Hi all,
I am rhesus D negative and was advised to have an 'anti d injection'after a small bleed at 28weeks.
I resisted this as I was told I was put at risk of infectious diseases as it is a blood product however, after speaking to my obstetrician I decided to go ahead with the injection.I felt really ill for a good 10 days after and now 11 weeks later the hospital have called me back for repeat blood tests as they have found anti bodies?!
I am really confused with all of this -has anyone else been given this injection and if so what was your experience?
If anyone knows anything about anti d i would be grateful for a reply to this post !
Kindest regards.x
RE: Anti D injections
Firstly do not worry
I am A rhesus negative and have had to have anti D with both my pregnancies and afterwards as both my two turned out positive...
when did you have the injection, I know it says a bleed at 28 weeks but I now put you at 39 weeks (28 &11)... if there was a considerable gap between your bleed and the time of the anti D (I think its normally 24 or 48 hours) and your babies blood is positive you may make antibodies against your baby as your body would see the baby as an infection.....however I suspect at 39 weeks they would deliver you, if this is the case and I am not saying it is then there is a very small possiblity that baby may need a transfusion when born if baby is a blue baby.....
This all sounds very worrying but please dont, the hospitals are great with rhesus babies....
RE: Anti D injections
Good morning!
Just saw this thread and thought to share. I didn't know what blood group I was (assumed 'normal') until pregnant with my first daughter. Was then told I was Rhesus negative and would need Anti D after the delivery so as not to set up problems for any future baby. Apparently, as already said, our blood/body sees the developing baby as a parasite and would try to destroy it in the womb!
Anti D given on delivery and I had no problems at all. Decided about 8 months later to donate blood and they were amazed that I still had anti-bodies and now I have to carry a card for info re blood transfusions ( I can only have a certain type).
6 years later, when pregnant with second daughter I had to have a blood test every week to check my anti-body levels (only problem was it was taking 2 weeks to get results back!!). Then 2 weeks before baby was due I had a frantic phone call from my husband to say hospital been in touch and that the levels had risen so much that baby and me were now at risk so I was to go straight to hospital and would be having baby that day!!!!
As it turned out I had her the following day and they had theatre on standby in case she needed a total transfusion on delivery. Happily she came out looking yellow, not blue, so they put her under the ultra violet lamps in an incubator for about 4 days and she was fine.
I wish you well and great joy with your baby, you may already have had him/her by the time you read this!
My 'baby' is now 14 and perfectly normal.
Love and light
RE: Anti D injections
Hi Tigerbee & reiki Angel,
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me!
I was 28 weeks when I had the bleed and was given a blood test to see if the bleed had caused any anti-bodies -the result came back negative however I still was given the injection before my 72 hours were up.
I have had no further check ups until my 34 week blood tests were taken and the hospital rang me last week (38 weeks) and said I now had antibodies and to come back 4 days before I am due -I am due on the 30th August so they can take more blood to see if the anitbodies have risen -so that will be nearly 12 weeks of having antibodies in my system and I have not been monitored-agh!
Do you think it would be a good idea if I pushed for the results the same day because I may need people on stand by if a transfusion is required at birth -if I dont get the results before the birth then the hospital may not be pre-pared ..
Thanks again for your posts and it is very reassuring to know that you both have had two perfectly healthy babies ..
Take care
RE: Anti D injections
Dont worry the hospital will be prepaired as your antibodies will be on the notes...
RE: Anti D injections
Anti D injections are given to all women who are resus negative when they have ableed because the blood group of the baby is not known till they are born and if it is positive blood group and any of those blood cells get into the womans system. she will grow antibodies, these will not affect her then or the baby she is carrying, but where she to get pregnant again and the baby was a positive blood group again, the baby would be seen as a forign body and there would be a great risk that it would misscarry. so anti D injections are very important to have.