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Hi folks,

I'm quite new to this being epileptic caper and I wondered - how do you go about finding what it is that triggers a fit for you?
I kinda think it's repetitive noise that sets me off, but how would I find out for sure?
Any tips tricks or ideas would be welcomed

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RE: triggers

Well how's this if you think its repetative sound you could try getting someone to play this sound over and over to you till you eventually fit. However I think that's a bit drastic, the only thing I can advise it to go to your gp (or specialist if you have one) and get an appointment with a good neuropyschologist. Tell him/her what you believe sets off your fits and they will test you. You may have to get stern with them but it will be worth it.

With me its stress and tiredness too much and weee off I go. For several years I had been experiencing extreme dizzy spells my gp upped my medication to find that that made me worse. So he decided that it was my age - maybe it was the menapause so for two years I went through these bloody things (apologies for language). In the end I had to practically drag the man across his desk to make him get me a referral back to a hospital. I was tested with an EEG and found to have substantial bitemporal lobe activity. So now I'm on even more medication.

My daughter who is 19 is starting to "jump" and shake, she has an appointment with the same neuropsychologist as I have tomorrow. Were expecting her to be starting with epilepsy as she's about the same age as I was and unfortunately its also hereditory.

You stand up for your rights, there will be someway of testing you to find out just what starts you off then you'll feel better (if you can understand that) for knowing.

Then you can join us in the exclusive club for the deranged![sm=jump2.gif][sm=jump3.gif]
