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Narcolepsy - alternative treatment question

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I have Narcolepsy which is a sleep disorder caused by not enough of a certain chemical in the brain. I also have all of the other symptoms of narcolepsy which are cataplexy - falling down when I laugh, sometimes; sleep Paralysis & hallucinagenic nightmares - fun! I was diagnosed 20 years ago and have taken a drug called Dexedrine since, which is good for all symptoms but I am just weary all the time and can't remember what it feels like to feel any other way.

I work full time and that is about it these days. I'm 41, I live at home with Mom and Step-pa and have no social life to speak of and have never been in a 'proper' relationship because of Narcolepsy I think.

Looking through the forums, there are alot of very knowledgable people here and I wondered if anyone can suggest a natural therapy or treatment to help boost my energy?

I recently went to a Healer who unblocked the flow of energy from my feet, introduced me to my companion Angel and recalled a past life. She was able to send back the little sparks of soul from the past life to their new place in the Universe. It was interesting. I can't say that I felt much difference to my energy, but it was one visit only, I may need to go back to feel benefit, I don't know.

Any suggestions of how I might attemp to boost my energy and get back the feeling of being alive - I feel sort of dull and dusty - are very much appreciated, thanks. In the meantime, I will read more from the forums and see what there is! Thanks.


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RE: Narcolepsy - alternative treatment question


I do not suffer from narcolepsy myself, but I do suffer from sleep paralysis (waking up at night and not being able to move for a few seconds to a minute).

I have reduced my sleep paralysis by removing electrical appliances from my bedroom and moving the head of my bed away from plug sockets.

You may wish to try magnet therapy, provided you are not pregnant, or are fitted with a pacemaker, defibrillators, insulin pumps or other electro-insulin devices or have recently been fitted with a metal object i.e. hip replacement.

Therapeutic magnets will help to relax the body and encourage good oxygen flow in the blood to vital areas in the body.

I would recommend wearing a good quality negative (north) pole magnetic bracelet on your left hand during the day and wearing magnetic insoles in your footwear and if costs permit purchasing a negative (north) pole magnetic mattress pad or a magnetic pillow pad to sleep on; make sure the gauss strength of the magnets in the mattress and pillow pad are at least 3000 gauss at the core and the bracelet 12,300 gauss core.

But as a first option I would try the bracelet first.

And importantly you must drink plenty of fresh WATER during the day to expel the toxins from your body.

If you decide to try magnet therapy, first consult your Doctor and get him/her to monitor your medication, as magnets have been known to increase the potency of medication.

And remember not all magnet therapy products are the same as there are a lot of inferior and pathetic products out there and the magnets must be negative (north) pole towards the body. (P.M me if you need the details of a supplier of recommended quality magnetic products)

As for visiting therapists, you normally have to have a course of treatments to benefit, although some benefit after the first treatment and the therapist should have told you how many treatments you may have needed.

I am sorry that I could not have been more helpful, but hopefully some others here will offer more help.

