Hello every one.. just wanting some answers really.
Im 16 weeks and one day pregnant :Dwith my 1st baby (think thats why im so worried about every little thing) Basicly my book says ur say this is the "hunnymoon period" But to be honest i dont feel much different than i did before the 2nd trimester.. Every now and again i get some pain in my tummy id say kinda like a shooting pain..doesnt last very long, yesterday i had it on and off ALL day and then only once that i can recall from today,
:confused::confused:its worrying me a little as i have no idea if this is normal.. my husband asked a friend at work and she said that its just growing pains and every pregnancy is different, i should only worry if i bleed..is this true??
OTher than this pain i feel kind of myself.. and thats what my book says i should be feeling.. im mostly worrying about the pain.. its not unbearable or anything like that..Just worrying me in genral.. i have the midwife not this week but the week after so will still check all this with her..
Also iv been very tired in the evenings..falling asleep at 8.30 (usually go to bed at 11) is it normal to be THIS tired? but the last 2nights iv only managed to get 4hrs sleep for some reason (dont know if im worrying in the back of my mind or something)
Any bodys personal excperience would be helpful please 🙂 Just needing a little reasurance i think.
Thank you in advance.. hope u dont think im being too silly lol 🙂
falling asleep like this is not unusual ...make the most of it as sleep will be a rare commodity once the baby is born!!!
what does your midwife etc say about the pains in your tummy..?
If you're worried call your midwife but I think they're probably growing pains too. As for the tiredness and insomnia - perfectly normal 🙂
Hi im 24 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child.
I would tend to agree sounds like your muscles stretching and altering but if not sure ever in doubt call gp or midwife thats what there for.
could even be the baby in funny positions i know that can feel strange sometime like there clawing there way around.
Tiredness is normal and everyone different, im sleeping lots in the day time and restless at night trips to the loo and vivid dreams i beleive its our body way of preparing us for sleeplesss nights.
Good luck with everything x
Hi, the tiredness.. I remember that! I couldn't believe how tired I was.. so that sounds normal. The shooting pains i'm not sure about, as I never experienced them. Maybe you could book an appointment with an acupuncturist which would help rebalance your system.