Hello everyone
I'm not sure if this post is in the best place but here goes!
I am keen to hear of any natural remedies or supplements that are thought to be beneficial for preventing the onset of alzheimers (or similar conditions).
I take wild blue green algae myself and have a suspicion that may be a good one for preventing alzheimers but am not sure. My partner has a family history and I really want to do all I can to prevent it in later life for him - if at all possible.
Thank you!!
Love HB xx
RE: prevention of Alzheimer's?
My dad has Alzheimer's, and he 68 years old, it's not a nice illness but Iwas toldit's wasnot heraldry, well so doc told me.
Still natural remedy would still help with brain functions as one gets older I feel.
love and blessings
Wendy xxxx
RE: prevention of Alzheimer's?
Hi there
I would suggest using deodrants without aluminium salts in, as aluminium salts as research has found been linked with not only breast cancer but also it attacks on the central nervous system which may also be linked with alzheimer's.
Also taking a supplement B12 and folic acid together may help with preventionalzheimer's.
I hope this helps.
RE: prevention of Alzheimer's?
i understood that there was a heriditary component to alzheimers. my mum is a sufferer, & it's a very difficult journey for her, & for all of us. i've read that ginko biloba may be helpful?
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Yes your right also taking ginkgo biloba has helped with mild alzheimer's. But people who are on warfarin should not take ginkgo.
Hope this helps.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Raj; thank you for your advice!
Reikirabbit: have one of these from me [sm=hug.gif]
HB x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
No probs, always happy to help.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Exercise in middle age cuts Alzheimer's risk-study.
Exercising in middle age not only keeps the weight down and the heart healthy but can also cut the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease, particularly in high risk people, Swedish researchers said on Monday.
Scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that people in mid-life who exercised at least twice a week had about a 60 percent lower risk of suffering from
dementia than more sedentary people.
"This is the first study to show this long-term relation between physical activity and dementia later in life," Dr Miia Kivipelto, of the Ageing Research Centre at the institute, said in an interview.
The biggest impact was in people who had a genetic susceptibility to dementia, according to the study published in The Lancet Neurology journal.
"It seems that physical activity had an even more pronounced effect among those with the susceptibility gene apoe4, the most important risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and dementia," Kivipelto added.
Alzheimer's is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly. It affects an estimated 12 million people around the globe. There is no cure for the progressive illness that robs people of their memory and mental ability but drug treatments may slow the early progression of the disorder.
Kivipelto and her team studied the mental health of nearly 1,500 people between the ages of 65-79 whose leisure activities had been monitored every five years from 1972 to 1987.
After re-examining the data in 1998 they discovered the active group, which did a physical activity that caused sweating and strained breathing, were less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's.
"We found that people who were active during mid-life and had leisure activities at least two times per week had a much lower risk for dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease," she explained.
Walking and cycling were the most common forms of exercise in the study. The researchers found no link between the amount of exercise and the degree of reduced risk.
They do not know exactly how exercise decreases dementia risk. But they suspect it could be due to a direct effect on the brain and its messaging system and also by improving blood flow to the brain.
"It may promote brain plasticity by a direct effect on the brain," Kivipelto added.
[link= http://uk.news.yahoo.com/03102005/325/exercise-middle-age-cuts-alzheimer-s-risk-study.html ]http://uk.news.yahoo.com/03102005/325/exercise-middle-age-cuts-alzheimer-s-risk-study.html[/link]
love and blessings
Wendy xx
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
has anyone come across any incidence of alzheimers being triggered by a traumatic event? emotionally traumatic i mean, not in the sense of a blow to the head.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
no but i think when there's some sort of trauma or illness people around the person sometimes suddenly notice what's been going on.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Reply to all:
In case of interest,Alzheimers is mentioned in the Diet& Nutrition forum here:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=283248&mpage=1&key=񅉰 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=283248&mpage=1&key=񅉰[/link]
See the article in spinal music's post # 4.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Just a personal thought here re Alzheimer's. As some of you may know I have a great interest in the work of Dr Emoto and his work with water ( it has memory). I also am interested in how EFT works and the importance of drinking lots of water to help the neural pathways connect with the 'new' information being 'programmed' into the energy system.
Would drinking more water help with this disease? It would prevent older people becoming dehydrated and the blood/cells would travel around the body better, therefore bringing more oxygen to the brain?
As I said, just a thought.
Love and light
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
i think you make a lot of sense re water.
let me tack on another issue that has come up with my mum's condition. she has just got out of hospital following a fall (no break but she has severe osteoporosis, is not meant to put weight on her hip at all!). all her instincts are to keep moving, endlessly, endlessly all day as is an alzheimer's trademark. at the moment my brother is distracting her/explaining/talking her out of it/practically carrying her round & round in circles all day & night (the angel).
can anyone think of any way of replicating the movement she needs to relieve agitation without risking further injury?
it's an awful combination this latest cruel blow, any help or inspiration would be so welcome.
love mel x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Drinking more water can help for less esoteric reasons. The elderly can be prone to urinary tract infections and these can mimic the symptoms of dementia. If you have Alzheimers or similar and get a water infection, you'll be worse until it gets fixed. Drinking more water helps fend them off.
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Hi Mel
My Nana also had Alzheimers and was prone to wanting to move around at one stage of her illness (until she couldn't get up by herself anymore) despite also being very infirm. I understand how wearing it is for the carer in this situation to constantly be monitoring and distracting.
A couple of things we used to do for my Nana were to play a CD mix of songs that she really liked - she would sing along rather that get up and down,and lose some of the agitation....things like old hymns she liked, other songs she recognised. This would help for a while.
Another good idea, and it does sound a little bit daft, would be to get a wheelchair loan (if you've not already investigated this), and to move her around into different places - being in a different room every hour or so with different surroundings might quell the agitation a little.
One last thought, perhaps a rocking chair might help to soothe the agitation?
Alzheimers is horrible and cruel, and it's hard to fully understand or comprehend how our loved one is feeling and the need to reduce their agitation and improve their life quality can really take its toll. I gave my nana hand reflexology, that was my way of being able to help. I know it made an inpact on her because we did used to have a littlechat when I was touching her, at a time where she was really unable to communicate on a normal level.
If you would like I can also send Reiki
Alx x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
a lovely reply, thanks alxpix. will try the rockingchair idea, & the music thanks. my mum was very responsive to reiki when i was over in october, it really calmed & soothed her. i would love you to send distant healing too if you have time.
two of my brothers are most closely on this journey with my mum, & for now her agitation has lessened, for example she has been getting up in the night around 7 times as opposed to the previous 23.
it's fantastic to heazr from you as you know what it's like & i really appreciate that x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
It's no problem at all, i'll send healing this evening when not in front of a computer!
I hope that your brothers are managing ok, I will send them blessings too. x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
thanks. my brotehrs were at breaking point but phew the intensity has eased off a little x
RE: prevention of alzheimers?
Another vote for singalongs - videos are good, ones with something to watch but not too much going on - singers standing around in nice countryside etc.