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How to Prevent MS

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Hia Folks, if there is another thread already dedicated to this subject, please guide me to it.

I'm 42. A good friend of mine developed MS when she was in her 20s. In her 40s she died. The disease got progressively worse towards the end.

I hear of lots of people developing this condition. It does not seem to be hereditary. Are there any way we can PREVENT this happening?

I have "Googled" it and found having extra Vitamin D in your body, together with extra caffeine helps. Also the pill helps lower it's chances of happening.

Advice gratefully appreciated

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That all sound so simplistic. I know of three people with who is exceptionally wealthy and can afford the best of care and practitioners. She still hasn't found the answer. She was diagnosed in her 30's and is now 61.

I do think vit D is strongly implicated in MS but like soy and breast cancer is it the case that it has to be taken from childhood to allay the problem?

Hopefully one day they will find why, what, where and when.


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I read a book about the link between nutrition and many diseases and it blamed dairy! Apparently the fat globules in dairy can trigger an auto-immune reaction against your own neurological system. Need to remember the name of the book...

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That page explains the basis of this diet (designed by Dr Seignalet):

The book is called "l'alimentation ou la troisieme medicine" but it's only available in French. It was pretty convincing! We do eat things we probably shouldn't (like cow's milk or modern cereals)...

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Patchouli is right about simplistic answers - there aren't any as far as MS is concerned.

I found <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="this">this document which states that heredity is probably a predisposing factor, as is living for the first fifteen years of life in a temperate climate, and ciggy smoking.

Claire2327, thanks for the link to that page.

The diet seems pretty sensible to me (alcohol is allowed;) in moderation), but I do wonder how the vegetarians among us will get on with the advice that true foie-gras (goose – duck liver ) is allowed because its fat is considered healthy?


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Hi there

May add to what has been posted?

As it is thought that MS is an [url]autoimmune problem [/url]then this indicates gut permeability when unwanted semi-digested molecules are absorbed and which are mistaken by the body's immune system for invaders. These molecules are similar to some in the body - such as those of the myelin sheath which protects the nerves and are damaged in MS. See Elizabeth Lipski's [url]Digestive Wellness[/url].

That being the case it is imperative to keep the gut in good order by
- avoiding antibiotics (both medicinal and residues in food),
- reducing stress,
- avoiding constipation by consuming enough roughage as in wholefoods,
- reducing inflammation by including enough fruit and vegetables, preferably fresh, ensuring optimum vitamin and mineral intake, and reducing/avoiding sugar
- consuming pro and prebiotic foods
- in fact consuming an organic, wholefood diet and avoiding as much modern processed food as possible
- exercise and fresh air

And of course this is not the whole picture, but a good start.

Hope that helps!

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What also needs to be considered is that MS is more prevalant in the northern hemisphere which is now believed to have an implication on vitamin D levels due to the shorter daylight hours. There is research that suggests vit D supplementation for everyone living in northern countries.

It also appears more prevalant in blonde and redheads too suggesting a genetic link so as I said previously, there does not appear to be a simple answer.

Mores the pity.:(


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Avoid stress. It is well known to bring on MS attacks, so I have often thought it may be one of the factors involved in triggering the disease in the first place.

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Ah how to prevent it, well if only we knew ! In short no one knows! I have Ms the relaspsing remitting kind, so can only offer what I think, I believe that my problems were brought about by stress, but who is to know I may have been predisposed to it because of genetics, geographical location, temperate climate all are popular theories with both supporters and sceptics. In the end tho u have to manage it, rest plenty, eat a healthy diet, avoid too much stress, I also have regular reflexology and reiki and take some vitamin supplements such as coral calcium and vit D. Which all seem to help as did leaving the extremely toxic working environment which I had subjected myself to for 13 yrs. I have been relapse free for two and a half years and hope this continues. The best piece of advise I ever heard was this... Dream like you will live forever, Live like this day is your last!



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That page explains the basis of this diet (designed by Dr Seignalet):

The book is called "l'alimentation ou la troisieme medicine" but it's only available in French. It was pretty convincing! We do eat things we probably shouldn't (like cow's milk or modern cereals)...

I have MS and my diet is based on that.
It has positive effects on everyone I know or heard of who follow it.

It's not an easy thing to get rid of gluten (all sorts of wheat, even wholemeal, spelt, rye, etc.) and milk as it's everywhere, especially in restaurants (where I used to go all the time). But that's the price to pay to get better. Nothing should be cooked at temperatures over 110 degrees (steaming, gentle frying or stew only).

I've always refused injecting myself chemicals recommended by neurologist as they don't heal (neuro admit it) and they have terrible side effects (some of them can lead to cancer).

Stress free life (not easy in London!), resolving psychological issues are also the key. Nothing will work otherwise. Even if MS gets better, something else is likely to appear.

I also recommend Anticancer by David Servan Schreiber. It's not as complete as Seignalet's work but at least it's in English. Even though it's not aimed at MS, some principles also apply.

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Cause of Multiple Sclerosis

Although MS is not hereditary, there are certain genes that have been identified that cause a predisposition to MS. Info can be found via the MS Society/MS nurses/ Neurological Consultants etc. Booklets and information on MS are available online from the Multiple Sclerosis Society and can give much valuable information to anyone coping with MS , or wishing to know more.
I have MS and my mother had MS. She tried many remedies, including hyperbaric oxygen treatment and a gluten free diet, which she steadfastly followed for many years, giving her the hope that it could cure, or maybe keep the symptoms at bay. Current research on people following these treatments has shown that either of these treatments bring about improvement. I believe that psychologically, it gave her hope for the future, instead of the inevitable deterioration with symptoms that lead to many early deaths.
However, as children are never born with MS, and it is usually diagnosed post puberty, scientists believe that it is an auto-immune response, caused by an early insult on the body of conditions such as chicken pox, measles etc.
I believe that stress can be a factor in triggering MS in a body that has already MS, but is not showing any symptoms. In my case, I had symptoms of MS 15 years before it was diagnosed, as symptoms became worse and more prolonged. Having trained and working in a very stressful job,(Intensive Care nursing) it took seven years to be diagnosed. Stress and physical exertion can bring about relapses, (a deterioration in condition) which sometimes does not improve, but becomes worse.
Predisposition related to climates/geographical areas where people are more likely to contract MS are very likely. Factors like smoking/poor diet could also trigger already existing MS, as they cause an unheathy body which causes more stress in the system.I believe had smoked or had an unheathy diet 15 years ago, it would have been more likely for my symptoms to have been diagnosed earlier. The former comments on certain hair colours having predispostion to MS seemed very unlikely, but then could be the result nationality within MS prone areas. I am not aware of any studies showing this. The two other people I know of have brunette hair, not blond or red.
I do wish that people would state their reason for their beliefs? ( personal, research, medical opinion, womens magazines- not always accurate)
Would appreciate views on this. Many thanks
