I usually walk 2 x 20 mins walk everyday to and fom work total about 40 mins. When I was really fast my left leg seems to build up lots of tension like an acid building up feels like and it takes a good 10 min rest to rocover from the pain.
Any ideas what this problem is and how I can solve it?
RE: Left Leg
I'm no expert on these "sports" injuries, but it sounds like a lactic acid build up in the muscles.
See the section on Exercise in the Wiki entry...
[link= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acid ]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acid[/link]
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Left Leg
Although, having just read that Wiki entry myself, it seems it's not really Lactic acid build up, but another reaction that people obviously, and mistakenly, associate with Lactic Acid.
RE: Left Leg
Both legs should be suffering in the same way if they are being used identically. So maybe they are being used differently.
Are you walking on a camber? - If so you will be using your legs differently. Walk on the flat. Or perhaps you are walking around a circular track? Balance off by walking the other way.
Have you one leg shorter than the other? It's uncommon but possible. Get someone to look at your knee creases and your buttock creases. If your knee creases are different heights, one shin istaller thanthe other - you may benefit from orthotics.If both knee creases are the same but your buttock creases are different then you may have one thigh longer than the other (again orthotics may be indicated) or you may have compressed your hip joint. Maybe you habitually stand on one leg, or go walking on a camber............
A sports phsio should be able tosort you out.
RE: Left Leg
ORIGINAL: spinal music
Have you one leg shorter than the other? It's uncommon but possible.
I didn't think it was that uncommon. Most people are aware of left and right side components of their body being slightly different. How many people are exactly the same shoe size on left and right feet? 😉
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Left Leg
I agree Giles that we are all assymetrical -but it's not usually enough of an assymetry to make a difference such as may be happening here.
On the other hand many people believe that they have a distinct difference in leg length because the bony promontories at the hip are different heightsbut when looked at by a professional there is no actual limb length difference. The anomaly has arisen because they habitually stand on one side, and their hip jointhas compressed.I gained an apparent difference in leg lengthsome time after I slipped a disc, and was standing and walking badly.
RE: Left Leg
Very valid points Sharon. 😉
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Left Leg
Could be a vascular problem called intermittent claudication (eases with a short rest) or, indeed a muscul-skeletal (mechanical) problem.
Depends on where your feeling it;- around hip, thigh or lower leg, front, back, etc.
Also, as an example tightness around the hip could compromise vascular drainage from the whole limb & cause a build up of lactic acid & other waste products.
Suggest getting a professional opinion on that. My own preference would be an osteopath, but each to their own.
Good luck - Andrew.
RE: Left Leg
Hi Guys,
I have been surveying all my clients for the last 6 weeks, I have 2 sets of identical weighing scales, When clients stand on both sets( one foot on each) I have noted how they distribute weight, some differ by upto 1.5 stones , the average is just under .75 stone. we are slightly assymetrical if you consider foot size etc, but these bigger assymettries are I believe a result of habitual behaviour. I am very interested in movement patterns and currently work in my capacity as sports therapist and exercise instructor to build client awareness of these irregularities that lead to things like unnecessary opoerations, My interest was heightened by my own recent shoulder replacement and subsequent problems to rehab movement. and now have developed a series of tests to ascertain how these imbalances are affecting our functional activities and therefore impacting on our recreational or sporting abilities. I agree with Andrew that his problems would require further investigation.
RE: Left Leg
Thank you all for your advice, although I am still confused on what my problem actually is and who to go and see?
The acid/liquid or strains I am having in my lower front and middle shin part of my left leg. I think it has something to do with the speed I walk at. I do walk quite fast although the same pain should be there in my right leg as well??
It is very annoying and sometimes need a 1/2 mins rest when walking people look at you and mind what your doing?
Any ideas?