This isn't really a mens health problem, but i'm a man so.. 😀
Up until i was 11 i was tongue tied (had an extra peice of skin underneath my tongue which prevented me from sticking it out very far..) it wasn't ever a problem..i thought it was cool..but when i wanted to kiss a girl i had a crush on she was freaked out by it... so i arranged to have it removed..simple operation..
But alot of people (friends and family) have said that i talk really low, and i do sometimes stumble over my words.. i used to have low/no confidence but i'm pretty confident now.. it just crossed my mind that perhaps the reason i have problems speaking out loudly/clearly is because i was tongue tied?...i still can't do that "Rrr" know...the cheesy seventies cat purr thing..
Find a speech therapist and have a few sessions - I used to work with one (I was a carer for a young profoundly deaf girl), and she saw all age groups, - fantastic to watch as people gained more confidence.
Blue crystals will help to open your throat chakra, as it may be blocked. Blue lace agate would be a good crystal to use.