does anyone know of a better drug than madpoar, also my mother has had the runs and she thinks its the madopar, has anyone else found this. she thinks its a cheap option, and there are better but more expensive drugs ouy there. would be grateful of any responses.
Hi Mitchell - are you based in the States? Is the spelling Madopar?
My father has PD, but his GP is reluctant to prescribe any medication due to side effects he has suffered recently. He has not been on madopar, which made me wonder if you were in the US. According to various med websites, a side effect can be diarrhoea. Is the dosage too high?
thanks. based in uk.i think i have spelt it correct.
It may be best to call your pharmacist tomorrow, and ask if there are known side effects to the Madopar - you could also ask him/her what other meds are available that your GP could try. However, sometimes, the meds make the condition worse. Does she have a PD consultant?
The following link shows diarrhoea in the list of possible side effects of madopar:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Madopar">Madopar
- Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
You may also find details in any literature supplied with the drug.
Sorry but am not qualified to offer advice regarding any medicines but suggest your mother takes this matter up with her doctor. Maybe you can attend the appointment as well?
Disturbance of the gut is also a side effect of taking a lot of medications that is why it is important to restore the natural flora to the gut by eating live yoghurt or taking acidophilis. But please do follow your GP's advice on this.
A friend of mine is a Parkinson's sufferer and having read some of the contraindications on his medications it could well be a known side effect. Your mother needs to see either her GP or Neurologist/Parkinsons specialist nurse to see whether one of the many other Parkinsons medications would be more suitable for her.