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Hi Folks.

I recently had stiff and sore knees after a year long course of risperdal consta injections.

I found a cure to the damage it caused, both to my liver and also to my knees.

I was drinking a tea cup of rapeseed oil roughly once a day, at the same time as drinking a liter of Orange Juice a day.

Not only did this heal my knee joints, but it emptied my gall bladder of all the "stones" and freed it up enough that all of the psychiatric poison which had built up in my liver, emptied out in a day.

Since then I have had the lungs of an athlete, despite being a heavy smoker, and also my knees feel like they did when I was a child.

In addition the side effects of the medication are a lot less, and I am not as drowsy due to my liver functioning properly.

The only caution I have from my experience of Rapeseed oil, is that it seems to depress breathing and also it causes nausea in large quantities.

The nausea is useful for purging the liver as the gall bladder drains poison from the liver, into the digestive tract.

If anyone tries this remedy please don't be too shocked if you find green lumps coming from the anus in the stool. I saw one that had been blocking my gall bladder opening, it was like a prawn in shape and it was green, with little pod like protrusions, I have an idea that the Gall stones are a product of the fungus candida albicans as there were fungal rhyzomes attached to the green lumps. There are lots of pages on the internet about Candida and I firmly beleive it is the reason or rather cause of old age.

Your thoughts please !
