Hi, I'm currently suffering from extreme anxiety/stress and fear (possibly PTSD). I am looking to try some alternative approaches, but I have no money. I don't know whether things like Reiki help or even work, but I don't know what else to do. I don't want drugs and I have no where else to turn. I live in North Somerset. Thanks.
There is I lost a better link from where i came across the idea from searching various forums.
I've not heard of PEAT. What reasoning is it that says it's effects cannot be permanent. On my understanding of the principles of energy behind how EFT, FREEWAY-CER and other meridian therapies (such as accupuncture, accupressure etc.) work, there is no reason for them not to be permanent, if applied correctly.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
PEAT is very popular in Russia and other eastern block countries, having penetrated there before EFT (I brought the very first workshops in EFT there only in early 2008). I am not trained in PEAT but as far as I know it is indeed a derivative of EFT and as such is probably quite effective but has various "bells & whistles" and a "spiritual" dimension added to it which tends to put me off as I prefer the simplest and most straightforward way to help myself and clients. I believe PEAT's developer Zivorad Slavinsky occasionally teaches in London.
After reading that, I can't help seeing this in my mind...
Seriously though...
I've had a read through the link you've provided and struggle to understand how the author on there can talk about oneness and being free of duality when most of the text is written in a dualistic manner. It talks of "I created" and "your problems" etc. Does the author use PEAT themselves?
Until recently only a small, selected, number of people knew about this process. The reason for this is simple: Neutralization of one’s Primordial Polarities was a secret for many centuries, within systems such as Tarot, Middle Age alchemy and 19th century occultism.
Keeping things secret imparts a sense of "me and mine" or "ours and not yours". This is a dualistic belief and would indicate that the truth was not known by those who claim to now it. I would certainly like to hear more about how these systems purportedly held these "secrets" as I've a fair idea about the history of some of these things myself and the only things that are considered "secret" about them are mostly new-age ideas and theories, not known history.
On this site:
I see that it is said:
In both Deep and Shallow PEAT there is only touching of the acupoints, not tapping. In Deep PEAT we follow a chain of responses that are from the client directly.
EFT (and FreewayCER and other meridian techniques) can also be done with touch and do not require tapping. In fact it is even possible to 'mind' the technique and do it without any touch at all. Not quite sure what is meant by "follow a chain of responses that are from the client directly" in the sense that that would be any different to how an EFT (or other meridian therapy) practitioner would work.
At present I can't really see any difference in the technique apart from PEAT making claims that it somehow exceeds the techniques of EFT, but just claims and that's it.
On this site:
Other techniques only focus on the ‘presenting polarity’ which is why a problem often returns For example a person may find that they consistently sabotage success – during the process what might come up is an opposing polarity such as failure which had been created at some early point in the persons life through a series of beliefs. The Peat process neutralises the polarities as they surface causing the ‘game’ to stop.
If that really is the belief of the author there, then they do not really understand the other techniques. Out of all the treatments I've given, both to myself and others, I've only ever had one person come back and say that the issue has returned. It turned out the cause of that was external, so whilst the issue had been dealt with for the person, they had had it re-introduced by not dealing with the external influence that caused it the first time around. In that case then, it hadn't returned, it had been recreated.
If clients are sabotaging the success (which is a potential in any therapy), then the treatment has not been completed and only left part way, or the client has been instructed to continue self treatment between sessions and has not followed those instructions. The other techniques are just as capable at causing the 'game' to stop.
Peat may not be based on EFT (as it says), but neither are some of the other techniques. FreewayCER for example is rooted in different history than EFT but does contain some meridian tapping techniques in a similar manner. Having trained in both, they are both just as effective at treating issues, but I find Freeway works more swiftly by it's nature. However I wouldn't go around claiming that Freeway is better than EFT, just that it allows treatements to be dealt with quicker, which is good for the client. If a client prefers to have EFT, I am more than happy to use EFT.
I've come across many different meridian techniques some which do not make any big claims and work well, and others that claim to be "better" in some way, but turn out to be just the same as others. A lot of it comes down to the "creator" of these systems trying to market their system and make it stand out from the rest. Obviously, in recent years, complementary therapies have been seen as a growth industry and there have been many that have jumped on the band wagon, whether it's with new forms of reiki that they have developed or "channelled" or whether it's with new massage techniques, or meridian energy techniques etc.
At the end of the day, the techniques that seem to stand out as the most effective are a lot of the original ones or the ones that have just kept things simple and understand that it only has to be simple to work. Too many people try and add in their own things to claim it's somehow better. I'm more than happy to look into them, but often I'm dissappointed by how much similarity they have to already existing systems.
As they say, "if it aint broke then don't fix it". Simple Reiki works, so we don't need Dolphin Reiki or Angelic Reiki etc. (not that people can't do those if they want), and we don't need 20, 30, 40+ etc. more symbols adding to the system. Likewise, EFT is a simple system and it works, if used correctly and understood properly. FreewayCER originated at about the same time as EFT, albeit not marketed as hard as Gary has done with EFT, and it includes some more elements and techniques, but they are simply a toolbox to allow work with different clients with different needs; the elementry tapping is the core of the process.
So, I guess what I'm saying is, even though I've sounded quite judgemental in this post, you shouldn't just actually go on what you read. I'm sure PEAT offers a very effective technique for dealing with issues; just as effective as EFT, TFT, FreewayCER or any of the others. But I wouldn't listen to any claims that one is better than another. Put them to the test and find out for yourself, and when you truly understand how they work you get to realise that they are really all the same, especially when you look at the techniques and ignore any of the new-agey mumbo jumbo that is sprinkled over it.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
I don't know whether peat or any other eft derivative/whatever is effective or not. I'm just concerned that eft may not offer anything more than a temporary fix.
Hiya bloke
Reagrding your question about whether EFT is only a temporary fix, you may be interested to read this information:
Does EFT have lasting effects? QUESTION: Do the effects of EFT last or are they just around for a while and then wear off as most suggestion techniques do?
ANSWER: Again let me quote Gary Craig on this question. He writes as follows.
“EFT’s results are usually permanent.
The case histories (seen in Gary Craig’s course and those reported by many others) are filled with reports of people who have had lasting results...even though the problem was relieved in moments. This is still more evidence that EFT is addressing the true cause of the problem. Otherwise, the remedy would not be so long lasting.
Please remember, however, that EFT doesn’t do everything for everyone. Some problems seem to reappear and that is usually caused by different ASPECTS of the original problem showing up at a later time. The experienced student of EFT will recognize this and simply reapply the method to this new aspect. In time, after all aspects have been addressed, the problem usually goes away completely and does not return. Sometimes the cause of reappearing problems is due to ‘various physical causes’.."EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington
[DLMURL] http://www.masteringeft.com/Questions/Does_EFT_have_lasting_effects.htm [/DLMURL]
HTH and that you will decide to give EFT a try.
I have had personal experience that it worked for me. It is best to tackle your problems bit by bit, rather like chopping down the trees in the wood which won't disappear straight away. I hope this makes sense to you. I also suggest you make records of your positive results as this will provide motivation for you to progress further.
Do let us know how you get on.
Best wishes
I tried the local chemists but they don't stock rescue remedy. I've spoken to counsellors before in the past and they just weren't much help at all. At least not for me. I can't go into details about my problems because I'm afraid to discuss it. But I've had emotional problems throughout my entire life which compound things. In short my family treated me poorly in terms of raising someone with love. Consequently it has left me, at best, very insecure and lacking in self worth or confidence. I have no one to talk to, especially as I live in the countryside (though nowhere near Glastonbury unfortunately).
You have us to talk to... not as good as being with the physical, but at least you will find advice support and love on here.
This may sound harsh, but I do feel that it is only you who can truly help you. If your counsellors did not help, then perhaps getting in touch with your spirituality may aid you, and give you a feeling of more confidence and contentment, perhaps fill any void you may feel is in your heart and soul. Seek to join a spiritual development circle...they are usually free if they are an open circle and the folks are usually very nice and often go along on their own. It's a good way to make friends and contacts and to get used to interacting with people in groups.
We are never truly alone. Our guides are always just there...waiting for you to make the connection and ask for help. Ask to be taken where you need to go...but this must be done with a little self faith and belief on your part.
I don't dismiss them. I just can't afford the ones i've found. However I will say I am extremely sceptical of homeopathy given that it works with doses that are too dilute. You must understand I don't have access to a lot of these alternatives where I live and the ones I have found charge more than I can possibly afford. I don't begrudge people earning a living - I just can't afford it. What is vibrational medicine and does it work?
You can also receive free healing and reiki at your local spiritualist church. This may help you, at least with your stress and depression. You can only give it a try.
Your chemist would probably order Bach Rescue Remedy for you, if you ask them.
I don't know whether peat or any other eft derivative/whatever is effective or not. I'm just concerned that eft may not offer anything more than a temporary fix.
I've used EFT to help many hundreds of people, probably 1000+, as well as myself, and if done properly (like any therapy) it is absolutely not a temporary fix - which is obviously my highly biased and subjective opinion. Unfortunately some people present it as a one minute wonder - which it can be on a rare occasion, but most of the time it requires work and perseverence over weeks, with complex problems sometimes months or longer. Whichever approach you use, there really isn't such a thing as a quick fix.
In terms of proving efficacy, I understand that Forth Valley NHS Trust will be publishing some results of clinical trials of EFT for post traumatic stress disorder some time in 2010, and it will be interesting to see what they say. There is little research on EFT so far - but what's available sounds quite promising (the overview of research can be found ) though critics do question the rigour of some of those trials - the one which is due to be published next year should be of very high standard.
You can also receive free healing and reiki at your local spiritualist church. This may help you, at least with your stress and depression. You can only give it a try.
I don't have one. There used to be one years ago almost nearby (travel costs a fortune). Even then I found it all a bit austere. I had healing there once, and it was very relaxing. But in the fullness of time I'm not sure it had any permanence. I can't really comment for sure as it was a while ago.
I've used EFT to help many hundreds of people, probably 1000+, as well as myself, and if done properly (like any therapy) it is absolutely not a temporary fix - which is obviously my highly biased and subjective opinion. Unfortunately some people present it as a one minute wonder - which it can be on a rare occasion, but most of the time it requires work and perseverence over weeks, with complex problems sometimes months or longer. Whichever approach you use, there really isn't such a thing as a quick fix.
In terms of proving efficacy, I understand that Forth Valley NHS Trust will be publishing some results of clinical trials of EFT for post traumatic stress disorder some time in 2010, and it will be interesting to see what they say. There is little research on EFT so far - but what's available sounds quite promising (the overview of research can be found ) though critics do question the rigour of some of those trials - the one which is due to be published next year should be of very high standard.
I was hoping to learn Emotrance, but the website doesn't tell you. I can't be sure if it can be done by oneself as eft can. Again it's not clear, though it looks like something that would appeal more as it doesn't rely on spoken stuff. At least not from my understanding.
I was hoping to learn Emotrance, but the website doesn't tell you. I can't be sure if it can be done by oneself as eft can. Again it's not clear, though it looks like something that would appeal more as it doesn't rely on spoken stuff. At least not from my understanding.
I am not an expert on Emotrance, but yes you can do it on your own. You may need to buy an e-book on it from the site as the free information they provide there isn't enough to learn or practise it.
However, how would you know if it was helping? If it seems to help the first time but not the second or third, would you persevere? What would need to happen for you to stick to the particular self-help approach and continue with it? Just a few questions to prompt some ideas on what it is you are looking for in a method - assuming there isn't such a thing as a quick fix.
I don't have one. There used to be one years ago almost nearby (travel costs a fortune). Even then I found it all a bit austere. I had healing there once, and it was very relaxing. But in the fullness of time I'm not sure it had any permanence. I can't really comment for sure as it was a while ago.
Just how far away from everything do you live?
Just how far away from everything do you live?
I live in a village and bus is the only means to get to the places I can get to, and that costs a small fortune. (A 30 minute journey and the commensurate return trip will cost almost £7).
I am not an expert on Emotrance, but yes you can do it on your own. You may need to buy an e-book on it from the site as the free information they provide there isn't enough to learn or practise it.
However, how would you know if it was helping? If it seems to help the first time but not the second or third, would you persevere? What would need to happen for you to stick to the particular self-help approach and continue with it? Just a few questions to prompt some ideas on what it is you are looking for in a method - assuming there isn't such a thing as a quick fix.
I don' tknow how to answer that; I would assume that, like eft, one would feel the difference leading to a more relaxed state of mind. Also I have no idea how much emotrance therapy would be needed; that's the big question. They claim otherwise but what good is it if you then find you need to keep doing the therapy as there's a seemingly endless parade of blockages and problems. Is that the case with emotrance, or eft? I don't know, im by no means an expert. What i'm looking for is a fix. If that fix takes the rest of your life, is it really a fix at all?
What i'm looking for is a fix. If that fix takes the rest of your life, is it really a fix at all?
Actually, I'm sorry to tell you, Bloke, that actually there is no long term 'fix', certainly not one that is going to sort you our for the rest of your life. Do you think that everyone else except you is 'fixed'? Does it not occur to you that the rest of us, the whole population of the world is going through ups and downs, trauma and upheavals, depressions interlaced with periods of happiness?
Some of us refer to being on 'the path'. What we mean is that we have reached a stage in our awareness where we are realising that we may well be here to learn how to evolve a little higher...I'm sorry if that sounds too off the wall, but it's like many people have said here: if you could just relax a bit, dredge up a little calm and patience, all the pieces of the puzzle will start to fall into place one by one. I don't know what else to say to you because I hear your desperation but it will be OK. In the long run....
Hi Bloke,
You could try CBT, you say that you can't afford it but there are some resources you could try that are free to access-
good luck
Have you seen this thread, bloke?
What i'm looking for is a fix. If that fix takes the rest of your life, is it really a fix at all?
I would agree with Sunanda, that you are unlikely to find a "fix" - if that is what you are looking for, I am afraid you are bound to be disappointed.
I am sure that there are many, many people who use this forum who have stories to tell of turning their lives around dramatically, from fear, sadness, anxiety, trauma, depression, to a path of growth and discovery. But I would be astonished if any of them report making that change in a week, month or even 6 months. For me personally, I would say it took about 5-6 years of persistence, perseverance, hope, failure, hope again and so on, before I could say categorically that my life has changed positively in such a way that there is no way back to the previous existence.
By the way, for some years I was doing this work on my own, without asking anyone for help - from self-help books, courses (free ones and those I paid for by credit card as I couldn't afford it at the time) - at the time I mistakenly thought that I had to be "strong" and manage on my own. So whilst my reasons were different to yours, from personal experience I can say that it is possible (if more challenging) to make significant changes without outside help. But I would suggest putting aside both the expectation that something will work quickly and the search for that magical fix; use what you have already - books, any techniques or approaches you may have tried, and give them a fair bash over a period of time, before moving onto something else.
I would agree with Sunanda, that you are unlikely to find a "fix" - if that is what you are looking for, I am afraid you are bound to be disappointed.
I am sure that there are many, many people who use this forum who have stories to tell of turning their lives around dramatically, from fear, sadness, anxiety, trauma, depression, to a path of growth and discovery. But I would be astonished if any of them report making that change in a week, month or even 6 months. For me personally, I would say it took about 5-6 years of persistence, perseverance, hope, failure, hope again and so on, before I could say categorically that my life has changed positively in such a way that there is no way back to the previous existence.
By the way, for some years I was doing this work on my own, without asking anyone for help - from self-help books, courses (free ones and those I paid for by credit card as I couldn't afford it at the time) - at the time I mistakenly thought that I had to be "strong" and manage on my own. So whilst my reasons were different to yours, from personal experience I can say that it is possible (if more challenging) to make significant changes without outside help. But I would suggest putting aside both the expectation that something will work quickly and the search for that magical fix; use what you have already - books, any techniques or approaches you may have tried, and give them a fair bash over a period of time, before moving onto something else.
It's not so much that I expect a quick fix, that I want something that can help and that is helping. Like I said i haven't been able to get anywhere with eft since I first tried. I don't know what other things to try without asking. I don't discount self help, but being stuck on my own is part of the problem. Not knowing what self help to turn to is another. The number of books on the shelves is overwhelming - that itself is a source of worry. Who has the right answer? Do you fear the consequences of not buying into their belief system? Who's genuine?
Have you seen this thread, bloke?
I'm looking at it. It's how i try and get by everyday, but it just feels like treading water in a slowly increasing pool. I try meditation, but that's a long and hard road. I'd like to do qi gong and stuff like that, but again the lack of available tuition. I tried contacting an emotrance practitioner but she hasn't called back; she will have to work for free as well (or near as). I've also been following You Can Heal Your Life, as my other thread attests, but that has problems as well, knowing how to proceed with affirmations.
Who has the right answer? Do you fear the consequences of not buying into their belief system? Who's genuine?
Who has the right answer? Well, I don't think there is just one right answer. I think there are loads. What may well be the right answer for you at this moment in time could well be supplanted by another right answer this time next year - or tomorrow for that matter.
Do you fear the consequences of not buying into their belief system? Who me? Not for one single nano-second. What consequences could there be anyway?
Who's genuine? Well, everyone really, each in his or her own special way.
Does that help? Honestly, bloke, I would love somehow to be able to say the right words or wave the magic wand which will stop you worrying so much.
There's just a complete and total dearth of any kind of spiritual/healing opportunities/community locally (apart from some acupuncture i can't afford). I've tried to find chi kung and nothing. Even the local libraries are poorly stocked (although books make a poor substitute at best) as most of the stuff in these areas they do get in just get stolen!
You know, bloke, it strikes me that what you could do with right now is simple human company - whether it be of a spiritual nature or not. You would be surprised how many apparently 'normal' people turn out to have an interest in spiritual matters when you get to know them. People don't go round with labels on. So how about going about things in a different fashion and just trying to get to know a few more people no matter who they might be. I know you live in a village and don't have any money but there must be some way just to spend time with people.
You haven't talked about who you live with, though you've mentioned that your family are not loving...is there no one at all you can talk to/spend a little time with? How about visiting old people? It's often a help if you can get outside your own worries and start to focus on other people, who often have practical problems to deal with. Are there any old people who you could shop for - that way you might be able to get some of your fare paid.
I was also wondering about your diet. If you are eating unhealthily that can have a huge effect on your mood.
At the moment there just seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for you, does there? But truly we all go through these long dark nights of the soul....and nothing ever lasts forever.
Hiya Bloke...I send you love, healing and strength and I hope you eventually drag yourself out of the black hole that you seemed too have dug for yourself.
Good luck.
I need to be with people i have something in common with, more my own age. That's the problem. Helping elderly people is no doubt rewarding and a great idea in our society which doesn't give the elderly a fair deal. But that's not what I need, besides I don't know any old people and just knocking on the door as a complete stranger isn't going to be well received.
I need to be with people i have something in common with, more my own age. That's the problem. Helping elderly people is no doubt rewarding and a great idea in our society which doesn't give the elderly a fair deal. But that's not what I need, besides I don't know any old people and just knocking on the door as a complete stranger isn't going to be well received.
You could try your nearest volunteering organisation in your area.
Are you sure people of your own age could be putting up with your completely negative attitude Bloke ?.
I need...
The thing we all need is to learn things like kindness. If we haven't had very good examples of this in our lives it's hard. We can end up being preoccupied with our needs. We have to start somewhere; anywhere in fact. Then in time somehow our needs get met. But the motive to benefit another is often where it all starts. When we learn to be kind to another we then, in time, may learn to be kind to ourselves. Slowly we have to then learn to wish good on all those we meet. To become whole we have no option but to learn to bless those who have caused us harm. There is just no way to escape this.
Meditation will be hard and may even be worse than a waste of time without "kindness."
Bless you!
There's just a complete and total dearth of any kind of spiritual/healing opportunities/community locally (apart from some acupuncture i can't afford). I've tried to find chi kung and nothing. Even the local libraries are poorly stocked (although books make a poor substitute at best) as most of the stuff in these areas they do get in just get stolen!
When I began searching for "something" I came on here and asked lots of questions and when I tried to follow up some of other folks ideas I discovered that where I lived there was nothing and I thought,.... if only I lived somewhere else where there was proper opportunities then everything would be alright and I also thought about how it was not fair that I was here placed in this position of no spiritual/healing opportunities.
But think about this.... there are people the world over.
All of us are Loved where ever we are, regardless of our situation or circumstances.
No one is Loved any more or any less than any other.
That means that where ever you are, you are Loved and can access that Love at any time in any place within your being.
Who has the right answer? Do you fear the consequences of not buying into their belief system? Who's genuine?
You have the right answer within you.
You are totally genuine.
Believe in the Love that you are.
Asking for help is one step.
Learning how to accept it is another.
I didn't even have the words on how to ask,
so I asked for help with the asking
and then I had to ask for help with the accepting of Love within my being.
Love isn't just for Christmas but for every day and every living and sleeping moment of every year.
Just sharing a possibility.....
Be you and celebrate where you find yourself..
go out, when you feel ready to,
you can say....hello world
this is me
this is where I am...
you can walk the pavements and you can say in your heart...
I am Loved
and as you pass folks
you can think...
You are too!
Who's genuine?
Just some other suggestions, if my post doesn't make sense grammar-wise-it's because I'm still bleary eyed and pre caffeine hit 😮
If you haven't already done so, perhaps join online support groups that are speficially for PSTD, anxiety or depression. I haven't googled, but I would hazard a guess there could be some which have a chatroom facility or links to RL meet ups in your area. Also, if you 'talk' to a lot of people online, maybe install Skype ( i think this is free to download and install) which enables you to talk to people as you would a phone call.
Have you thought of Tai Chi classes? I've been told by someone who does this that it's very good for redirecting your concentration and emotional wellbeing. If there is an adult education centre near you, there may be classes running, or have a look in the free papers/online.
Re wishing to meet with people your own age, how's about doing a short evening course or selecting a voluntary activity that is likely to bring you into contact with others similiar of age? Or dog walking, while you're on your own, the chances are you're bound to be stopped by fellow dog walkers/people who just want to make a fuss of the dog!:D