Just had to share this website with you guys. It's the Parkinson's Disease Helpline. They were really, really helpful when I called them last week:
Their telephone number is given and an email address.
New Treatment For Parkinson's Disease
Finally there has been a revolutionary new breakthrough in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Ethos Endymion PD Ease is NOT some new wonder drug but is an all natural substance found within all of our bodies that depletes with age. By taking it as an oral supplement, it replenishes the body's natural reserves which can then go to work protecting the body and repairing damage at a cellular level much more effectively. Simply dissolve 2g to 3g in a litre bottle of mineral water and drink from it regularly throughout the day. It starts to work in the body immediately and the majority of people will feel tangible benefits within the first 30 days.