beautiful baby girl xxx
Lots of love, Catherine xxxxxx
Best of luck, I hope all goes well.
I was just talking to our eldest about her dramatic birth emergency C S, she was 5 6 and was in SCBU for two weeks.
hi. well if all well may be discharged mon and induced at 37 weeks. will update then. thanks for all the thoughts
Try not to worry too much. My brother's oh went into hospital when her waters went early, had the steroids etc, and had twins a day later at 33 weeks this week. They were ventilated for 24 hours but were fine and came of it the next day. As there were two of them they were small and will have to stay in SCBU for 4 - 7 weeks. But they're thriving so I am optimistic and think they may be able to come home after a few weeks.
I'm sure you and your daughter will be ok. And every labour is different, so the second time round it's probably completely different than the first time.
brianna born on 30/10/09 @ 6.46am at s****horpe gen weighing 5 7.5. been here for a week. staying in flats and another week to go. i was discharged from lincoln and then 2 days later went into labour. flashing lights by ambulance to hosp with contractions. she is doing well and need to establish breastfeeding before going home.
congratulations tracy! wishing you and baby well, look forward to seeing some photos on facebook soon!!! sounds like it was all a bit nervewracking, pleased that everythings turned out well, rachel xx
Brillant news that all is well and feeding well thats no problem at all after everything your'e gone through.
Congratulations and well done
:dance: :grouphug:
Congratulations indeed! I hope your birthing experience was a lot better than your previous one, and that you and the little one are feeling well.
With love,
Sarah x
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Brianna and good luck with the breast feeding.
Love Binah
Many congratulations Tracy. Fingers crossed you'll both be home very soon. And what a lovely name for your daughter! I've got my c section booked for 24 November so feeling a bit nervous. Take care of yourself and your little angel xxxx
Finally got home on Thursday evening after being in hospital for 13 days. She is 2 weeks old now but still so tiny. She is taking well to her milk. Her feeds now take 20 min instead of an hour. She is more alert now. She would be 36 weeks now too. So happy to be home. It was very hard in hospital, had my ups and downs but now trying to get her and Brother into a routine now. Will try download a photo at some point.
Good luck Kerrie.. all will be fine! x
Hello Tracy,
Glad to hear your both back home and safe.!
Love and sunshine,
Congratulations on the birth of your little girl. Im glad she is doing well.Must have been frightening her coming early. Hope you are well in yourself also and getting as much rest as possible via the help of family and friends.
Im due in 6 weeks and can't wait now.
karen x
Hi Tracy
How did I miss this??? Congratulations on the arrival of your little angel Brianna (lovely choice of name!). So glad all is now going well - not an easy start, but everything seems to be settling OK now. Thanks for the updates.
Wishing you all the best and big hugs :hug:!
Thank you everyone for your replies. Hubby back to work today so will see how I will manage. Not that bad am looking forward to some sort of routine now. Managing to get broken sleep as have to set alarm to wake baby. She will be waking me up sooner than I think as she is demanding more milk from me. Obviously a growth spurt. She is nearly 3 weeks old now.
[IMG] https://www.healthypages.co.uk/forum/<a href="[/IMG"] just an hour old
[IMG] https://www.healthypages.co.uk/forum/ [url][/url][/IMG]just 2 weeks
cannot figure out how to upload the photos (via photobucket) - any advice.
can the photos be seen?
Coming very late to this thread,:o congratulations and welcome to the world Brianna xx
Re photobucket, i think you have to change the the IMG bit to lower case for it to load up here, the photos can't be seen my end. 🙂
one hour old
just 2 weeks old