I don't know if anyone can help or not. I have thought about posting so many times before but think I am just being silly but its got to the point that I don't know what to do,so here goes:
I was invovled in a nasty car accident about 17 weeks ago. I don't remember much but a car ran me off the road at 70mph causing my car to roll (top to toe) before it ended up in some treeson its roof facing the wrong way down the carriageway. I was knocked out, took an hour to cut me out and so on with the car totally unrecognisbalebut have been incredibly lucky (in one way) that I escaped with severe brusing, somesoft tissue damageand a few nastyhead lacerations and whiplash.
I have since been diagnosed with post concussion syndrome and feel like I am going mad. I have done some research into this and know that the symptoms I have are quite normal - if you can call them that - ringing in the ears, constant headaches, tinging in my right side but its the mood swings, my now rubbish memory, my inability to cope with well - anything and the feeling like I am living at the bottom of a very deep tunnel with no idea how to get out that I cannot deal with.
Before the accident I was happy go lucky, nothing really fazed me, was so organised and on top of everything and now sometimes I cannot see the point of anything. i have no desire, no motivation. the only thing that keeps me sane is my 8month old daughter but even sometimes I just want to walk away from that responsbility becuase it all gets too much, and I don't know what to do
Everyone thinks I am coping so well with it all but i'm not. I have tried a few times taking to them but they just don't understand. My Gp just keeps saying that its going to take time and I feel so alone.
Sorry to dump this here but I just wondered if someone may be able to point me somewhere or to someone that can help. I have thought about my health visitor a few times but I don't want people to think I am a bad mother - stupid I know but thats how I seem to be thinking these days
Thanks for any help or advice
RE: Feel like I am going crazy! Head Injury
Hi Babe,
There is no shame in talking to your health visitor she will probably be more understanding than your GP and will be able to point you in the right direction for help. Also print off your post on here and give it to your close family members as they really need to know what is happening and sometimes it is easier to make them see by giving them what you have written rather than trying to talk about it...
I hope that this may be of some help...
RE: Feel like I am going crazy! Head Injury
I dont know if a shamanic perspective will help you are not.
Often, at times of great shock and trauman, such as you have experienced, a part of our energy leaves our body, to help us cope
this is called soul loss.
you can call soul parts back to you in meditation, or ask a shamanic healer to do a soul retrieval for you
Star of bethlehem is an excellent flower remedy to help heal shock, as is arnica homeopathic remedy.
you can get both from Boots.
Wouldnt it be nice if boots also offered soul retrieval?
wishing you well
RE: Feel like I am going crazy! Head Injury
Dear Babe
What a traumatic thing to happen! No wonder you feel awful. Please don't apologise for posting here, that's what the forum's for. I'm sorry that I can't offer any concrete suggestions but I do think that your Health Visitor wouldn't in any way think you a bad mother. You have been through a horrendous accident and as you say are lucky to have come off lightly in a physical sense. Probably your family would be more understanding if you had physical problems. As your symptoms are mental and emotional ie invisible, it's more difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that you haven't yet recovered. I'm sure things will improve in time. Meanwhile everyone here will be sending you love and healing. Hang on in there.
Much love
Sunanda xxx
RE: Feel like I am going crazy! Head Injury
Hi Babe
I'm sorry to hear about your accident and the problems you are having.
I used to work as a technical instructor in a rehabilitation centre for young adults with an acquired brain injury. Your symptons sound typical and completely normal for a head injury. Recovery can be slow and frustrating but you WILL improve. Meanwhile, go back to your GP and tell him about the difficulties that you are experiencing. Maybe you need an occupational therapy and/or pyschological assessment which will clarify the extent of your injury.
Take each day as it comes; develop strategies to compensate for your lack of memory, ie keep a diary, wall-planners, lists. Break complex tasks into simple steps. Set small achievable goals for yourself each day and feel proud of yourself when you have achieved them.
Also, very importantly, rest, relaxation with moderate exercise. Keep life simple and reduce clutter. Stay away from activities and areas that are overly stimulating! And be sure to include the omega oils in your diet - these feed the brain cells. No alcohol.
Do you know how long you were unconscious for?
Let us know how you get on.
RE: Feel like I am going crazy! Head Injury
I have nothing to add to what the others have already said but to say no you are not going crazy, send you healing thoughts.
HI Babe
Just reading your original post- you might also find that a few sessions of homeopathy would help you. There are medicines that are used to help with symptoms such as yours that come on specifically after head injury. Hom
Dear babe- my daughter suffered a head injury that caused mood swings and v. disturbed sleep patterns. Her experience was not as traumatic as yours but although she was given the all clear by the hospital the chiropracter found 5 bones out of alignment in her neck.She was also proscribed deep sea fish oils and some other brain nutrients by a therapist friend of ours. I also treated her with reflexology and reiki. Obviously these treatments didn't all take place at once but she has improved enormously. She too said she thought she was going mad and kept seeing things but all that has stopped so look after yourself- youv'e had a big shock give yourself time to recover and keep talking god bless frayja
Hi Babe,
So sorry to hear about your accident.
You've already had some great advice.
Just wanted to reccommend osteopathy as even its very good for realigning your body and rebalancing everything.
My sister fell from a window and she too was lucky in that she didnt break anything but she did have severe concussion and hallucinations and would just suddenly fall asleep.
Going to the osteopath helped a lot and gradually helped to heal.
Hope you'll be feeling much better soon
Medicine Buddha resources may be of help:
at least I myself use them succesfully as healing
On the page
you're offered to "submit names of the person you want to receive
a Med Buddha healing blessing",
hasn't tried myself.