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Dizzy Spells?

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Over the past 2 weeks I have been suffering from dizziness and not sure what the cause could be. I have had a chest infection and the doctor said it might be part and parcel of that. However I am over weight and wondered if it could be diebetes. Its a bit worrying really, does anyone no what else causes dizziness?.

Jill x

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RE: Dizzy Spells?

Hi, yes, vertigo, labrynthitus,and meniere's disease causes dizziness. There is a thread on-going re menieres (sp) I'm not good at pulling up threads but I dare say if you look around you'll find it or Holistic will come to rescue with a link. It isn't a pleasent thing to be happening I know, as I havethis happen to me, mine seems to be an every-so-often thing been doing it now for two years. ;)lyn

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RE: Dizzy Spells?

I dare say if you look around you'll find it or Holistic will come to rescue with a link.

LOL, lyn, it seems my reputation has gone before me! 😀 You're very lucky that I just happened to see this post in passing, as it were. 😉

I'm a bit out of my own areas with this one, and wouldn't have known where to look, but fortunately Menieres (yes, you did spell it right) into Search on All Forums found it, if this is the one you meant:

[link= ][/link]

It's in the Head & Neck forum, but if anyone wants to repeat the search that I did, there seem to be quite a number of threads on dizziness generally, and in different forums. That's why it's often useful to search on All Forums rather than where you THINK a thread might be.

The one thing I'm NOT going to do, and I don't think it's a good idea for anyone else to attempt to do so either, is to try and diagnose someone's symptoms online. Onlytheir GP or specialist should do that in the course of a consultation.

My suggestion to Jill therefore would be to go back to the GP and if he/she can't be more specific as to the cause, maybe once the chest infection has cleared up, then ask to be referred to a specialist.


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RE: Dizzy Spells?

ORIGINAL: jdholistic


Over the past 2 weeks I have been suffering from dizziness and not sure what the cause could be. I have had a chest infection and the doctor said it might be part and parcel of that. However I am over weight and wondered if it could be diebetes. Its a bit worrying really, does anyone no what else causes dizziness?.

Jill x

Hiya there! I had this problem a few days ago. I found out what it was caused by. When you eat wheat (like bread or pasta) it is hard for our bodies to digest the glutens, so it slows things down in the stomach (making us gain weight) . What also happens is that our gas can get trapped in the intestines (because of everything moving so slowly). This causes nausea. Its quite amazing. One of the greatest things for nausea is a walk. walking and running is very beneficial to the peristalic movements of the intestines. If you need a quick solution, try aloe vera juice, that can get things moving safely.

Oh and BTW, white bread has been found to cause diabetes. [link= ][/link]

So try cutting out the wheat, go for more frequent walks, and see how you feel after that :D.

hope that helped.


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RE: Dizzy Spells?

Thanks for that Elyezual, I found this bit of interest ... [link= ]Calcium propionate[/link]- This is a mold inhibitor and may be linked to migraines, I stopped eating white bread ( all bread actually)in june this year,up till then I have SUFFERED REALLY BAD since childhood with Migraine, now since October I have not had a migraine, noticed by the mounting Eletriptan in my cupboard, it might be worth me trying some white bread again to check see if it was that -that caused the migraine for sure,not that I'm a gluten :D(couldn't resist that lol,) for punishment but I'm curious now. It could also be that at 51 I have at last grown out of it ! [&:]lol
Thank you ;)Lyn

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RE: Dizzy Spells?

During and after a chest infection, the volume of liquid in the ear can be altered and this can cause balance problems and dizzyness. Occaisionally people suffer Benign Positional Vertigo - ie it comes on in certain position eg when moving from sitting to lying down, or rising quickly from sitting to standing, turning head quickly.

There is a specific positional adjustment that Chiropractors and Ear Nose & throat specialists use to sort this out - ask your GP for a referral to the local ENT Dept or ring local Chiros and ask if they are certified to carry out this manouvre.

Sometimes vertigo / dizzyness is temporary and self corrects. Stress makes it worse so don't panic!

(chirokid is a registered Chiropractor using the McTimoney method).
