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Help Plz!!!

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Hi guys!!

I'm new here and i hope you can help me... this is my problem. My guy is so sick but we don't know yet what's wrong with him, he has been feeling sick for 8/9 months already, he has gone to some doctors, and they still don't have a clue of what can it be wrong. He has gone through so many tests and all of them have been ok! So if someone has passed for the same situation or have any advice for me, i'd be very grateful. ... we are really worried!!!

These are his symptoms... (by the way sorry for my english :S)

- tremors
- shankings all over his body (arms, legs, tongue, chest, etc)
- burning/hot sensation mainly in chest and low stomach
- kind of stomach ache (but it's NOT stomach ache)
- blur vision (maybe for 10 seconds, and that doesn't happen very often)
- weird feeling/noises in his head... have you seen boiling water?, well that's what he feels... like kind of "plops" sounds
- loosing skin
- sometimes he gets dizzy.. but not very often
- kind of head ache... but the same... it's not exactly a normal head ache... it's more like... weird sensations
- sometimes he gets some weird noises in his ears
- chest pain (but it's not his heart.. his heart is completely fine)
- low abdominal pain

He's not into drugs or alcohol or that kind of things... he's been a very healthy guy during all his life.. so we don't know what can be wrong with him.

He has gone through lots of tests... blood tests, heart tests, etc... And everything has been ok. The only thing they have found is high levels in blood of a substance called "cortisol" It's weird.. sometimes it has been normal.. some others not, some others a little low...

At the beginning doctors thought it was a problem with his glands, the thyroid, and that kind of things but all the tests have shown it's not that, they have turned to be fine, so now they are thinking it's a neurological problem (we haven't got to see an neurologist yet, but it will be soon) but they are not quite sure yet... they still think maybe it's something to do with his glands... So what do you think guys?

Has someone passed through this?... it's my first post so i don't know if there are doctors around, or specialist.. but if someone can give me your point of view, or any advice... please help us. I'm desperate, just like him... this nightmare seems endless and the only thing we have heard during all these months is "no clue" "that's so strange" ":S who knows what's wrong with you :S:(" and we have even found people that just thinks he's going crazy gRRrr that's so frurstrating... he's feeling bad everyday, and to hear that it's just awful! I hope someone here can help us!!


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RE: Help Plz!!!

Gosh that is an awful lot to cope with. im no Doctor but to me it sounds like There may be some connection with the fluid system And balance of Chemicals somewhere if hes getting bubbling sounds and ab pains and shaking. HOw active was he before this started? ALso -wat was going on just before the first symptoms he noticed came about?
Could he keep a food diary to see if certain foods or fluids aggravte the symptoms?

I do hope someone in this forum can really help you both. I will keep up with the info also as i may know someone who might be of some help.
xTake care , Eve

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RE: Help Plz!!!

Seems his body may be having a reactive respons to some kind of imbalance? its obviously affecting his cellular system.

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RE: Help Plz!!!

i'm thinking hormonal? or some sort of allergic response? it's worth trying acupuncture for any sort of imbalance (i think). hopefully you will get more expert advice soon.

it sounds awful for both of you x

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RE: Help Plz!!!

Thank you very much for your answers guys!

Thats what i think Eve, that maybe it's an imbalance with some substance or something like that... All this nightmare started in november (more or less)... he started with some sounds in his head, then the rest was appearing little by little... The shakings and the tremors have been the most difficult thing to deal with... The first time he went to the doctor was on may if i'm not mistaken... he told him to stop drinking coffee, chocolates, and that kind of things... he got all those tests, and still nothing... He has been trying to remember if he ate, or did something before all these things started... but nothing... He was active, you know, his job, and a completely normal life (healthy life... no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarette),... maybe he was not a sportive guy like spending hours in a gym, but he was and he's still active.... i guess your idea of keeping a diary of all the food he eats, it's good! I'm going to tell him to do that! And again thank you very much for reading me, and caring about us!

Reikirabbit thank to you too for answering me.. doctors do think it can be hormonal... that's why they want him to see an endocrinologist. But for now all the tests he has gotten for his glands and hormones have been ok so far... the only thing is that substance called "cortisol" so those are our 2 next options the neurologist, and the endocrinologist... lets see if finally they can find something because this is really awful!

Tomorrow he's going to the doctor... lets see what they have to tell him! I will keep you informed of what's going on!

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RE: Help Plz!!!

While you're waiting for answers, he might want to have some regular reflexology sessions.

The treatments are very good for getting the body back in balance and works on all the body systems, including central nervous system and endocrine.


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RE: Help Plz!!!

Hi Amelie,

Cortisol is a normal hormone, called the 'stress hormone' and is produced by the adrenel glands near the kidneys to cause the body to produce more blood glucose and also to regulate the blood pressure and heart rate, to combat stress.

Any idea what his level is? It should be in the range:

6-23 mcg/dl (micrograms per deciliter).

It could be that your partner's high levels are a result and not the cause of his symptoms. Has he been through a period of extreme stress recently, before these symptoms appeared.

Does he drink lots of coffee?

As well as going to an endrocronologist, any treatment that reduces his stress level will be directly helpful to him to reduce the cortisol levels. If you can bring it down to normal, by say reflexology, then the doctors may feel able to eliminate cortisol levels as a cause.

As with all posts of a medical nature, please understand that opinions expressed on the forums are the responsability of the member posting. HP is not repsonsible for any advice given by its members, in particular, but not only restricted to, advice about treatments of health related problems. Your first point of call should allways be a professional medical practitioner.


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RE: Help Plz!!!

Hi Lesley & Leo!!!

Thank you very much for your answer!

About the reflexology sessions.... we haven't tried that yet. For now the only thing of "natural medicine" that we've tried is the accupunture. But unfortunately it didn't work either. The accupunturist gave him some herbs to take like a tea too, but we didn't have any results. I guess we should try with anything now, so i'm going to suggest him the reflexology stuff (to be honest i had never tried with this kind of therapies, but as i've said, now we are willing to try with anything that can help) . Thank you!

And Leo hmm... I don't remember exactly what was his levels of that hormone. Today he's going to the doctor, to learn his new levels of that hormone, so lets see what the doctor says and then i come back to update this.

I do know the cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, he has already gone through some tests for that area. They thought it was, maybe, a lump or something like that... so he got tests for all his glands, not only the ones located in that area, and nothing yet. 🙁 Also the doctors thought it could be the Cushing's syndrome, but it was not that one either.

Now the next thing to do is to get an MRI of his head (we don't know yet when is he going to get that test yet). Just to be sure if the "sounds/aches" in his head are not being caused by something there.... it seems that for now our only options are the neurologist, and the endocrinologist... it's so awful to have no clue of what's going wrong with him.... Each night his internal tremors get worst at night, or when he's tired, but all the things we have heard 'til now from doctors is "we have no idea of what can be wrong with you" GRRRR I know they are working and doing their best, it's just that we wish he could get a dianosis right away so he can start feeling better...

He doesn't drink any coffee, when all this stuff started, he liked to drink iced tea, so the first thing that his doctors told him was to stop with all the caffeine, so now not coffee, or iced tea...

I know this is a forum, and i'm very thankful for all your words. I know the doctor has the last word. I just wish we could have fine someone else with this same symptoms, or that has happened for the same stuff so he can give us a clue that might help you in this search...

Again thank you very much!!!

And if there's someone else with this symptoms, plz come to share your experience with us. Thank you very much guys!! I really appreciate your help!

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RE: Help Plz!!!

Just thought - it could be an imbalance in the pituitary gland which controls the adrenal gland. At least the MRI will show up any physiological changes in the area.

