Hi, I'm currently suffering from extreme anxiety/stress and fear (possibly PTSD). I am looking to try some alternative approaches, but I have no money. I don't know whether things like Reiki help or even work, but I don't know what else to do. I don't want drugs and I have no where else to turn. I live in North Somerset. Thanks.
You could try your nearest volunteering organisation in your area.
Are you sure people of your own age could be putting up with your completely negative attitude Bloke ?.
I see no need to be rude.
The thing we all need is to learn things like kindness. If we haven't had very good examples of this in our lives it's hard. We can end up being preoccupied with our needs. We have to start somewhere; anywhere in fact. Then in time somehow our needs get met. But the motive to benefit another is often where it all starts. When we learn to be kind to another we then, in time, may learn to be kind to ourselves. Slowly we have to then learn to wish good on all those we meet. To become whole we have no option but to learn to bless those who have caused us harm. There is just no way to escape this.
Meditation will be hard and may even be worse than a waste of time without "kindness."
Bless you!
what makes you think I am unkind?
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened to be serious mistake in the post, so the info above is
to be ignored, or viewed as a picture of Su-jok treatment.
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened a serious mistake in that post, so the info in it is to
be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
I see no need to be rude.
I wasn't being rude. I was just saying it the way I see it.
All you have done so far is give negative feedback on every suggestion that people have made to you....IMO
When I lived in the woods in a tent....I didn't bang on about how hard done by I was. I lived there because I wanted too. When I needed to get to a destination I put my thumb out for a lift or walked..
I asked for help or begged when needed.
If I were you I would stop acting so hard done by and find solutions to my problems.
Have a good day.
what makes you think I am unkind?
Hi Bloke,
I haven't said you were unkind, what I am saying is that there is (I surmise) a lack of the experience of kindness or perhaps loving-kindness in your life. The way to kick start this experience of loving-kindness is to practice it where ever you have the opportunity. A smile, a silent blessing, a wish for another's happiness, an expression of appreciation all feed the heart. In the end, it doesn't matter who we direct our love towards, it's filling our life with the experience of "loving" that brings all things needful to us.
So long as anyone is focussed on their needs they are reaffirming their own sense of self lack. In this state of mind people project their happiness and fulfilment onto objects outside their control. The funny thing is when we find ourselves in this position we try to control things around us to get what we need. The beliefs about self and others that are behind this approach and this approach never bring anything but fleeting happiness. Real happiness comes from focussing on seeing the failure of this approach and working to build loving-kindness and gratitude for what we do have into our experience. Ultimately we have total control over this; it is in no-way dependent on others around us, we just have to practice it, and practice it, and practice it...
The point is Bloke, there have been lots of suggestions and good advice but all you seem to come back with is explainations why you cant' do this or that or why there isn't this or that, that you need. You are disempowering yourself. You have the power to find someone to express kindness to today. You have the power to be grateful for the little you have today. Plant seeds of kindness and gratitude at every opportunity and, with patience, they will grow. I can promise you that.
Remember; there are hundreds of millions of people across this planet that don't have enough food or water to eat today and many of them are facing a perilous life with hope. Where is your hope? We do not gain more in life until we can really feel grateful inside for what we have even if it seems very little to us before we learn to experience gratitude; and the expression of this gratitude in sharing the littel we have with others, even if that is just a smile.
This may take many years. It did for me!
I don' tknow how to answer that; I would assume that, like eft, one would feel the difference leading to a more relaxed state of mind. Also I have no idea how much emotrance therapy would be needed; that's the big question. They claim otherwise but what good is it if you then find you need to keep doing the therapy as there's a seemingly endless parade of blockages and problems. Is that the case with emotrance, or eft? I don't know, im by no means an expert. What i'm looking for is a fix. If that fix takes the rest of your life, is it really a fix at all?
I am new to this forum, but I'm very experienced in energy healing - I've been using Reiki on myself for over 10 years and over the past two years have qualified in EFT and Indian Head Massage, but I've investigated lots more techniques of healing; such as meditation, emotrance, TAT for just a few examples of the many options out there.
All of the healing techniques that I have spent time learning have helped my personal situation in some way, some of them have been so dramatic I decided to qualify as a practitioner so that I can help other people - such as EFT. You can get results in minutes with EFT, but that doesn't mean you are 'fixed'! :confused: what does fixed even mean? Yes, you can neutralise a phobia or a trauma - as I have done so many times on myself and on others, but that doesn't mean life is perfect. There will always be stuff to work on.
One question that I always ask people who say that they want help is 'are you REALLY ready to heal?' This makes them confused, angry and sometimes even turns them away from me, but it a question that you really do need to ask yourself, because you seem to be saying words that are not corresponding with your actions (I want help from someone else, I can't do this alone - but I don't want to pay for it. I want to be fixed - but I don't want it to take time etc).
Then when people question your motives or try to offer you help, you get defensive or make excuses.
Before you go any further you need to take 5 minutes to think about what you want to acheive.
1. Write down your thoughts about what is 'wrong' with you or with your life.
2. Write down all of the emotions/memories that you have that you would rather forget.
3. Lastly, write down your perfect life - for example how would your life be if it was 'fixed'.
Once you have done these 3 things, you need to find ways that you can go about changing them or making them happen in the case of No 3. This is where energy healing comes into play.
For example; if you've suffered a trauma - you can use EFT to neutralise it. If you have a stressful job or home life, you could start to use meditation or emotrance to reduce your stress. There are numerous 'coaching' style books that will help you to make changes and acheive your perfect life - which will be vastly different from my perfect life or your neighbours perfect life. When you realise what you don't want in your life, you can start to work on the things that you do want.
It will take time, I'm sorry to tell you that healing and living a happy, healthy and wealthy life is not going to happen for you in a week if you are in such a dark place now. Healing is a journey. If you choose to do it alone, it will be a very long and quite often confusing and lonely one. There are many healing circles or Reiki shares or online groups for people in EVERY kind of situation. Whatever has happened to you, you are NOT alone.
But you now have 2 choices; you can carry on down the road that you are on or you can choose to do something about your situation and ALLOW yourself to heal and live a happier life.
When you are really ready to heal, you will do something about your situation, rather than just complaining about it or saying that nothing can help you because .
I'm sorry for the long post, but I haven't even scratched the surface here. Which is why I'm always writing new ebooks on specific subjects of healing - it's such a complicated process and there is no quick fix to the perfect life.
Good luck,
Martin (I looked your name up on your profile to make it all a bit more personal)
Mel's post above contains a lot that's worth thinking about. In fact, all the posts you've received have surely given you many hints on what steps you can take to change your life. But you can't blame people for becoming a bit frustrated by your seeming inability to grasp the nettle and DO something, rather than just moan about how your life is not right and how much you want something or somebody to fix it.
While I was looking at your profile, I took the opportunity to look up your previous threads and was absolutely astounded to find that you joined HP in 2004. And you posted almost exactly the same post as your first post of this new thread. So have you been sitting in your room in misery for the past 5 years? That's awful.
But what occurs to me is that, being a member of HP for all those years, you could have been joining in with other people's threads. You could have offered comments about other people's problems. You could have enjoyed all the jokes and the photos, you could have made a contribution.
You could, right now, find one positive thing to say. For example I bet a Somerset village looks lovely at this time of year. Have you had snow yet?
Come on, Martin, try smiling - just moving your facial muscles into a smile sends good chemicals round your body. Watch something funny on TV or BBCiplayer or Channel 4 catch up. Focus outside yourself. Try.
Hello Martin.
I too think Mel's post is excellent (hello Mel welcome to HP x) another term for what Mel is saying and one we use in counselling is 'reaching your pain threshold' and I have personal experience of this so can empathise with your current situation, we have to be so sick and tired of something before we will facilitate change and I feel it may be a good idea to ask yourself if you really are ready. I spent years whining to my friends about the things my Mother, who has mental health issues, used to do and say to me, looking back they must have loved me a lot because I whined and whined and never did anything because I was scared if I ever broke away from my Mother she would kill me like she had always threatened to do, then one day I woke up and I really had, had enough and I no longer cared if my attempt to be free of abuse ended in death, the fear had gone and so I began to grow, 7 years on I am still healing and growing, I have days when I wish it had never begun days and weeks of darkness and depression but when they end I am healed of an issue then another and so on.
I can relate to your issues of loneliness but my intuition is telling me that you need to become a little more self aware and begin to start thinking outside the box, your (in my opinion) uneccessary comment to Oakapple demonstrates this and makes me think that you would benefit from Transactional Analysis and Inner Child Healing, there are Inner Child threads here on HP if you put the words in the search box at the top of the page.
Your pain and frusteration is evident and my heart goes out to you but while you are looking for help outside yourself you will always be going round in circles, nobody can stop your negative thoughts but you, if the affirmations in Louise Hay's book is difficult for you maybe this is because this form of self help does not resonate with your personally and you can look for something else that does, maybe you would like 'The Power of Now' this involves getting into the habit of staying in the moment instead of thinking about the past and worrying about the future.
You have had many excellent replies to this thread but you appear to have been quite dismisive of them so far.
Rebecca x
I wasn't being rude. I was just saying it the way I see it.
All you have done so far is give negative feedback on every suggestion that people have made to you....IMO
When I lived in the woods in a tent....I didn't bang on about how hard done by I was. I lived there because I wanted too. When I needed to get to a destination I put my thumb out for a lift or walked..
I asked for help or begged when needed.
If I were you I would stop acting so hard done by and find solutions to my problems.
Have a good day.
This is a little bit silly.
I've been perfectly reasonable with every reply given. But i'm not going to lie about something if it's not possible for me to do. If I can't learn Tai Chi because no one teaches it nearby, what would you suggest I do? Think about your response: is it going to be to chide me by focussing on solely on the word 'can't', or is it to come up with something practical.
You might think it's unacceptable for someone to be 'negative' (which strikes me as a bizarre attitude to have in this forum), but is telling them this actually any better? I think it's just the other side of the coin.
Suggestions are fine, and I always welcome them. But you cannot make a suggestion without accepting the consequence of that suggestion, and that is that I may point out it's not possible for me to do.
So if you are going to just tell someone to 'find solutions', offering an explanation of how would be a good idea. If i didn't want to find solutions, I wouldn't be here in the first place.
It seems we have now established the things you cannot do bloke..
what can you do?:)
It seems we have now established the things you cannot do bloke..
what can you do?:)
He's a musician, Fleur. I'd love to hear more about that, Martin? What kind of music do you play/sing?
Bloke,Im wondering if you realise that gettng free advice and help here is to be welcomed,that people take the time and effort to offer their advice should not be taken for granted.I personally have appreciated all advice offered on this site.
It seems we have now established the things you cannot do bloke..
what can you do?:)
I don't understand the question.
I didn't say I can't perform tai chi. I said there are no avenues I can find locally that would teach it. It's not something you can really teach yourself (assuming you'd want to learn properly); believe me i've tried. I have a dvd that teaches it, but I can't follow it (mainly because he uses a mirror model to what he's actually saying which is really really confusing).
This also applies to inner child therapy and transactional analysis; I don't dismiss either. I just know of no way to do them. Same with emotrance, as i've already said.
I'm not sure how, then, to answer your question.
Bloke,Im wondering if you realise that gettng free advice and help here is to be welcomed,that people take the time and effort to offer their advice should not be taken for granted.I personally have appreciated all advice offered on this site.
as have i. In fact i'm rather confused as to how you can actually think otherwise.
He's a musician, Fleur. I'd love to hear more about that, Martin? What kind of music do you play/sing?
I play the bass guitar and wrote some music when I had the software for it. The link is dead which is why I removed it from the signature.
I don't understand the question.
I didn't say I can't perform tai chi. I said there are no avenues I can find locally that would teach it. It's not something you can really teach yourself (assuming you'd want to learn properly); believe me i've tried. I have a dvd that teaches it, but I can't follow it (mainly because he uses a mirror model to what he's actually saying which is really really confusing).
This also applies to inner child therapy and transactional analysis; I don't dismiss either. I just know of no way to do them. Same with emotrance, as i've already said.
I'm not sure how, then, to answer your question.
sorry bloke, I hadnt backtracked this thread from the beginning, nor picked at it in detail, and just skim read....from that, it seemed very negative feedback from you...."I can't do this, I can't do that becasue,
it just seems to me ..you know the saying..you can take a horse to water and all that..
Hey, seems were having an HP party on the 23rd ...... we have a few musicians on here....Calla bops her guitar on occasion, holistic can beat a drum.....and I sing in a fab frog chorus....wanna join us 😀
This is a little bit silly.
I've been perfectly reasonable with every reply given. But i'm not going to lie about something if it's not possible for me to do. If I can't learn Tai Chi because no one teaches it nearby, what would you suggest I do? Think about your response: is it going to be to chide me by focussing on solely on the word 'can't', or is it to come up with something practical.
You might think it's unacceptable for someone to be 'negative' (which strikes me as a bizarre attitude to have in this forum), but is telling them this actually any better? I think it's just the other side of the coin.
Suggestions are fine, and I always welcome them. But you cannot make a suggestion without accepting the consequence of that suggestion, and that is that I may point out it's not possible for me to do.
So if you are going to just tell someone to 'find solutions', offering an explanation of how would be a good idea. If i didn't want to find solutions, I wouldn't be here in the first place.
I feel any advice I might give would be an absolute waste of my time. So, good luck with your search for the answers to your questions. I feel it might be a long search
With that I bid you goodnight
I feel any advice I might give would be an absolute waste of my time. So, good luck with your search for the answers to your questions. I feel it might be a long search
With that I bid you goodnight
that's your right of course.
you won't know if it's a waste of time until you post it and I respond after considering it.
now who's being negative?
Blokce ,I do not know you but if you re-read your replies you will notice that you come across as very negative or are you looking for ATTENTION,THIS CAN BE A DEFENCE MECHANISM.Perhaps you need to look inwards and see whats really going on in your life.If, as stated that you posted a similar thread in 2004, then it must be eating away at you.You stated that finance may be a problem,well EFT is free,but as with any therapies you must willing to play your part in your own healing.Do you really want to get better,you are your own best friend but along the ROAD you meet people who offer advice and this needs appreciation whether you accept it or not.Im wondering how long you have been suffering,did you have a childhood where you felt accepted,are you now looking for that acceptance from others?
sorry bloke, I hadnt backtracked this thread from the beginning, nor picked at it in detail, and just skim read....from that, it seemed very negative feedback from you...."I can't do this, I can't do that becasue,
it just seems to me ..you know the saying..you can take a horse to water and all that..
Hey, seems were having an HP party on the 23rd ...... we have a few musicians on here....Calla bops her guitar on occasion, holistic can beat a drum.....and I sing in a fab frog chorus....wanna join us 😀
where is this party?
Blokce ,I do not know you but if you re-read your replies you will notice that you come across as very negative or are you looking for ATTENTION,THIS CAN BE A DEFENCE MECHANISM.Perhaps you need to look inwards and see whats really going on in your life.If, as stated that you posted a similar thread in 2004, then it must be eating away at you.You stated that finance may be a problem,well EFT is free,but as with any therapies you must willing to play your part in your own healing.Do you really want to get better,you are your own best friend but along the ROAD you meet people who offer advice and this needs appreciation whether you accept it or not.Im wondering how long you have been suffering,did you have a childhood where you felt accepted,are you now looking for that acceptance from others?
with respect to you, eft has been mentioned already in this thread. I have already said that I don't know what else to try eft with. I'm not sure where I go with it.
I appreciate ALL responses, but please at least keep up with what has been discussed before.
Now there you go again,not even appreciation,I am totally aware of what has been said,Im not sure you DO,this thread is a waste of tme,why did you post here looking for HELP if that is your attitude???
where is this party?
Bless you, bloke. It's a cyber party!!!:p But it's still fun.:)
BTW did you do what your Aunty Sunny said and put a smile on your face? Watch a funny video/youtube clip? Get some endorphins going. Did you see the clip of the orangutan and the hound and say 'ahhh'?
where is this party?
Our cyber parties are a bit wacky sometimes
if you have some time on your hands heres one of our previous "do's",
you really do need to start from holistics 1st post and folllow it through to the end
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened a serious mistake in the image in that post, so the info in it is to be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
Following the scheme in that image can do harm, though unintentedly from my side, and therefore intentedly by those who delayed posting this warning.
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
Once again (3-rd time);
There happened a serious mistake in the image in that post post, so the info in it is to be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
If someone follows that, there can be harm done, though unintentedly from my side and therefore intentedly by those who delay posting this warning.
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened a serious mistake in the image in the post, so the info in it is to
be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
Following the scheme in that image can do harm, though unintentedly from my side,
and therefore intentedly by those who delay posting this warning.
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened a serious mistake in the image in that post, so the info in it is to
be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
Following the scheme in that image can do harm, though unintentedly from my side,
and therefore intentedly by those who delay posting this warning.
There's Su-jok Onnuri acupuncture, much easier to understand and even
do yourself on fairly serious level:Anxiety - excess of Dampness energy
Stress - usually excess of Dryness energy, lack of Heat
Fear - excess of Cold energyThe whole group of Gomo-energies.
Recipe: sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, + control point on joints, which you can do yourself by taping seeds/crystals onto.What looks good is the active scepticism in your posts:
1. seemingly enough energy to start acu schemes.
2. Acupuncture doesn't need emotional/mental efforts or smth
one may dislike like "love your haters" etc. Changes are on vital energies level which draws emotional + mental energies in the same direction.The acu scheme:
a) 1-st thumb joint, 3 points size 2-3 mm at 90* to each other, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 if on the clock face.
b) wrist line, point 4 at 6.00You:
1. mark them by their colours on the image by a colour pen
(very mild action, for children)
2. tape either:
--- 2 RED plant seeds like red pepper, carrot, best is viburnum (guelder rose) on points 1 and 2 and green seeds like lentils on points 3 and 4.
--- 2 red crystals like red garnet on 1 and 2 and green like amazonite, peridote onto 3 and 4.
Seeds are to be changed for fresh every 12-24 hours and crystals
put in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours, so good to have 2 sets of them for non-stop treatment.
You have them taped for 30 min and up to 24 hours a day, according to feelings.Such simple acu worked sometimes so strongly that I had to add correcting schemes for more comfort.
There happened a serious mistake in the image in that post, so the info in it is to
be ignored, or just seen as an example of Su-jok treatment.
Following the scheme in that image can do harm, though unintentedly from my side,
and therefore intentedly by those who delay posting this warning..