Hello again
I've posted so many posts on this topic. Sorry guys 🙂
I get quite scared when people start getting angry and shouting at me and even seeing other people angry when it doesn't involve me. It isn't very nice.
Is it normal to be scared and does anyone here get scared too?
How can you train yourself to stand somewhere and if someone is laying into you, not be scared by it?
I've heard that if there are wounds from childhood this can effect how you relate to other people's anger. Fear or non plussed.
There must be people out there that don't get intimidated by it. I have to say I am quite jealous of them lol.
I personally think there is a lot of conditioning on this planet to use anger to scare people.
Hello again
I've posted so many posts on this topic. Sorry guys 🙂I get quite scared when people start getting angry and shouting at me and even seeing other people angry when it doesn't involve me. It isn't very nice.
Is it normal to be scared and does anyone here get scared too?
How can you train yourself to stand somewhere and if someone is laying into you, not be scared by it?I've heard that if there are wounds from childhood this can effect how you relate to other people's anger. Fear or non plussed.
There must be people out there that don't get intimidated by it. I have to say I am quite jealous of them lol.I personally think there is a lot of conditioning on this planet to use anger to scare people.
I was bullied as child by one girl. That wasn't her laying into me with anger, she was a child herself, doing what children do...some bully some get bullied, some don't have any of bully-bullied dynamic.
I got upset, very upset, and very fearful of that girl and that situation. My parents complained, the teacher, my parents spoke to that child, her parents....nothing came of it.
Then they just raised my spirit, in a number of ways...they broke my inner narrative of fear and upset and undermined the bully as well as my response to ...it is hard to explain, because on face value it may feel to you that they just plainly Ignored me...which is true. They just were able to see that I was caught up in this fear dynamic more than I needed to and while being warm to me, they went cold turkey to my narrative and the emotional chaos I was caught up in. I saw their spirit clearly....they just didn't entertain this fear....I began to undermine it too. I was taught and conditioned to respond in that way. They broke that dynamic. They conveyed to me in many ways to stop being the keeper of my fear and upset....That was hard love on their part. It was liberating for me. The girl left the school soon after my inner switch. Peace reigneth
That was the end of me being fearful of most things. In the hind sight, I see how my parents instilled that sense of courage and that was one of the most amazing things that happened to me.
One can get too caught up Mentally. And that is the only problem. The inner narrative, the philosophical involvement, emotional responses, spiritual insights, dilemmas etc can cloud ever present simplicity.
Problems may seem profound and yet solutions are so simple that we overlook them constantly
You think too much. You have read too much. You invest heavily into the thought process about this dynamic within you.....why, how, who, etc questions have Highjacked your line of thought, which my seem like you are looking for a solution by doing so. Truth however is that all the energy is kept in place.
You are no more fearful than the next person. But of you keep impressing that upon yourself, then you are very frightened, frazzeld, upset, delicate..or whatever else you keep telling yourself.
I personally fear is used more than anger to scare people on this planet....
Anger and fear are two sides of a coin. they are one. A bully is extremely fearful. Hence all the anger...
And also we are deeply engaged with our own suffering. People give up a lot, but seldom like to part with their own suffering.
This dynamic has to be understood clearly, then the inner narrative can begin to change.
So don't be a keeper of your fear, or it will keep you forever
Are people that are better adjusted able to cope with anger better and not be disturbed by it?
Are people that are better adjusted able to cope with anger better and not be disturbed by it?
Better adjusted to society, people around you?
You can spend the whole lifetime adjusting to people and the world. you will never adjust because one...it is never ending adjustment, infinite adjustment ensues, not much value And the whole effort is frankly boring and tiresome.
Yet all these bumps are somehow necessary to make it smooth within. Paradoxically indeed.
I have seen well adjusted individuals and their personal life picture of dysfunctionality.
As you adjust within yourself, the equilibrium within you brings an equanimity towards good and bad within situations and people. Your responses are likely to get real rather than cerebral and habitual. Emotions come and then they go. Life flows,. No attachment to 'good' no rejection of 'bad'.
What if you could see for a second and then eventually settle in the understanding that the way you deal with people is just the way it needs to be in this moment? Would you still be confused?
What if your fragile, frazzled responses are an absolute must to experience, so you can become solid within.
Life is more precise than we think. She knows what you need....we only know what we want
We don't trust life one bit- only our own understanding. Which complicates life.
Hello again
I've posted so many posts on this topic. Sorry guys 🙂I get quite scared when people start getting angry and shouting at me and even seeing other people angry when it doesn't involve me. It isn't very nice.
Is it normal to be scared and does anyone here get scared too?
How can you train yourself to stand somewhere and if someone is laying into you, not be scared by it?I've heard that if there are wounds from childhood this can effect how you relate to other people's anger. Fear or non plussed.
There must be people out there that don't get intimidated by it. I have to say I am quite jealous of them lol.I personally think there is a lot of conditioning on this planet to use anger to scare people.
Hello Poppy I can relate to this. Having once been in a violent relationship raised voices and aggressive language are still something I don't like even tho the relationship ended decades ago. But I know that the problem isn't with the aggression - but with my reaction - especially if it isn;t aimed at me. I used to be like you, but I learned not to be. Whether the people are conditioned to use aggression I don't know. But I do know you can condition yourself to react in a different way
I've heard that if there are wounds from childhood this can effect how you relate to other people's anger. .
This is exactly what soul retrieval deals with.
This would be fab so I feel absolutely no fear hahahaha
This topic should be called other people's anger instead.
This would be fab so I feel absolutely no fear hahahaha
This topic should be called other people's anger instead.
Other people's anger and your own are not two different things....now, that's a trouble, but that also is liberation
What you mean they're one and the same ??????
It is ONE consciousness. What you see in the other is also within you, degrees may vary, but everything essentially belongs to all- all the good and all the bad . Mine-thine arises because eye habitually sees forms, not the continuity of consciousness
I hate seeing anger in people and I hate seeing people angry. I saw a girl once stomp about and smash a door really hard behind her. I know it's wrong but part of me wanted to go over and smack her in the face. How bad is that?
Puts you on the same level as them and it's anger feeding anger which never works.
The anger is in all of us and we are seeing what's inside ourselves through other people.
I'm starting to recognise that this is just how it is.
Another girl I knew got shoved so she did it back but it ended up in a mini fight. I read about another woman who got pushed so she pushed the other person back.
I hate seeing anger in people and I hate seeing people angry. I saw a girl once stomp about and smash a door really hard behind her. I know it's wrong but part of me wanted to go over and smack her in the face. How bad is that?
Puts you on the same level as them and it's anger feeding anger which never works.
The anger is in all of us and we are seeing what's inside ourselves through other people.
I'm starting to recognise that this is just how it is.
Another girl I knew got shoved so she did it back but it ended up in a mini fight. I read about another woman who got pushed so she pushed the other person back.
Now you seem to notice this a lot.
There will be a time when you will see other form of energy playing out like chilled ones, settled ones and so on.
passing parade.
Neither get too attached to the parade nor reject it.
Passing parade- watch it, it is passing anyway. Don't own or disown it
Actually you are very right.
I do notice others. I saw a real act of kindness once between one person and another and it was so lovely it made my heart melt.
The gentleness that people have when they have dealings with each other.
I guess everything is energies so you're attracted to the energies you are attracted to. I've also noticed that certain things on the earth plane grab your attention. I guess it's because of the energies you are made up of and you resonating with them. Someone else might be different.
Tbh I have both of the energies I've described on here in me probably.
Actually you are very right.
I do notice others. I saw a real act of kindness once between one person and another and it was so lovely it made my heart melt.
The gentleness that people have when they have dealings with each other.
I guess everything is energies so you're attracted to the energies you are attracted to. I've also noticed that certain things on the earth plane grab your attention. I guess it's because of the energies you are made up of and you resonating with them. Someone else might be different.
Tbh I have both of the energies I've described on here in me probably.
We are the whole spectrum. Mine -thine is ruled out. What's in the soup, is in us too.
Hello again
I've posted so many posts on this topic. Sorry guys 🙂I get quite scared when people start getting angry and shouting at me and even seeing other people angry when it doesn't involve me. It isn't very nice.
Is it normal to be scared and does anyone here get scared too?
How can you train yourself to stand somewhere and if someone is laying into you, not be scared by it?I've heard that if there are wounds from childhood this can effect how you relate to other people's anger. Fear or non plussed.
There must be people out there that don't get intimidated by it. I have to say I am quite jealous of them lol.I personally think there is a lot of conditioning on this planet to use anger to scare people.
When somebody gets angry with you, you feel scared often because it throws you out of alignment. Your sense of self is affected and there is a need to protect yourself. It's not that people aren't intimidated, but more so that they have developed a stronger sense of self.
Anger between two people really does highlight how connected we are with ourselves and how we relate to others. The deep sensory experience is felt at a profound level as it encompasses the whole of your body and mind.
Often people use metaphors like the Incredible Hulk, as this is the only way to really capture the enormity of the changes that happen when we get angry, as often happens when somebody gets angry with us. The fight of flight response is also activated, which is why possibly you feel scared.
There’s some great ways to help yourself, such as mindfulness. Try Mike Fishers book’s Beating Anger, and Mindfulness and the art of managing anger. They will help you understand more.
Hope that helps 😉
I have really been training myself over the years to not be intimidated. Its taken a while.
Funny you should mention mindfulness as this has been mentioned to me lately.
I think you heal as you go along and I'm much calmer these days. Back in the day I couldn't deal with anger and I started freaking out.
So my sense of self wasn't as strong?
Weird how I should be like that.
How have you been training?