Hi All.....
What a fabulous forum 😀
I really need some help as I have been to the Dr's many times and they don't know what it is... well there is a suprise! not!
I would really appreciate someones help and I'm at the stage where I don't know what to do.:confused:
Im trying to make it a simple as possible for other members to assess my symptoms as Im at a loss.... 🙁
I have had this for 2 years on and off, it started with migranes on the left side of my face, felt warm / tingly and my cheek would go red with a rotter of a migrane....would last for at least a week with the help of ibruprofen ..... I would also feel my left side of my neck is slightly sore when I press the left side by my jaw...so would put on deep heat on the neck muscle and relieved it for a bit...
Then very recently I have numbness in my lower back in my left bum cheek (when sitting) which travels to my left arm and starts off my migrane again (numb head)...so frustrating and leaves me worn out and feel like crying...there are only so many pain killers you want to take....
I only really got migranes when I awoke from sleep and remembered that I have turned over a few times in the night and heard a creek like noise and thought oh damn it I have pulled my neck muscle - then I got a migrane...
The Dr's said that I need to do more exersize which I have, and more stretching, which I have done for more than a year and no help what so ever...
I find that when I stretch my left side (from leg to back) feels more stretch than my right side which is very strange....
To re-cap...
(Lower back pain numbness when sitting, then triggers off numb left arm and left side of face which gives me a migrane)
I think that about covers it...
Any suggestions welcome
Many thanks
Hi Tigerlily78,
Welcome to Healthypages!
I've moved this thread over to the Neurological Problems where more people will be able to respond.
I know how frustrating it can be when GPs just don't seem to listen. Perhaps you can go back to your GP and take a friend with you, and ask if you can be referred to a Neurological specialist?
If you still can't make any progress with your GP, you could possibly try seeing an osteopath who may be able to shed some light on what you're experiencing.
All the best,
:hug: Hello tigerlily,
I would ask your gp to send you to see a specialist. it sounds to me to be neurological to do with the nerves, it is your right
to have a referal and to a second opinion,
i wouldnt like to diagnose your problem only your gp can do that.
take care
I would suggest going for trigger point massage - it's possible that you have multiple trigger points in your muscles which trigger the migraines, pain the the face and the numbness.
Trigger point massage has really helped me and although I still get pain and nerve symptoms it has eased it a lot.
I would suggest going back to your GP and asking for a referal to a pain/pain management clinic - they might be able to help you.
Also have the doctor's looked at Fibromyalgia? MS? Have you had any tests or scans at all? Hemiplegic migraine can cause numbness, pain, nerve sensations, and paralysis down one side of the body so it might be worth checking that out. Other suggestions: TENS machine, hot baths, epsom salts, tiger balm, keeping a diary of symptoms and their severity - might show a pattern and will be helpful when seeing doctors, mindfulness meditation.
Common problem!
Before you start looking at nerve damage ( which as long as you are walking, talking and functioning properly.. the doctors won't know how to treat you) and big labels, i would recommend you see an a Tui Na practitioner who practices acupuncture for a thourough diagnosis, there are probably other symptoms that you would not equate with this condition that they will recognise.
Sounds like sciatica and classic migraine, both of which run on the same energy path, unblocking this path might relieve both!
Watch your stress levels! frustration, anger and resentment will make it worse.
Keep a eye out for trigger foods, anything orange or yellow plus chocolate ,coffee, caffiene, alcohol and cheese are common kick starts.
Nerve sensations are electrical, and acupuncture works to improve the electrical functions in the body, western medicine will usually dumb down the response so that you get some relief.
Try this method, but keep in touch with your GP, most of them are very open to acupuncture now.
Where are you situated, i might be able to recommend someone.
Hi all
Thanks very much for your help and advice... I'm situated in Swindon, Wiltshire.....
After I had sent my post, I remembered that my sockets behind me eyes ache sometimes and also when I pick something up off the floor or walk up the stairs and move around my neck clicks quite alot... very strange :confused:
When I think back, I think a trigger point has been sitting on terrible work chairs, they played havoc with my back and possibly triggered my neck issue too....
At the moment I can't sit down properly, only on one bum cheek! mad I know.... I have been looking on youtube and saw some Sciatica excersizes with ice pack and keg and bottom stretches..... have done this for a couple of days but no luck.... all it could be is a trapped nerve? how would I know? what are the symptoms? even sitting down triggers of headaches/ migranes... I have been looking at my posture too which I'm probably guilty of slouching..:(
Probably the best thing to do is go back to my GP and ask him to refer me for a 2nd opinion, but I do like the sound of a trigger point massage ;o but even my friend mentioned to me about a Chiropractor, but to be honest I don't want to spend alot of money as I have just been made redundant at the end of Dec 09..so need to keep hold of my pennies....;) for the moment anyway.....
Any ideas I would be grateful.....
I have taken everything on board that you have mentioned, but probably best to get it diagnosed first.... even though I tried several times via the GP and they didn't have a clue.... just excersize and stretch plus a mountain of string pain killers .......
Take care
So sorry to hear you have so many problems. May I ask what tests the Drs have done? Have you had any scans, including brain scan? It is obviously neurological in origin and if it were me I'd go back and demand a scan if you haven't had one - having this many headaches/migraines/numbness is not normal, especially when there is pressure behind the eyes. Until this has eliminated possible causes in there, any other treatment may be irrelevant.
Copy what you have written here and give it to the doctor. I know that when I visit him I forget half of what I was going to tell him about, so now I always write it down. Good luck with that.
There are possible allergy causes to migraines, that would be my next route to explore, but they are unlikely to cause the numbness.
Wishing you all the very best
If you can't afford a massage etc, you can work the trigger points with a tennis ball. Place a tennis ball on a hard surface such as the floor and lay on it and manourvre any painful areas on to it and any trigger points (works best on the back and buttocks) stay in position until you notice a significant reduction in pain and then move on to another position. I found it really helpful. But if it's going to trigger a migraine it might be best to leave it. Definitly go back to your GP.
Hi Tigerlily
Has your doctor mentioned TMJ syndrome? I have a friend whose symptoms are very similar to what you describe, and she's recently had an operation to sort this out.
Hi All,
Well I managed to get a Dr's appointment today, and they are referring me to a Physiotherapist, so will see what they find.... I need to find something to sort thus issue out, as it's driving me mad.... can't even sit properly at the moment, only on one cheek.
TMJ? is that something to do with the jaw? I have had a clicky jaw since 1997, and have tried sorting that problem out with mouth guards, Dr's hospital and tried Bowen treatment, but nothing worked...
ChrisRams, what kind of operation did she have? is she better now? no my Dr hasn't mentioned anything to do with this...but i'm not suprised they haven't 😉
Thanks so much for everyones help
Hi Tigerlily78,
My migraines manifest in a very similar way to yours ie. eye, jaw, neck, arm, thoracic areas, hip, buttock and knee. I never knew which triggered which first. I had to see neurologist a few years ago, after viral mennengitis, and while I was there I asked him about all of the above symptoms. He felt that they were all typical of migraine ones.
The tennis ball or squash ball really helps with the thoracic areas but the most effective help has been finding out that I had really bad groin strains. These can cause alot of pain in the lower back and into the knee.
I would suggest that you go to a remedial massage therapist, one who is prepared to treat a groin strain ie. clear all the painful areas out around the pelvic/ pubic bone.
It is not for the faint hearted but well worth it for the relief afterwards.
Now, when I feel a migraine coming on I get my groin area checked out and 9 times out of 10 I can prevent it developing.
Hope that this helps.