It started with pins and needles in both hands, now four months on totally numb hands wit no feeling right up to my wrists, with very limited movement, its not carpel tunnel as ive had the tests done, but i did have an enjury to my back 1 year ago, had phyco and it sort of got better, maybe a we twitch now and then my gp thinks its a trapped nerve in my neck, i wasnt sure what it was, all i know is its driving me nuts, it feels like i have a tight band tied around my fingers, for months! the only thing i can say is i had i really bad chest infection and every time i coughed it felt like a bolt of lighting coming from some were in the middle of my back, down my arms, and into my hands, which just highlighted the numb, pins and needles feeling already there. Would any one know what this is, ive an appointment at the hospital on the 18th of may but dont think i can wait that long, i dont think i can live with this im 45 and feel like my life is over.
May I ask what part of your back you have the problem?
Its just down below my neck maybe around 5" around the top anyway.
What sort of work do you do?
This sounds like the type of thing that can happen to people who sit in front of compter for most of their day.
However, I think when you visit the hospital, they will identify the problem quickly. In the meantime, try and avoid activities where your head leans forward or sitting in front of the computer. If possible, while and home try and only sit in chairs that support your shoulders.
Its just down below my neck maybe around 5" around the top anyway.
As I thought,without diagnosing,you seem to have damaged your cervical(lower 4,the brachial plexus),these nerves supply the muscles from the base of the neck to the fingertips.It also includes the first thoracic nerve,hence the coughing incident.Reflexology can offer great relief for this,by releasing these nerves and allowing the blood supply.I would advise seing a Reflexologist ASAP.
Veggie,I have just sent you an email.
I sent a Su-jok scheme.
Hi, this could be due to nerves being impinged. Do check out the Egoscue method. This gets the body into alignment and trains the right muscles to do the right jobs as well as releasing soft tissue. This could just do the trick for you.
If you try it, do be careful to remain aware of the limits of your body and don't force anything. See books 'Pain Free' and/or 'Pain Free At Your PC' by Pete Egoscue. Even better would be an individual assessment by an Egoscue practitioner. Good Luck 🙂
Veggifran I do hope you are sorted by now. I had similar symptoms, nerve conduction test showed me as normal lol, but still painful or numb go figure! Then I did my back in and had an mri of the whole spine and it showed not one but all 7 cervical disc were bulging and impinging on the nerves. So back can affect fingers. Anyway hope you are fixed by now 🙂