My mum has some rather severe varicose veins and has had thrombosis when she was younger and is due to go in for a hip replacement in the next few days.
She is 71 and very concerned about the procedure & I am too I have to say.
She is concerned that they may use warfrin to thin her blood but I was hoping it would be hepron or something along those lines not sure how to spell it.
Any thoughts?
Love & Light
RE: Hip Replacement with severe varicose veins ?
Hi Survivor,
my dad is 72, and had a total hip replacement just before Easter. he had the surgery on the tuesday, was up walking on wednesday and was feeling great! He had an injection every night straight into his stomach to stop any thrombosis - sounds awful but he says it was a tiny thin needle and he hardly felt a thing. He also has support stockings that he has to wear constantly for the next 6 weeks.
I am sure the doctors will take into account your mum's previous history and give her the correct medication, I hope all goes as well as my Dad's surgery did.
(He came home last weekend, a couple of days later than planned due to the wound still draining slightly, but is doing really well now.)
Karen x