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MS Relapse

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Since beginning of July I have a lot of numbness in my left hand and arm. My relapses are very few and far between (I should be grateful). I try stay positive but there is only so much one can take. Due to this (being left handed), I am finding it hard to do anything from eating, dressing myself and hell of a lot more.

Does anyone recommend anything, or has anyone had the same sort of thing?


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RE: MS Relapse

Hi Goodchild

Sorry to hear about your numbness. I am also an MS sufferer but I am also a Bowen Practitioner and I have found it invaluable for any stiffening or numbness my body throws at me. I don't like to describe my MS as relapsing as it give me a feeling of negativity and find that Doctors too readily attribute any pain or imbalance to MS rather than a hamstring problem or carpel tunnel for example. [:'(]
I do think that trying Bowen will help as it has done me. 🙂 Good luck and I hope your numbness calms down!

With love
Carolyn [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]

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RE: MS Relapse

HI there....

My best friend suffers from MS and when I asked her about your question this was her reply... Hope it helps you...

.there is not much I can say. It can be so frustrating, and the
only things the docs can do is put you on a cortisone drip to speed up
recovery and minimise scarring. Ummm...I haven't tried it myself yet, but
she should try reflexology or at least get someone to massage her hand for
her...and she should try keep cool. I haven't found anything yet that takes
that away...and fortunately I haven't had it so bad that it's affected my
day to day activities. The other thing she can try is chelation therapy
(normally done here by homeopaths). That's the treatment where they put you
on a few drips and it pulls all the bad heavy metals out your body. My mom's
one friend has MS, and since she went for the treatment she seems to be much
better. She still battles with her walking, but she doesn't have anymore
relapses. And my aunt knows a few people who had other problems who went on
it and it seriously helped them after loads of doctors and specialists
weren't able to. Also, one of my aunt's neighbours in PE has MS but she's
had it for a while, and she just went onto meds similar to mine and
apparently she can definitely notice a change for the good. I don't really
want to give anyone advice seeing as though I know so little myself, but I
would still say that the natural way is the best. She should look at that
diet I told you bout (which is kind of the cheaper longer alternative to the
chelation), and try something like reflexology. is very important
that she keeps herself strong. So if she's having it in her arm and hand
specifically she should get one of those sqeezy things that you use to
strengthen your hands and just generally try build up her strength. Most
important of all she needs to try stay positive, and I know how difficult
that can be when you're having a seems like it's taking forever
to work its course.

Ok, so I guess you could say the main things are:

1. stay positive & keep good company (you need people around you who will
lift you up, not bring you down - it's too easy to get depressed when you
have MS)
2. Eat healthy & avoid red meat
3. Exercise & build up strength
4. Keep cool - it's not good to be hot for longer than half an hour at a
time (it accelerates the disease)

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RE: MS Relapse

I have recently had a hospital appointment. The outcome of this is that I may not have MS but possibly a condition called sarcoidosis.

Has anyone heard of this condition and is a lumber puncture painful and dangerous?

I'm so confused.

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RE: MS Relapse

Hi Goodchild
I have no personally heard of sarcoidosis, however I used to work as an orderly in hospital, and my wife also has had 2 lumbar punctures.
Generally, the side effects reported are a reasonably sore throbbing headache, and occasional localised pain where the needle has been inserted. It is very easy to say don't worry about it, but it is a very routine procedure. It isn't something I would want to have done myself, but that is because I am a wimp. 😀
Probably the best way to deal with the situation is to remain positive, and seriously focus on your hand while it is happening. Don't think "It wont hurt." or "Im not going to think about my back", but actively think about something else. (again very easy to say, but the mind is very very powerful)
Wish you all the best.


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RE: MS Relapse

HI have just trained in working with many illness's inclduing MS, if you are interetsed in an holistic approach I woudl be more than happy to help and assist / share more in any way I can - feel free to PM me or ask on here - which ever is more comfortable for you 😉

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RE: MS Relapse

Thank you.

What holistic therapies wouldyou recommend?


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RE: MS Relapse

From my experience Iwould suggest a Breakthrough Session, which combines many skills from NLP, Time Line Therapy tm and Hypnosis to name a few - pop me a PM if you want to talk more - or feel free to give me a call for a chat about it - hope this has been of help 😉

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RE: MS Relapse

This <may> sound really stupid, but has anyone ever tried hypnotherapy on MS? I am aware of healing being improved using hypnotherapy/meditation. IE with a broken bone visualisations the 2 bones coming back together and knitting together.My understanding of MS is that it strips the sheath off the nerves which impeads the signal.
So would something like visualising some exposed electrical wire and having the PVC coating 'growing' back up the wire be beneficial?

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RE: MS Relapse

Sure - hypnosis is great with MS, in my experience NLP, Time Line Therapytm and Hypnosis all used together are perfect 😉

Visulisation are very powerful as you said 😉

There are also some other holistic therories around MS which once resolved will assist all the nerves etc working back normally 😉
