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I dont know where to put this but does anyone know anything about MS...and more specifically how to stop shaking? Am having really bad shakes at the moment and am getting quite worried its never been this bad

Willow x

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Yes & no, but a few more details may help.

Is the shaking generally throughout the body or in a particular area or limb?

Any problems with eyes, ears or anything in the head & neck area?

Which if any limb problems do you have? Weakness, loss of co-ordination, areas of numbness, etc.

How long since it was diagnosed and have you had any remissions?

Do you have any or amy amalgam fillings?

Are you on a cholesterol free diet or taking any drugs?

You can put you age in your profile that may help.


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Hi Willow Tree

Wish I could be of some help, if you look at the post below yours I am also trying to find some infomation on MS... Im hoping someone is going to suddenly come up with a miricle cure!

Wish i could offer some advise.... Sending you lots of love and light though... 🙂


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Have you contacted the MS society? They have a wealth of information.


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I was diagnosed coming upto a year ago, one of the first indicators that I actually took notice of was the loss of vision in my left eye, everything went a cloudy grey colour...Initially i was diagnosed with relapse/remitting MS but about 3months ago that was 'up-graded' to Secondary progressive, my eyesight has improved since then, slowly but surely. The night i posted the message the shaking started in my right leg and spread so quickly it frightened me, full body shaking...but luckily it settled the problem is concerntrated in my right leg.

I've had 6 separate relapses since diagnosis and quite frequent flare ups of existing problems mainly to do with pins and needles in my hands and pain usually in my back area...Am also fighting constant tiredness

I changed my diet about two years ago because I was feeling sluggish and tired all the time and the doctor suggested that a change in diet might be helpful and to be honest I was over weight...

I'm also taking steps to change my job because the job I'm in though 90% of the time i like it is way to stressful and to be honest I ended up in an area I really didnt want to go into so am going back to college...but thats not really relevent...Oh and I'm 24

Willow x

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Have they explained the condition to you?

With MS a part of the problem is that areas of the myelin insulating sheath around large nerves breaks down, causing the nerve not to work properly. Hence loss of sight, sensation, muscle power, etc.

How the system compensates for this is to form a plaque over these areas, which works to a degree but not as well as the original cholesterol based insulation.

Hence I asked about diet - What sort of diet did you change to and from?

And any mercury amalgam fillings?

I not saying that either these would cause your problem, but they maybe, what they call contributing factors. Also, there are theories and some evidence as to a connection with these issues and others.


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They did explain it to me and i've done some reading about it on the internet...but I've mainly been focusing on sorting my head out as you can imagine it was alot to deal with

The diet change was basic stuff...when I was at Uni i got into the whole junk food thing now am on the healthy eating diet I dont eat chocolate anymore (except at christmas) and I rarely eat crisps changed the bread I eat more fruit and veg the usual kinda thing...I've also cut down loads on cheese which was my main weakness 🙂

And mercury fillings

Oh the other thing I forgot to put was that I've developed vertigo this last month the doctor put me on some drug cant remember the name right now...but its eased up alot


Willow x

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hello my husband has jus got over the 2 year mark with ms an has had a rough ride with it (iwont go into it at the moment cos we have jus got over it an as a family are all looking forward to christmas) anyway after that blaber we have done a lot of research an we know we think whats to come an how to try and prolong it i remember hearing something about fillings but cant remember what, could you maybe send me a bit of imformation or stear me in the right place, i would be very grateful, thank you, an merry christmas

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Re. amalgam fillings - it's in a book - It's All in Your Head (the fillings that is) - The link between Mercury Amalgam Amalgams and Illness by Dr Hal Huggins.

Just found his website -

Been a long time since I read it, but seem to remember that it seemed to be well researched and MS certainly featured in there.

Other names to Google - Douglas Swartzendruber PhD, Dr E Baasch and Dr Theodore Ingalls.


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This random but i may as well keep everything together lol

But does anyone know of any way to ease pain? if you give me a chance am sure i can be more vague lol

Anyway i had pins & needles in my leg last week and now its just pain...and its bugging the cr@p out of me...any ideas?

Willow x

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Hello this is my first day here.....i have MS and was dxd with it in 1993. The type of MS you have is important to know so you know what will and wont work for you........the other thing i can suggest is to ask your doctor if you are ready to start on any of the ABC injections and ask if he suggest any kind of vit. supplements.......also ask your doctor if he or she would send you to be test for fibro as well...i have both with MS being the main illness............wish you lots of luck:)

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Willow about that tingling you got going on ask your doctor about the med called neurontin its a wonderful drug.........i cant deal with the tingling for me the neurontin keeps that in control..Some people find it makes them sleepy.........i dont have that problem.......go figure....again best of luck to you

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Hey Willow

Sorry I can't help...but my thoughts are with you. I was diagnosed 3 years ago and I know how frustrating the relapses can be. I hope that by now the shakes and pins and needles have passed.

Be strong...that's all there is, and don't let it get the better of you.
