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hi all
i am an epileptic
i was wondering if anyone else on here suffers with epilepsy?
i know it sounds a strange question but i would just like to talk to a people as well who suffer with it as i have never really come into contact with many people who have it.
blessed be

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RE: epilepsy

Hi Charmed
I dont suffer with epilepsy but my sister does. asnd my son is currantly being investigated,as to why he is having clonic tonic episodes(Grand Mal) (full & partial)

would you like to talk about your experience as an epileptic..... when did it emerge? what triggers it you feel it effects your life?

Love & hugs Maria xxx

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RE: epilepsy

Hiya Charmed

Welcome to the club, you'd be surprised just how many people suffer from epilepsy and don't mention it. For some reason (like mental health problems) its not talked about, I can't thing why as so many people suffer from it. I have had it since I was 21, I am now 51, my uncle who has just past away had it (so I guess its hereditory) oh and by the way he past due to pneumonia at the tender age of 81, and now it looks like my daughter is going to "suffer" from it.

If it is of any help there are some quite famous people who have or who have had epilepsy, I feel quite proud that I can say that I am suffer from the same thing as Julius Ceasar, but then I'm a bit daft like that. There are famous people now who suffer from it, they just dont let the whole world know which I think is a pity. Oh and I believe that Paul Daniels is patron of the Epilepsy foundation.

Welcome to the club of the deranged (as some people think - oh and its not catching) please feel free to get in touch any time. I feel privaliged because it has helped me feel more in tune with the spiritual world around us. I'm not saying I love having it but its just an extra tablet (or in my case three) a day, then I get on with things.

If you need a friend I'm here.

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RE: epilepsy


I was diagnosed as having temporal lobe epilepsy (simple partial seizures) on Friday. This was after years of thinking I was going a bit loopy with what I had always called my 'funny turns'! My sister also has epilepsy, generalised tonic clonic seizures. I'm currently in the process of deciding whether to tell my work or not (I'm a secondary school teacher) in case they hear the word epilepsy and panic, which can be the case in some situations sadly. I think maybe some people who don't have epilepsy, or don't have much understanding of it have quite a skewed version of what it is, and how different it can be in different people. So if, you want to share experiences that's cool! 🙂

Love, Annie

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RE: epilepsy

Ooh Annie I so know what you mean, some employees panic when they hear the word epileptic I think that they think your going to fit on a regular basis. And in your case I think they'll have one and scare the kids!

As you know I've had epilepsy for 30 years, some people I told others I didn't. I think that if you've got it under control and have been fit free for some time that you should'nt neet to tell them. I guess it's up to you and your consionce (eek bad spellin) I have experienced both types of reaction, some have looked at me as if I've got the plague and others can't believe I have it because I look and act so "normal". Like der do they think that we go around shakin and jerkin like we've got St Vitus Dance. They are even more surprised that I haven't had a major fit in that time. Honest isn't that wat medication is for.[sm=eeeK.gif]

This is why I think that those who are constantly in the media who suffer from epilepsy should come forward and say so. Then the stigma that surrounds it will go. Some people still believe that if they stay too close to someone with epilepsy that it will "rub" off on they and they'll catch it.

Up to you Annie what you decide to do but if it doesn't interfere with your work I wouldn't bother, especially if it is as you say one of the milder cases of epilepsy. You don't say if you go the whole way, shakin, biting of tongue etc etc. If you just have episodes of "absences" then I don't think that you are a "danger" to anyone. Especially as you have been doing the job in the past without any trouble.

I find that I still have dizzy spells even though I'm on 1,500mg of medicatiion a day, and I still "see" things and "hear" things but I have put this down to me being sensitive to other things and that my past couple of years of rather excessive activities in both my temporal lobes has actually helped to open me up even further.

Oh god I'm rambling. Its up to you me dear, but if it aint broke dont try to fix it what they dont know (and haven't) wont hurt them cos I dont think that people can differentuate between mild and major epilepsy. They have simple minds.

Good luck as to what you do, all of us other sufferers are behind you 100%


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RE: epilepsy

Hi Marnie, Maria and Charmed, hope you are all well!

Still trying to make a decision, consulting my union rep about it tomorrow. He advises that I do inform school, but still unsure. I have very mild episodes, don't think anyone really notices, to them it just looks like I've gone a bit 'vacant' for a while, and as a drama teacher I think they half expect this ;)!. Although the turns leave me very confused, it's not really a problem. It's when they come one after the other solidly (which they have done in the past) that it really wipes me out. Definitely not a danger to anyone though, so school should be okay. I'll let you know what I decide!

Take care, love Annie 😀

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RE: epilepsy

All the best Annie in whatever you decide to do. I have to take 300mg of Epinutim and 1000mg of tegratol and I still get dizzy spells! I'm having a few right now - I say that it's a great excuse for my forgetting things, I have temporal lobe damage and as that's the part that deals with memory I'm sorted!

It's a pain when I forget things especially when I'm half way through a sentence but its been happening for so long that my family and friends are used to it. Hey I'm deranged and that's great too.

Good luck Annie all the best.

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RE: epilepsy


I told school, and my head teacher was actually very supportive. She did however say that I would be referred for an occupation health (?) assessment (or something like that) but I'm not quite sure what that involves... She actually recommended alternative therapy e.g. massage, and I was quite pleased she seemed so open minded

How are you all?

Annie x

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RE: epilepsy

Hi Annie

I haven't commented before but have been watching this thread with interest...
I am glad that you have told your employers, and that the Head is very supportive of you....I wish you well

Many blessings
stormdeva x

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RE: epilepsy

Hi Annie,
The occupational health will just try and determine if there are any special considerations that are required in your workplace so that you are able to work there. It'll be nothing to worry about.

I've not had epilepsy myself, but my pet dog did when I was a teenager, so it's something that I'm familiar with, and although at the time I found it quite scary, I know it's just a normal thing and nothing to be frightened of.

Love and Reiki Hugs
