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Dizziness etc

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Hi - not really sure if this is a neurological problem or not really but thought this may be the best heading to put this under...Anyway, have been experiencing a few different symptoms for a while now and am pretty certain they are all connected so if anyone has experience of anything similar i would be interested as most people don't know what i'm talking about:- Lose my balance when walking downstairs, feel giddy when walking down escalators, motion sickness, feel 'strange' when go into supermarkets (due to bright lighting i think), feel out of control when driving as feels like car is going over one side of the road and not straight (even though it isn't). If you have any experience of the above i would be really grateful...thanks

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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi Seeker,

Have you had your ears tested lately? This might sound strange but sometimes a problem with the inner ear can cause dizzyness and unbalance in the body.

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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi Seeker

It could be as Doogle suggested something to do with the inner ear, also sounds like a form of vertigo which can be symptomatic of lots of different things, anything out of the unusual or if it has persitted more than a couple of weeks do see a GP., take exactly what you have written here and anything else...

Let us know how you get on..


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RE: Dizziness etc

I have talked about the 3 main sources of dizziness & loss of balance about 2 thirds down this Thread -

If that's any help. 😉


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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi Seeker,

I've just seen your posting. I have another angle, just in case your ears are checked and nothing's found to be wrong.

I had dizziness for years, often felt like I was on a ship in a storm. Had my ears checked many times and they couldn't find anything wrong. It came and went, so I could have 2 weeks of it, then be fine for several months and then it would come back.

Eventually, over the years, other events in my life culminated in panic attacks. During this time the dizziness got so bad the doctor referred me, once again, to the ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. This was the first time anyone actually asked what the dizziness felt like. So here's a clue for you. If you feel like you are spinning it's likely to be an ear problem. If you feel disoriented and rock side to side, like the ship feeling, then that could be connected to breathing!! I was amazed. However, I discovered that I had been hyperventilating for years, only slightly, which made me dizzy. When I look back I always had an ungrounded feeling, like my feet weren't secure on the floor.

Now I have learned to regulate my breathing i.e. slow it down and breathe from the abdomen area. If your chest moves when you breathe then you are using anxious breathing. It only takes a split second to change the whole chemical balance of the body i.e. too much oxygen and reduced carbon dioxide. As a result of all this I am now working in Stress Management and realise that so many people go through life, not breathing properly. A good way to test is to have one hand on your chest and the other on your tummy. If the upper hand (chest) moves then you are breathing incorrectly and this could be creating dizziness.

This may have nothing to do with your ears, however it may have everything to do with it. At least you have the information, just in case. I'll be interested to hear what happens.

Take care,

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RE: Dizziness etc


This type of breathing is also good for letting go of tension in the chest, back and pelvis and in my case has helped a chronic back problem.


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RE: Dizziness etc

I actually i find it ridiculousy uncomfortable breathing from the abdomen and take very long slow deep breaths filling the lungs which are after all in the chest! more often i use both..

Seeker, have you ever looked at the possibility of Meniers (its a condition) think i spelt it could look it up on google, may fit your bill or not...still get it checked out.

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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi there,

I think people are misunderstanding my breathing suggestion. It's not about changing to another way of breathing, it's not a special technique. It's about breathing naturally in a relaxed manner. To breathe from the chest is not relaxed and is a bad habit many of us gain in life. The only time the chest should come into action is upon exertion i.e. running.

It's about returning to proper breathing which then reduces stress symptoms, one of which is dizziness. I know I've been there and it's very disorienting.

Surely it is beneficial to attempt a safe method to see if it helps reduce the dizziness. If it doesn't, then nothing is lost. In fact, you've gained a rebalance. If it does, then you've saved yourself from tests and being given drugs that may not be necessary. Because, as we know, doctors love to give out drugs;)

I was given pills over the years for ear infections, etc. and it turned out that all I had to do was learn to breathe naturally.

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RE: Dizziness etc

Thanks to everyone for their replies on this - will have to go to GP i guess and take it from there..

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RE: Dizziness etc

Any news?

I can only hope that they've done more than prescribe for relief of symptoms only & not instigated further investigation.


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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi Andrew - I have actually booked a couple of dr appointments and cancelled them - not sure why - but am finally going tomorrow am we shall see..
Thanks for asking

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RE: Dizziness etc

Any progress?


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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi Seeker, by now hopefully you will have seen your gp and he/she will have referred you on. I agree with the others that what you have may just be an inner ear/breathing problem but and here's the but and it is a biggy im afraid. You may be epileptic. If nothing else seems to be wrong with you then I'd be checked for this. I am an epilepic have been for decades, it doesn't ruin my life but just recently I went through exactly what you describe and my gp checked ears medication etc. However after practically dragging him across his desk he finally booked me up for a hospital appointmen and it turns out that I have excessive bitemperal activity.

I'm not saying that this is what is wrong with you but I'd certainly have it checked if not just to get it ruled out. Is this what you're frighened of, because if it is dont be. Youll just have to take medication and you get used to that - just like brushing your teeth and far better than having a dizzy spell and falling down the stairs or under a bus!

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RE: Dizziness etc

Hi seeker i had very simular symptoms to you, i had them for a while and did'nt do anything about it till i had a couple of bad attacks of vertigo.
My GP diagnosed Laberynthitis (viral) i was off work for three weeks and all though the dizziness has subsided i still feel a bit spacey at times. I have been told that it can take sometime to get over it completely.
Because of the symptoms it can knock your confidence and make you feel a bit panicky i certainly did, i was worried about going out alone in case i fell or wobbled into someone [sm=jump1.gif] i did'nt want people to think i had been hitting the sherry bottle.
Anyway i hope your Gp discovers what your problem is and that your feeling well again soon.
best wishes val

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RE: Dizziness etc

I would look into using Theraputic Grade Essential Oils. Some properties of oils can bypass the blood-brain barrier. Also, "The Raindrop Technique" may also help. This has to do with applying oils to the back/spine.
