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TIA episodes or Mini-Strokes.

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I was wondering whether anyone else has suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack also called mini-stroke. My first was in 2000 and my second in 2003. I was put on daily aspirin 75 mg, and Atorvastatin 10 mg daily. This followed an MRI brain scan. The result of the scan seemed not to show anything very significant except for 'focal changes in the white matter of the frontal lobes'.

As I had reached middle age, this is said to be non-sinister. Our brains start to decrease anyway, so I am told!! It is essential to take the meds as safeguards against a recurrence and most especially the slightly possible occurence of a full stroke. There is hereditary factor there, as my mother had a stroke before she was 50.

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Well I think I have had two mini strokes but when I mention this to Doctors they say I am too young (31)...I will wake up with a sense of having not fallen asleep. I will have a fuzzy head and a tingle/pins & needles sensation down my left side (it always seems to be my left hand side). I can look at my hand and it does not feel like part of me. My brain & mouth seem to not work right and I can't always remember the names of things. After about 3 days I slowly start to feel better but the not remebering things stays though. I can't actually remember things from my childhood anymore unless I look at photos. And sometimes I can't remember things I did the previous day...
What should I do? There is a history of strokes in our family my one grandad died from one two years ago and an Uncle has just passed away from one...granted these are older people but I am not sure what my symptoms are.
Also about the falling asleep thing...I am aware of being awake/sleepy and I get a huge jolt through my body. The next thing I will be aware of is waking up but I have no recollection of falling asleep...most times I can pin point at what time I fell asleep. Also on occasion I must stop breathing because I will suddenly wake up coughing and gasping for breath...I don't smoke or drink and I am not overweight. As far as I am aware I don't snore either.

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Well I think I have had two mini strokes but when I mention this to Doctors they say I am too young (31)...I will wake up with a sense of having not fallen asleep. I will have a fuzzy head and a tingle/pins & needles sensation down my left side (it always seems to be my left hand side). I can look at my hand and it does not feel like part of me. My brain & mouth seem to not work right and I can't always remember the names of things. After about 3 days I slowly start to feel better but the not remebering things stays though. I can't actually remember things from my childhood anymore unless I look at photos. And sometimes I can't remember things I did the previous day...
What should I do? There is a history of strokes in our family my one grandad died from one two years ago and an Uncle has just passed away from one...granted these are older people but I am not sure what my symptoms are.
Also about the falling asleep thing...I am aware of being awake/sleepy and I get a huge jolt through my body. The next thing I will be aware of is waking up but I have no recollection of falling asleep...most times I can pin point at what time I fell asleep. Also on occasion I must stop breathing because I will suddenly wake up coughing and gasping for breath...I don't smoke or drink and I am not overweight. As far as I am aware I don't snore either.

Zen, have you had any brain tests or sleep tests? This sounds more like a neurological issue than a circulation issue, which is what TIAs are. If this is causing you problems, then you could ask your GP to refer you to a neurologist.

Hope this helps
