Hi, every so often i get low blood sugar ?(i think) .. i feel weak, start shaking and crave sugar..chocolate. This happens about once every 2 months...just randomly. I also have trouble putting weight on. I used to be 9.5 stone about 2 years ago but i have grown and im now 8.5 .
Are these common symptoms of diabetes? and should i be tested... if its only once every couple of months i don't feel its that serious but people are telling me to. Just wondering what anyone thought?..
Just wondering what anyone thought?..
Hi Dvid,
You should go and see your GP as soon as you can.
Hi Dvid
yes you should get tested as there is such a thing as "hidden" diabetes, which is just as dangerous as the diabetes that is all too visible.
Go to your GP at once!
Hiya Dvid
I went through this myself for a number of years, and had tests done, but they never found out what it was, thankfully I only get it a couple of times a year now and eating something sweet always helps.
The weight loss is just one of the signs of Diabetes, as is excessive drinking and excessive urinataion. But you don't crave sugar with the first signs of Diabetes, you crave anything to eat, cos your body is burning muscle/protein as well as fats. Your blood sugar levels normally go very high, which would cause the shaking and you would feel very week, it would also cause you to lose some concentration too.
My 8 year old son is Diabetic and sometimes when we think he is having a Hypo (low blood sugar levels), he is in actual fact having a Hyper (high blood sugar levels). Some of the signs can be the same.
You really need to get to the doctors and he will perform a fasting test on you. (This means, you can't eat 12 hours previous to the test) then you will need to drink a glucose solution to determine the results.
He may do a little finger prink test whilst you are in the surgery, any reading above 11 mmol/l will proberly mean that you are diabetic.
But don't worry too much on this, you may just be Hypoglycaemic, which just means, you need to have a certain about of sugar in your diet to stop the blood sugar levels dropping too much.
Either way, please do get to your doctor.
Angel x
I do have that too when i dont eat for say 4/5 hrs so i make sure i eat somthing every 3 hours even small apple or sandwich otherwsie i get shaky and have to binge eat.that is due to low blood sugar. but you need to see dr to check it out.