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prostate cancer is low priority

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Hi all

In todays news it is reported that a group of MP`s is challenging the cancer Tsar whoever that is, to explain why prostate cancer is low priority in the NHS.

Sounds like a good time to lobby your MP`s - copy and paste this post and edit it and e mail it to your MP- you should find him or her on [link= ][/link]

The following possible questions or observations may be relevant.

Why is there no PSA screening program for us men ?

(supposed answer - because it is innacurate, and a positive PSA does not mean the big C)

Counter questions.

OK - not all positive PSA results lead to a malignant diagnosis, but even the non malignant condtions need properly identifying and treating.

What percentage have absolutely nothing wrong with them ?

If screening is only to be justified on a high percentage identification rate, how is breast cancer screening justified ? What percentage of positive mammograms turn out to be malignant. What percentage of mammograms give a positive result ?

Supposed answer - PC is a slow disease- you will probably die of something else anyway.

Counter question.

What percentage are actually aggrressive, and how else can you find them?

I may not die of something else, or at least not until much later, lets deal with what I have got now?

A supposed answer " those male whimps will all commit suicide at the shock of being told they have a high PSA and that now other tests are needed"

Counter comment - B***s, nearly physiogically correct-as close as I can politely get anyway.

Observation - By the time we have identifiable symptoms the condition is already well advanced.

Observation - They are waiting for a better screening test - are they hell- but even if they are PSA screening is about as effective as mammograms, lets have it now and by all means change when something better comes along.

Observation (sorry ladies this is not meant to be sexist) - men tend to be the main earners. Keep us alive and well and we and our families will have fewer demands on the state and will contribute to Gordon Browns demanding coffers for a longer period.

Observation. I would not dream of suggesting that MP`s are driven by self interest - but most of them are men of middle age or more - exactly the target group that is likely to be at most risk, and even the lady MP`s will have their male relatives to be concerned about.

How about a test - arrange a PSA test in parliament for all male MP`s and lords over the age of 45. Not exactly a good statistical exercise,but I bet the results would focus their minds. (for the ignorant it takes less than 5 minutes) - and whether we like that particular individual or not, it might even save a few lives.

Everyone out there please follow the instructions above and lobby your MP

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RE: prostate cancer is low priority

I attended a company training event recently and our resident medical advisor was talking about prostrate cancer in general; and about how men should look after themselves 'just in case'. His arguement was compelling and many of the people I know who were there, like me, now take a supplement called 'A-Beta-Care'.

The medical science of it did a complete fly-by on most of us, but the lay-man's verson was to take it on faith, to a certain degree, and backed up by thick sheaves of research. The supplement has Vitamins A & E, plus Selenium; now I understand that when we got most of our wheat from Canada it was loaded with Selenium, because their soil is rich in it. With most of our wheat now from the Uk and Europe, where the soil is Selenium-deficient, we are missing out on this mineral and we need it.

I never used to supplement, but I have now had my eyes opened dramatically.

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RE: prostate cancer is low priority

Hi Mike I mentioned this problem to a Swiss nurse/surgical sister that I met recently; she informed me that the no 1 cancer at the moment is of the large intestine (prostrate coming 2nd) and I asked her whether this had anything to do with the amount of wheat that we now eat. She confirmed and agreed that it was, although female, I have cut out wheat and yeast from my diet altogether, I recommend others to do the same. It does bring into conscious awareness of what we allow children to eat; all these cereals are not good for them and are creating the potential for serious ill-health in the long term.

On prostrate cancer, in every case that I have looked at the man has worried about money, lost a job, been made redundant, no job for life and some even worked in the insecure financial industry; so metaphysics do play a large role on whether we bring disease into manifestation. My knowing is that we all carry disease in the body and confirmed by the BMA 85% of all disease is brought into manifestation by stress. Stress is created by worry and in the case of cancer the root cause of fear, now being proven by new science and new biology.

So stay positive, don't worry and all will be well at the end of the day; we all create our own reality.

Divine Love
