...baby Reda (boy), born 3 days early, 3rd September by emergency c-section, 6lbs10oz!
And another pic:
He's beautiful, Tigerlily - thanks so much for the pics!
What a beautiful baby boy, and such an unusual name! Are you ok after the caesarean?
C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S on your new arrival. x
Congratulations - he's gorgeous.
He looks delightful, Tigerlily!
Hope you're bearing up well after the birth, and many congratulations!!
I hadn't realised your time was here. I'm so excited and pleased for you and I love the name. Is it Algerian? What does it mean? I bet your husband is over the moon.
Many many hugs.
Thanks everyone!
The c-section came as a shock... I wasn't mentally prepared for it at all. My waters broke and I didn't go into active labour and after monitoring his heart rate for a few hours, which kept dramatically dropping, they decided to carry out the section. It was a very quick and efficient team, so even though I feel like I've 'missed out' on the experience of labour, I'm glad he was delivered safely.
Then for about 7 days I had a spinal headache - Google it - which laid me out completely. I was literally only getting up to use the toilet, I was eating my meals and feeding the little chap whilst lying down. But thankfully it went on its own and I'm healing up very nicely.
The meaning of Reda - taken directly from a website - is (In Gods) favour; contentment, satisfaction. And he does seem to be a contented little chap. It's an Islamic name, but probably more common in North Africa.
He's still quite little. I can hold him like a rugby ball, under my arm with one hand!
He's still quite little. I can hold him like a rugby ball, under my arm with one hand!
That'll soon change... its unbelievable how much they grow in such a short space of time. My daughter is 2 now and I can remember everything about my labour and its hard to think it was so long ago. Seems like yesterday.
Poor you about the spinal headache. Googled it after you mentioned it and ouch! I suffer from migraines and they're REALLY bad but don't know how that compares to the pain of a s.h. ?
Tigerlily, Very pleased to see your little man! Wish you and your family lovely times ahead.
Much love
Tigerlilly congratulations, thanks for sharing the pictures.
Hi Tigerlily, thanks for posting these lovely pics, he is so beautiful, congratulations and well done, take it easy, thinking of you on you recovery, enjoy,it only seems like yesterday when my beautiful daughter came into the world, she will be 20 in February 2011,enjoy every moment,time flies by 🙂
He's gorgeous 🙂 Brings it all back-my little girl is 3 1/2 now & I can't imagine where the time has gone. Thanks for sharing & best wishes to your family.
Yvonne xxx
Hi Tigerlily
What a beautiful little boy! Every best wish for a wonderful life for all of you. Thank you for sharing the photo with us.
Congratulations to you and your husband on the safe arrival of little Reda. He's beautiful and you must both be feeling very proud! Make sure you take good care of YOURSELF Tigerlily and accept all the help that is offered...I am speaking from experience;).
Congratulations again
Love and light
Many congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son! He is gorgeous! Enjoy the coming weeks and months as you watch him grow. 🙂
Lovely little son how chuffed you must both be :D..take it easy.. enjoy..loving the name well done.xxxxx
Congratulations Tigerlily & good to know you're doing okay now. He's gorgeous!! I've just said goodbye to my 'baby boy' as he's now 18 and left for Uni - it seems like only yesterday he was like your lovely little Reda.
Congratulations, he's a little smasher x
Delighted for you and your husband such a beautiful baby enjoy every moment xxxxxx
Thanks everyone!
he is a beautiful little boy tigerlily you must be so proud
congratulations tigerlily your son is just beautiful.;)