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Hello everyone,

For sometime now (8 weeks) I have been suffering from symptoms that seem to have eluded my local GP, A&E and acupuncturist. It doesn't really seem to be improving either.
I am a young and healthy 22 year old male. I have a great job, a great partner and frankly a great life - at last! These symptoms of constant spinning and tinnitus are the only thing stressing me out and preventing me from enjoying my life at the moment.

It began with shaking in the hands and feelings that the room was spinning. It progressed to horrendous tinnitus, nausea, pain across the shoulders and down one side, tingling in the hands, anxiety (although this has relaxed since learning that anxiety couples vertigo), feelings that my head is too heavy for my shoulders and constant constant fatigue.It always seems to occur if I'm stressed out, somewhere public (eg. crowded shopping centre/mall) or when I feel really hot.

My acupuncture seems to be hit or miss but about 5 days after treatment, it's back to the same.

There have been so many things hinted at by doctors, colleagues, friends etc. and I can honestly take symptoms from all incl. thyroid, vertigo, slipped disk in the neck (cervical).

Having previously been my GP with another mysterious uninary complaint that couldn't be diagnosed, I would feel like a hypochondriac if I go back again. It feels like I'm constantly diagnosing myself and no-one believes or understands me.

I know in my heart that my lifestyle is not healthy with regard to my eating, exercising and weight-control. It costs a lot of money for these treatments and the acupuncturist had me purchase just about everything under the sun, to no avail.

I'm confused and too tired to fight these attacks anymore which are happening daily...

I'm terrified this is neurological as I consider myself reasonably sane and normal (not intending to offend others with my wording).

Kindest regards

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Posts: 59
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Joined: 18 years ago

RE: Similar Experiences

Seems like you've had lots of advice from many directions and you mentioned some yourself. It's not expensive to change your diet-you don't need to see a nuitritionist to know that eating regular meals from wholesome sources is a good start. Lots of fresh fruit and veg, plenty of water. I would suggest you find a marshall art class near where you live-particularly one that takes the spiriual side of life into account as well as the physical. I guess your job is fairly sedentary which is not good for a young man if you don't burn up your excess physical energy. The stagnant energy will cause health problems- often 'mystery' ailments which Doctors cannot diagnose. I wonder how ethical your acupuncturist is trying to sell you what? Are they registered with an accredited association? Were they recommended to you? Recommendation is always the best way to find a therapist from whatever discipline you choose. Good luck anyway. Keep in touch -let me know how you get on.
