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My poor sister..

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Hello all,

As i have mentioned on other parts of this forum,my youngest sister is very ill and has been for over 4 years now.
It is obviously neurological, well obvious to everyone even our GP, but not to neurologists!
The last 2 years she has basically been ignored completely by the medical profession, despite our families efforts to get someone to help.
Thenlast month after a recomendation from an old friend, we were referred to a neurologist in Coventry which is quite a distance from where we live in Birmingham.
Anyway, Delia spent 2 weeks in Walsgrave hospital to have tests. She had a brain scan which showed up 'white spots', which the neurologist said was probably 'wear and tear'. She also had a shadow on her lungs, which he said was probably just a bad x-ray. Then he tested her reflexes by running a pen hard, down the bottom of both her feet. Because she was lying down, which is all she has been able to do for the last 2 years, when he did this she reacted with both feet...but then when he got her to walk a few steps and tested her again, there wasno reaction with her left foot; she couldn't feel a thing!
Still, he sent her home saying that because she had been a nurse for 15 years, her illness had probably rubbed off onto her!!
He was vile to her the whole time she was in there. Some of the horrible things he said to her had her in tears most of the time.
Ther was a woman in the same ward but under a different doctor, who had very similar symptoms as my sisters. White spots were also found on her brain and she was given 5 days of intravenous steroids, and she was able to walk again. My sisters doctor said that it wasn't worth trying steroids with her unless she gets worse! How much worse could she get? She's been bed-ridden for over 2 years and is unable to use her arms. She is in constant pain and has no quality of life.
What makes this whole thing so cruel, is the fact that she has a 12 year old son whi is understandably very upset seeing his mom like this.
Apparently somethng has also been found wrong with her liver and we are waiting for an appointment for her to have a scan.
She has an out patient appointment to see this neurologist again in November, but we don't hold much hope that he is going to do anything.
My other sister and i are thinking of going to our MP to try and find out what we can do. We have looked on the internet and seen that are many more tests, a muscle and nerve biopsy for instance that could be done, but no one seems to care enough to investigate properly.
What is it with neurologists who seem to love to say that everything is all in your mind?!


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RE: My poor sister..

Don't loose faith. Be patient and explore every avenue. I know the patient part is the hardest. I was in a bad automobile accident and was told that as time went on I learn that it is better to have broken bones than soft tissue damage. Boy, was that true. The pain is incredible. My left foot was turning inward and upward and I was beginning to walk on the outside edge. Doctor after doctor told me there was nothing they could do. After several years, I believed them and quit searching. I would fall over, etc and just add keep redamaging the same areas. Nine years after the accident, I went to the movies with one of my daughters and fell on a step. When we got home, my husband insisted I go for xrays because he was sure I had broken something this time. It was Christmas and I was out of prescription Motrin so I went, thinking I could at least get a prescription that would last through the holidays. It did not take away the pain but did take the edge off and I refused to get addicted to pain killers. I was nasty to everyone until the Emergency Room doctor came to tell me nothing was broke. He was a grown man that I had in our 4H club when he was a little boy and we were dairy farmers. He took one look at my foot and told me something was definitely wrong and he wanted me to see a new surgeon that had just come to town. I went and within a few moments, he told me what was wrong but would have to have an MRI run so the insurance company would pay. Of course, he did the surgery and immediately most of the pain was gone. It has taken me five more years to get all the muscles readjusted and I am almost there. I knew when my family doctor sent me to the last surgeon and he was mean and nasty that there was no way my guides would allow that man to operate on my body. His nastiness was their way of telling me they did not have the expertise to fix me. And I knew they would find me the right guy. Follow every lead because we never know how our guides or your sisters guide will work to direct you but don't loose faith. We can't always know the difference between our guides directing and others good intentions. It is just a part of the process of learning about accessing a higher consciousness.

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RE: My poor sister..

You have certainly been though your fair share!!

The reason Delia isn't being listened to, is because the very first neurologist decided before he had even examined her that nothing was wrong. This was because of a wrongly worded referral letter from a then new GP at our surgery. She said that 'Delia thought' she had MS, which was completely untrue.

Also the neurologist was a Professor who is renouned, and noone we have seen since him will question his diagnosis.

I really don't mean to sound so negative but i can't understand, that if this is a lesson my sister was meant to experience in her life, why must she also endure the added cruelty of being disbelieved?

I have prayed every night since she fell ill, but she just gets worse and worse!

Each time we managed to get to see a new neurologist, i pray and send Reiki just for her to get 'some help' but each time nothing.

She was tested when she was first ill, after seeing the neurologist several times and eventually begging him to please just investigate...and again just recently by the last neurologist we seen. All the other neurologist that we saw inbetween did nothing saying that they had no reason to question the Professors findings.

At the time Delia fell ill, she was a nurse and was also at university. She is single parent of Thomas, had a car and a nice home. She was full of energy and loved her life.

If she could only sit up, we could take her out in a wheelchair. She said that she excepts she will never work again, she just wishes she could visit her family and friends and sit with us like she used to.
It kills me every day to see her like this.

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RE: My poor sister..

Firstly my sympathies are with you and Delia, I can see that it must be very difficult and frustrating to be in that position of years of pain, and nobody listening. I was wondering whether you have considered any form of holistic treatment to tackle this? I do believe that all these medical professionals for so many parts of the body sometimes forget that we are 'whole' beings and should be considered as such in treatment.

Why not try Homeopathy or Chinese Medicine.. they are both excellent forms of holistic treatment.

Hope this helps.
God bless.

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RE: My poor sister..

Thankyou Maya,

It is frustrating. I can't believe how she has's hard to look at her.
We are still waiting for an appointment for her liver scan. Her stomach is so swollen; she looks 9 months pregnant but she hardly eats!
I read an article yesterday that said about the liver, saying that when it is not working properly it does not produce glucose like it should. This rang a bell, as i remembered how Delias blood sugar was often very low and on one ocassion, didn't read at all. Also, some neurological illness can be caused by the liver.

Delia was the only reason that i wanted to do Reiki over 2 years ago now, but for some reason i don't think it was meant to help her.

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RE: My poor sister..

"Her stomach is so swollen; she looks 9 months pregnant".

Has she discuseed the possibility of uterine fibroids with her G.P?
