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Pain in wrist

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Hi wonder if anyone can give me some advice - I have a very weak wrist, can generally do most things but sometimes I get shooting pains. It can be fine (although a little weak) for weeks then and then it just goes.

I have been to hospital and had x- rays, scans tests etc., Doctors said it wasn't RSI, or Carpal tunnel, I thought it may be arthritis but they dismissed that as well.

I manage to live with it - but I am unable to give massage anymore, if I do I suffer for it the next day.

Has anyone any idea what it may be - I think it may be arthritis, do you get shooting pains with arthritis?

Many thanks:032:

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Posts: 628
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So sorry to hear about your wrist pain.

I recommend a book called Save Your Hands by Lauriann Greene

Here is a link to her website which contains lots of info too:

You don't say how long you've been massaging for or how many you do a day but it sounds to me like you may have an overuse injury.

If you want to continue massaging it might be useful to look into other approaches such as No Hands Massage:

Have you considered seeking massage or doing some self-massage to help relieve your symptoms?

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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My wrist Pain

Hi there,

I am a massage therapist but not overworked! I did two sports massages a couple of weeks ago but nothing since really because of the school holidays. Since then I have had pain in my thumbs which has gradually got worse but also tender elbows and also my hands go numb in the night. When I wake in the morning I feel like every joint in my body is stiff!

Went to the doctors today and having blood tests to check for rheumatoid arthritis :023: I was wondering if I have carpel tunnel? I've only been massaging for 2 years, surely my hands can't be worn out yet?

Any advice, comments would be much appreciated.


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Joined: 18 years ago

Thanks yogajoga......... I ony give massage about once a week now, sometime less, I don't feel it is because of the massage. Could be general wear and tear, which is arthritis? Think I will take another visit to the doctor, in the meanwhile I will check out the sites. Thanks again

Posts: 628
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Joined: 20 years ago

Hi Popeye

Have you done lots of massage in the past? Sometimes over-use injuries occur due to cumulative damage. Are you at an age where arthritis is likely because of you're getting older and as you say it's just natural wear and tear?
