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help for alzheimer's disease

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the following article is from todays daily express.
could omega 3 halt dementia
eating fish seems to reduce peoples risk of alzheimer,s disease, and may even slow its progress. researchers at Tufts university, Boston, studied the link between the level of an omega 3 fatty acid (DHA), in the blood of 899 men and women, and the chance that they developed alzheimers or another form of dementia. those with the highest levels of DHA, had a 47 per cent lower risk of dementia, and a 39 per cent lower risk of alzheimers. they also had the highest fish intake- an average three servings a week.

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RE: help for alzheimer,s disease

Alzheimer’s Disease can be helped with diet; Alzheimer’s Disease has been associated with Aluminium toxicity so it is best to cut down on foods with high Aluminium content such as:

  • Chocolate pudding[*]Chocolate beverages[*]Salt
  • Some chewing gums

Try not to cook food in Aluminium pans, avoid using Aluminium foil and food that has been stored in Aluminium cans. In studies it has been found that Alzheimer’s suffers tend to have a diet high in fat and calories but low in fish oil, so it may be wise to cut down on the saturated fats and increase the consumption of Oily Fish such as:

    [*]Salmon[*]Trout[*]Tuna[*]Sardines[*]Herring[*] Mackerel

In trials some people were helped by taking Choline and Lecithin supplements, Lecithin can be found naturally in foods such as;

    [*]Soya Beans[*] Liver[*] Egg Yolk[*]Sunflower Oil[*]Maize

People who develop problems with their memory tend to be deficient in Thiamine (Vitamin B1); this is especially true of people who drink a lot of Alcohol. Foods rich in Thiamine are;

    [*]Brown Rice[*]Wheat Germ[*]Brewers Yeast[*]Whole Grain Bread and Cereals

Another food that increases Blood flow to the Brain and helps with memory loss is Garlic. Studies have shown that those people who have a physically or mentally activity outside their work tend not to develop Alzheimer’s Disease later on in life.

All the best

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I was interested to read an article about new treatment currently being explored by the medical community

Alzheimer's may be tackled by treating a patient's liver, research suggests
Alzheimer's may in future be tackled by treating a patient's liver, new research suggests.
Scientists have discovered a strong link between circulating levels of a toxic protein in the blood and the disease.

They believe helping the liver to clear amyloid-beta protein from the blood could provide a new way of combating the devastating effects of Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia.

Alzheimer's, which causes progressive loss of memory and mental faculties, affects almost 417,000 people in the UK. A key characteristic of the disease is the accumulation of neuron-damaging amyloid-beta (A-beta) in the brain.
The new research shows that levels of the protein in the brain are affected by their levels in the peripheral blood stream.

Scientists in the US and Hong Kong manipulated the livers of laboratory rats to increase blood levels of amyloid-beta. One of the liver's primary jobs is to remove toxic substances from the blood stream. The researchers found that raising A-beta blood levels slowed down the speed at which molecules of the protein were swept from the rats' brains.

The findings, reported in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, support the theory that freely circulating amyloid-beta concentrations outside the brain can regulate clearance rates inside the central nervous system.
Dr David Cook, from the University of Washington School of Medicine said: "We knew from previous work that the liver plays an important role in removing A-beta from the blood.

"So, we thought if we temporarily prevented liver-mediated clearance it might be possible to set or 'clamp' peripheral A-beta levels long enough to find out whether A-beta in the blood stream affects A-beta clearance from the brain.
"We were a bit surprised to see how effective this strategy was. Peripheral A-beta clearance immediately halted almost completely. For several years it has been suggested that the circulatory system can act like an A-beta sink. The data clearly show that the liver is the primary drain."

This may bring hope to many sufferers and their families, and may well be a stepping stone towards a true cure.
I am a bit concerned about the use of rats in the research, but rather than judge the scientists for this I hold the space for a transformation in this area


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Thanks for posting this information Tigress....

I do empathise with you about the Rats being used for experiments. I have said a prayer and I give thanks that they might not suffer.....But there is so many of our Elders suffering from this degenerative brain's more like an epedemic.

We have two rats ourselves. Pinky& Perky....:)

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Just saw this thread and wanted to mention something I watched the other night, it was a programme about the body clock and one bit was saying that early studies of treating alzheimers and dementia by increasing patient's exposure to light are being conducted in Europe and are having some promising results in slowing the degeneration of memory and other cognitive functions. Just wanted to throw it out there as I don't know much about how this works, but thought it was interesting.

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Personally speaking, I just hope these new government ideas of increased training in awareness for GPs etc and of clinic provision - work.
My mother has vascular dementia...she has an OK consultant - a crap GP and its been a battle all the way to get anything sorted. And I feel I have an advantage after all my years of working as a nurse - god help those carers and patients who cant deal with/ dont know how to use the system or lack the confidence to challenge decisions and plans.
Sorry if a slightly off topic rant....

